Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2039: It's urgent to fly

   "Erlang should be fine." An old man, two old men, brothers came next to him.

   is actually in his fifties, but when he looks old, there are people who believe in eighty.

   They belong to the Shu area and are located further northwest. There are many ethnic minorities in the area, and there are intermarried people.

   There was an accident in the family, everyone was in a hurry, and a lame leg would lose a good labor force.

   If the root cause of the disease falls again, taking medicine all the year round, the whole family will have a hard time, and the whole family will feel uncomfortable looking at it.

   What’s even more terrifying is that a person with a broken leg like that can die.

   Normally, such a fracture is directly connected, and what happens afterwards depends on the fate.

   "Eat! Send it to Dongzhu Li, Dongzhu Li is a genius doctor."

   The first old man yelled, not knowing whether it was for himself or others.

   His son's child stayed at home, and his wife followed.

   The daughter-in-law’s family is not bad, with a lot of dowries, and the son always looks for something to choose the daughter-in-law, and then the daughter-in-law fights.

   Two people don’t agree with each other. The daughter-in-law is doing a good job in the house. It can’t be said that the son will be married and help the son beat the daughter-in-law, so she always persuades the son.

After    came back, the two stopped beating. The daughter-in-law said that he would not fight back after being beaten, and the son said that the beating was wrong before.

   I want to come to my daughter-in-law not to be so smart and capable, and my son will not always do it.

   Today’s meat was sent by the county magistrate, and the daughter-in-law’s mother-in-law came to see the injured son-in-law.

   More than 300 people came, and the things they sent piled up a hill in the courtyard.

   This is why my son is fighting with his daughter-in-law, and my family talks about his son.

   My own son has a long and two short. People mean that the daughter remarries, takes the child away, and the child changes surname.

   Daughter-in-law is better, she said that she would take her husband away and didn’t want anything else.

   took a section of land, and then boarded a clipper specially arranged by the salt gang.

   There was nothing else on the boat, except for the ballast stone, but his son.

   I've said it, seeing that it is saved, if it is too late, it is worth sending someone alone.


   "Take a break, I'm tired! Oh! My feet hurt."

   Li Yi, who was walking on the mountain road, stopped and shouted, panting.

  Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan wipe their sweat, walking in the mountains is more tiring than jumping on a rubber band! Jumping rubber bands can take turns to rest, hurrying forward.

   No problem for the others, Yubayashi Feiqi, Sixteen Guards, and Rangers are far worse than the forced march.

   "Lift us up and walk for a while, so I can't breathe." Li Yi continued to whistle.

  Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan's faces were reddened, they both understood, Li Lang deliberately, Li Lang usually exercises more intensity.

  Why panting? I didn't even sweat.

   "Go back, let's practice!" Princess Yongmu sat on a big rock and whispered to Xiaolan.

   "It's okay for the two of us. Their practice is different from ours. It's not good to compare them."

   Xiaolan shook her head, she knew how the team was trained.

   The key training cannot be stopped, practice every day, but the training volume becomes smaller.

   "Li Lang, how far is it from the first cabin?"

   Princess Yongmu looked back on the road when she looked back, and cut it out forcibly.

   There is no road. There are few people walking on the mountain. Now it belongs to the forest, with plants of varying heights.

   The team walking in front took different tools to open the way, the branches were knocked out, and the shrubs were cut off with their roots.

  In the operation of marching, the person in front handles the way for the person behind, and moves forward in turn.

   "You can get there when it's almost dark, and you don't need a hunter's hut nearby.

  Looking at the road conditions, the people walked past mushrooms on the mountain, and the hunters didn't care where the people could go.

   Now there are mushroom pickers, team up to the mountain, and use wooden sticks to beat the grass and startle snakes. "

   Li Yi saw rotten mushrooms that were thrown away on the ground. It was not so cold in Luoyang. There are also mushrooms in Chang'an now, with fewer varieties.

   When the heavy snow falls, the mushroom picking operation is suspended.

   But the mushrooms can actually be found under ice and snow, and they are frozen.

   If there is a clump of hay, the snow falls and there are mushrooms in it, you can still persist.

   But no one picks such mushrooms, it's a waste of time and energy.

   "Li Lang, you think about a way to grow pine mushrooms artificially. That's the name... called..."

   "The pine spikes of the blood red rivet mushroom? Can't be planted, you can say other mushrooms, I can do it."

   Li Yi shook his head vigorously. What a joke, truffles can be cultivated artificially, but pine tree nails can't.

   In fact, it is almost the same. Pine tree nails can throw the fungus into the pine forest before picking it.

   Truffles are the same, but truffles are likely to be able to determine the location.

   This blood red rivet mushroom has a high yield when harvested, especially in the northeast. A large number of them are harvested, and the red pine forest is the most, followed by other pine forests, including the Chinese pine.

   "Will the gray mushroom work?" Xiao Lan said.

  "Which varieties of ash mushrooms look at, some can be simple, and you can grow them in baskets.

right! Remind me that this people can develop into an industry.

When    is planted, you can sell it to others for a pound for one pound, and you will earn six bucks from it.

   When the industrial base is improved, we can earn five cents per jin of Datang’s five cents. "

   Li Yi remembered his mushrooms at that time. The price of different mushrooms was different, and the difference was too big.

   are fresh mushrooms, one hundred times the price, artificially grown gray mushrooms have a short growth cycle and high yield.

   The retail price of mushrooms in the supermarket is one yuan and eight, and you can guess how much it costs.

   The golden needle mushrooms from his childhood are sold in cans, which are precious.

   How much money could I make in one month? One hundred twenty thirty, more than five yuan for a can of golden needle mushroom.

   Later, whoever bought canned golden needle mushrooms sold them everywhere. Lun Jin said that he would buy a lot for one yuan.

   "When the time comes, the people will eat mushrooms and fungus, as well as meat, right?"

   Xiaolan thinks of other common people in Genzhuang, who are like the farmers in the village, but they don't think about food, clothing and shelter at all.

   "Eating is one aspect. People, you have to exercise, otherwise you will end up with a bunch of illnesses like...Uh! Some people don't exercise too fat."

   Li Yi wants to say that Anlu Mountain is here, and they are still a teenager now.

After    got a status, he stopped exercising, got a bunch of illnesses, and lost his eyesight.

   I need to be carried away when I go out. It's not so thin at the moment.

   Don't care about Just know this person, he can't make waves.

   "The proprietor, there is news from Bashui Zhuangzi, there is a family in Shudi..."

   The cry of the little robot interrupted Li Yi's thoughts and talked about the person who had broken bones.

   The pigeons flew back to Lijiazhuangzi, Song De saw the situation and did not dare to delay, so he called immediately.

   The little robots send messages to each other, it is urgent.

   Someone had a broken bone and a swollen leg. He took the Salt Clippers down the river and asked the proprietor for help. This person was broken by a stone when he sent something back to Tubo.

   "Order the yacht to go out and replace it with another boat to carry crabs. The crabs can be kept for a few days."

   Li Yi ordered the yacht to go, fast, go to the Yangtze River to pick up people, don't wait for others to come.

   He turned his head to look at the flying machine he was carrying, and looked at Princess Yongmu again.

   "Li Lang is going to take me to fly over? I'm too tired, take Xiaolan this time!"

   Princess Yongmu smiled sweetly and pushed Xiao Lan.

   "Go all, I'll change to a bigger one and go together."

   Li Yi waved his hand, and another large aircraft appeared on the ground under his feet.

   Kneeled down all around, many people really saw the fairy means this time.


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