Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2034: Would rather contribute than pay

The dew at night seemed extraordinarily heavy, and the sun had been out in the morning for a while and it hadn't dissipated.

People who are going to feed the breeding rabbits have to wait. Feeding the rabbits on dewy grass will cause the rabbits to have diarrhea and then die.

The hounds ran with their owners, and after dealing with the sanitary problems, they returned to wait for a meal.

Normally, the hounds have two meals a day, and they will feed a good meal before entering the mountain.

They can be similar to wolves, and they can stay without food for ten and a half months, but they have to drink water.

When the dog has not finished the meal fed by the owner, the hunter meeting begins.

Li Longji and others watched behind the scenes, but Li Yi sat in front of the stage and said nothing.

In his speech, the host first said what kind of meeting it was, then said why the meeting was held, and then said what the content of the meeting was, and how to hold the meeting in the end.

In fact, it is to turn the unspoken rules among hunters into upright rules, and everyone has an organization.

Like the various associations in Li Yi's time, doesn't Zhong Shaojing have a calligraphy association! Li Longji is the chairman.

The Hunter's Li Longji is inappropriate as the chairman, and Li Yi is also improper.

The next process asked who was suitable to be the president, everyone looked at Fang Daoshi blindly.

No way, old man Shi sits on Li Yi's left hand, Hu Feng sits on Li Yi's right hand, and the left is respected.

All the things in the hut were repaired by Li's family.

The key stone blind man has many guard dogs, and the number is too scary.

He became the president, and everyone had a reason to look at him.

Others become the president and cannot order Shi Xiazi.

Shi Xiazi's home is in Jingzhao Mansion, which currently belongs to the Hunter Conference in Henan Mansion.

Only when Shi Xiazi became the president, he belonged to Henan Mansion.

With the president of the association, the vice president is elected.

Hu Feng was selected. He is Shi Xiazi's younger brother. He has Xun in his body and made contributions to the Tang Dynasty.

Another local hunter became the second vice president, and he was elected by virtue of his ability.

The last vice-chairman gave Fang Taozheng. Fang Taozheng saved the dead dog but erected a monument next to the Martyrs Cemetery.

Isn't a person who fought for ordinary people and the wolves still untrustworthy? He becomes the vice president, and he will definitely help others if they have things.

What's more, his white-haired dog has become a mountain dog. In the future, he might be bred again.

The next one belongs to the board of directors, who are responsible for all aspects of specific affairs. Everyone really chooses them.

There are people who are naturally fit to communicate with others, and it is very convenient for them to communicate.

After the candidates are selected, the key dues have not been confiscated.

There was no charge before. Everyone hunted on their own and obeyed each other's rules.

How much to pay the dues, according to what to pay, not mentioned in the articles of association, only said to be paid.

Everyone turned their attention to Li Yi again, you have a lot of money, you say.

Li Yi moved the microphone in front of him and coughed: huh!

"Money is a thing! Life will not bring death or not. Therefore, as long as the person is not dead, it is very important."


Are you sure your two sentences can be connected? Don't you feel contradictory?

"It’s hard to measure how much you pay directly. Someone has a strong hunting ability and a small population at home. It doesn’t hurt to pay more.

On the contrary, someone has a large population and needs to support the family.

Yes, they didn’t want to join in, but they didn’t dare. All others are members, but they are not. How will they contact them in the future? "

Li Yi is telling the truth, he can only withdraw from this industry if he doesn't enter the club.

The hunters nodded, yes, they refused to join the club. Can they enter the hunter's hut in the future?

"I have an idea, like the tune of Zuyong's tune, every year everyone takes time out to do things.

Such as being responsible for exploring the way to protect the herb gatherers from entering the mountains to clean up the large beasts in a certain area, and so on.

There must be money to maintain this association, and I will pay for it.

I only have one request. Under the same price, Lijiazhuangzi has the right of first refusal.

Zhuangzi first looks at the prey, especially good things. Others pay ten, and Zhuangzi also pays ten, and sells it to Zhuangzi. "

Li Yi came up with a plan, no one suffers, but his profit is low.

He would never do this in order to make money.

If the Orion is rich and has a good life, wouldn't the society develop?

There are a large number of hunter huts, the probability of death and injury of hunters due to hunting is reduced, and the family is stable.

He earns a little bit of his own money, and he earns a lot of life.

Standing on the pinnacle of this world, I have a sense of accomplishment and eat game by the way.

When the orion heard this, they were really happy.

They think that it is better to directly pay for them than to go to work. Paying for the money is distressed and there is no problem in working.

Many people actually think the same way. Even if the money they earn from hunting for ten days is enough to pay the membership fee, they are willing to spend 20 days to pay the membership fee.

Li Yi looked at the expressions of the crowd: "Helping the herb gatherers to go up the mountain or explore the way, he will try his best to arrange when the court does not allow hunting."

"Dongzhu Li, what you said is true?"

"Great, don't delay our hunting."

"What if prey jumps out while we are protecting people? It's not a prey, it's a beast."

"Dongzhu Li, although there is no hunting ban this year, we are willing to take people while hunting. We are not afraid if there are more huts."

"Yes, Dongzhu Li, the people who gather herbs know a lot, sometimes they hunt as well, otherwise they didn't eat it."

"Proprietor Li, the membership fee doesn't need to be too much. In fact, we can't use the money in the association."

"The hunter's hut will be maintained by ourselves in the future, and we will make sure to make more and more things, especially the jerky."

"Sometimes with good luck, there are so many preys that I can't take, so I can only peel some of them and sell them down the mountain. It's a pity that the meat is far away from the hut. Now there are so many huts, you can only find a square place."

The hunters said they were simple and unwilling to let Li Yi spend more money.

Li Yi heard the call from people close to Li Yijin. He thought about it and turned to ask the person behind the scenes: "Lao Bi, what about the crab pastry and shrimp crackers sold by the household department, do you want to advertise?"

"What advertisement?" Bi Gou's voice came out.

"You pay for the advertising, and the Orion's clothes are embroidered with your brand's pattern. When others ask, the Orion's said that the Hube is delicious."

Li Yi asked Bi Gou according to Yimeng's operations, and said that there are clothes, food, and food distributed by three Yimengs in Chang'an on the Luoyang dock.

Orion people think about advertise!

"Is it useful? It won't be the money given out. Are they all the same in the end?"

Bi Gou is skeptical about this, and the things sold by Hubu are different from Yimeng.

Yimeng relies on advertising to wholesale large quantities of clothes elsewhere.

Yimeng is a hand-intensive labor industry. The price of bulk purchase is low, and the cost of production is lower. The division of labor is only responsible for one step.

The price of the same type of clothes produced is lower than others, and the merchants buy more.

Hube sells fried noodles, merchants will buy in large quantities? Didn't you find it before?

"As long as the advertising fee is in place, I guarantee that there is a way to increase sales. How much you can sell in a month without advertising, compare it after advertising."

Li Yi guarantees that the higher the advertising fee, the better the effect.

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