Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2055: System control beyond expectation

   Zhao Chenlu’s pressure is increasing, there are too many people, he is worried that he will not be able to come through the picture, who can be trusted and who is not, how can I know where to go!

   Fortunately, the people consciously doubt each other and do not allow others to get too close.

   "Li Lang, today's buns are delicious, how did you eat them in Zhuangzi?"

   Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were taken down in the morning, bitten the buns, and found that the taste was different.

   "Normal stuffing for steamed buns is raw steamed or fried. For the stuffing for steamed buns we ate today, the pork was chopped and fried first, just like fried samzi."

   Li Yi gave the answer, of course it was delicious, the stuffing was fried first.

   "It's a waste of meat!" Princess Yongmu said that she understood that if raw meat is steamed, the meat is still meat.

  , the fat is fried into oil, and a lot of lean meat has to be added.

   "I can always eat like this when I go back to Zhuangzi." Xiaolan found that it tasted good.

   "Too many pigs were sent, and if they were killed, they were sent. There is no way to fry them."

   Li Yi said that he was helpless, he was given away, and he could not finish the meal, so he could make a good meal for the people.

   Xiaolan ate two bites of steamed buns: "The local development has been around for a while. Now the people have come up with a lot of things, how do you spend the winter?"

   "The people didn't take it, and the local rich households went out. The better the local development, the richer they are, and the richest households are the best at using resources."

   Li Yi knows the thoughts of local wealthy households and implements the policy before he leaves.

   It is best for the court to pass. When he leaves, the court may not make arrangements.

   The people's mind is not on the wealthy. They eat steamed buns, which are so delicious! Not enough to eat every day or every meal.

   The people who helped to fry the sizzle know that this steamed bun can't be eaten, it's so rich and fragrant.

   Five catties of people have finished frying, can the smashed fruit be worth a catty? Who eats meat like this?

  ‘Om~~humm…’ Countless unmanned lifted off, flying in one direction.

   Li Yi raised his head and frowned. My drone was taken over by someone else. I will fly to recharge the battery, right? You tell me in advance.

   "Is the yacht coming?" Princess Yongmu looked at the sky.

   "It's faster than expected, about three hours ahead of schedule. Don't bump other people's boats on the road. I worry about it all day long."

   Li Yi has already guessed why the yacht arrived so much earlier and guaranteed that his system took over.

   The yacht is moving at high speed, like a lyrics, there are a million possibilities at that moment.

NS! What is one million possible? The system is estimated to be too lazy to move in the face of quantum computers, and crushing is not enough to describe the power of the system.

   ‘Om~~’ A drone flew with a small basket ‘carrying’: "Master, I’m Qingdai, I’ll give you oranges to eat, I’m going to the dock soon!"

   "I'm less than one mile from the dock." Li Yi raised his hand to pick up the basket.

   "I know!" The little girl responded.

   "Come up and eat steamed buns." Li Yi greeted, yes, the drone flies, of course the big disciple knows the distance.

   "Okay! The younger brother was disobedient and had to cut the shredded pork. Now it slips away, what should I do?" The little girl's voice sounded again.

   "No, I am..."

   "Alright! Get off the boat!" Li Guizang was about to explain, the little girl interrupted him.

   "Master~Father~" Li Guizang's voice was full of grievances.

   "Bring the meat, I fry a large egg cake, cut it into shreds, add shredded meat, bean sprouts and mix it with cold dishes."

   Li Yi wanted to laugh, the second disciple was not easy, he was bullied by the senior sister all day long.

  In less than five minutes, a group of people arrived, forty Yulin Feiqi and four Lijiazhuang dealers.

   Zhao Chenlu let out a cry, finally relieved!

   "Proprietor!" Yu Lin Feiqi was dressed in a combat outfit, black, looking handsome.

   "Eat first, today's steamed buns are delicious, first fried scumbags." Li Yi got up and nodded.

   "Master, there is a child on the way here, two or three years older than me? Three or four years old? Four or five years old? Anyway, just like that, he..."

   The little girl pulled her younger brother over and talked about the special situation she encountered first.

   "Ah! Do you want to repair my yacht? At least a full maintenance?"

   After listening to Li Yi, he was worried about the propeller bearings of the yacht when he was thankful that the child was fine.

   Forward, stop, reverse...

   What about racing? How much wear and tear is the car?

   The life span of a major overhaul will be longer, or will it last longer for a new yacht?

  If they are similar, let's get a new one!

   Of course, I would rather break the yacht than hurt the child.

   "Master, I..." Li Guizang has something to say.

   "Hurry up and eat, I didn't see Master eating! I'll talk about something after dinner." The little girl interrupted Junior Brother again.

   "Oh!" Li Guizang squatted.

   "Go back to the teacher, and know what you are going to say, your senior sister is teasing you."

   Princess Yongmu waved and regarded herself as her wife.

   "I know! Thank you, Madam!" Li Guizang smiled.

   "Madam, I miss you!" The little girl rushed over, and after she hugged Princess Yongmu, she hugged Xiaolan again.

   Yulin Feiqi and the farmer grabbed the buns to eat with their hands. After eating, they need to be busy, especially the farmer, who should get started immediately.

   Yulin Feiqi looked messy when he was eating buns, his eyes swept around.

   From the outside, you can see that there is no gap. Forty people have completely sealed off all angles that can be attacked.

  The government officials in the prefecture were stunned, and quickly learned.

   The little girl finally calmed down, and sat with her younger brother on the left and right of Wan Zhaoyuan, eating steamed buns and fish soup.

   ate a steamed bun, and the little girl said: "The skin on my legs is wrinkled and the swelling is beginning to disappear, right?"

   Wan Shaoyuan just finished eating at this time, and Li Yi did not allow him to eat too much.

   "Why didn't I drive out?" Wan Zhaoyuan glanced at his legs, still feeling the same.

   "The spacing of the sweat pores is different. Compared with the other leg, the skin is dull. In addition to swelling and blood supply problems, the swelling becomes smaller after dehydration."

   Li Guizang followed, he studied hard, was smart, and knew how to analyze.

   "My bones are still broken, I'm afraid it will grow well and misplaced." Wan Shaoyuan said his worries, it took too long.

   "It's not like this, don't worry, I'll break it for you if it's a big deal." The little girl comforted the other Zhaoyuan: "..."

   He didn't know for a moment whether he should be fortunate or unfortunate.

   Your little girl speaks so lightly, it’s not your legs, is it?

   "It hurts now, at night, your master, oh, that kind of medicine was given by Dongzhu Li!" Wan Zhaoyuan glanced at Li Yi wryly.

   "The pain can still be relieved without medicine. I will use needles for you...needles...a targeted treatment plan, right, Master?"

   The little girl wanted to get a needle Bianstone treatment, but she suddenly reacted. Why didn't Master use it?

  "Special analgesics are given before going to bed, and human behavior is unconscious.

  Under normal circumstances, analgesics have been used, but the effect is not so obvious.

  I have become accustomed to the pain. Before the operation, if the pain is relieved with acupuncture and Bian technique, people will be mentally relaxed.

   Otherwise, why do you have to put on a plaster, pull up, and add steel plates?

   Actively restrict people's active and passive behavior, so as not to aggravate the injury. "

   Li Yi explained that it is not unavailable. There are several methods.

   Pain relief is important, or future recovery is important?



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