Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2068: Get what you want by the river

The yacht descended down the river, the drone hovered around, and the people watching the night on the shore were in a trance.

The drone flew up and gave it to the night watchman with a gift. There were purchased dried meat and dried shrimp from the Yangtze River.

Some people watch the night at home, and the boat is home.

Others watched the ferry at night, and the post had not only horses running on land, but also boats on the river.

The emergency report of six hundred miles and eight hundred miles will not be missed because of the difficulty of crossing the river at night.

In the old days, the staff of the post station guarding the ferry would send one or two people to shake a boat, and the people would give an egg or a dried ball of rice noodles.

It’s okay if you don’t give it. The postmen at the ferry pass are for training, and there are actually two positions here and the other side.

Send things and letters here, go upstream, and run diagonally to the opposite bank when rowing.

The opposite is also running to the upstream position, diagonally downstream here.

All for the pursuit of speed, it is impossible to fight against the river against the current!

Even when Li Yi’s township ferry was staggered, unless a motor boat was used.

"Fortunately, the people of Datang have no sorrows, and they only rely on the monarchs to watch them day and night!"

A drone dropped a large package to the night watchman, and then flew away.

"Proprietor Li is on the boat, right? I didn't give anything when I went there before, so hurry!"

The night watchman watched the drone's light spot go away and smiled.

"The people who came down the river said that Dongzhu Li flew to Yuzhou just to take a bone to one person. When you see people, you have to go back to Luoyang. Your majesty cannot leave Dongzhu Li."

"I heard that there are still 8,000 people falling into the water.

"At that time, in order to save people, Li Dongzhu let the Yangtze River flow backwards. Didn't you find that the water level of the river dropped for a while?"

"Know! The fish ran to the shore on their own, as if they had long legs!"

The night watchman unpacked the package and said that the more the word spread, the more the Yangtze River flows back.

The purple dragons of other cartoons don’t dare to be so mad, they are just running backwards, so the trick is... 喽哻~ Amoy! It feels like that! The translation is Lushan Shenglongba.

"Meat floss, all meat floss, fish, chicken, duck, pork..."

"Where is duck meat? You know fish and chickens, and you just started to learn."

"I mean: Ah! Meaty."

"I'm too lazy to care about you, as long as you are happy!"


"The bell rang~ the crow quacked..."

When the sky was light, Li Yi took Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan to make breakfast and fried dough sticks.

The side dishes are mixed, the soy milk is cooked by the system, and a layer of tofu skin is picked out.

Xiaolan adjusted the size of the noodles, greased them and cut them into strips. Princess Yongmu helped to stretch and gently put them in the oil pan. Li Yi took the long chopsticks and turned it over and took it out.

The three of them cooperated tacitly and looked so happy.

Li Yi additionally fried the bean paste fried cake with the help of the system, but the bagels and coke rings were not available.

Gu Xuanqing stood not far away with his arms around his wife's waist, and the cool air in the morning brought this deep warmth.

The little robot ran around, helping to put the fried dough sticks in a temporary storage place.

It's not time for dinner, it's only six o'clock in the morning, and everyone doesn't go to morning work.

"When Luoyang stabilizes, take your family to Luoyang and see."

Gu Xuan's child was asleep with his parents, so he didn't shout.

Guzasina thought for a while and nodded: "Prepare the good stuff from home and send it to your majesty."

"It's Gong, isn't it?" Gu Xuan corrected a word and asked the little robot next to him.

"Your Majesty doesn't care what you say, just give things. Your Majesty is very easy-going, always has a smile on his face, and is so gentle when killing people."

The little robot replied, his head twirling.

Gu Xuan: "..."

"Just kidding! No one deserves to be killed by your majesty. While there is nothing wrong, I will take the two of you to find our beautiful and invincible young girl, Invincible, to see if the child is male or female."

The little robot greeted and went to find the little girl.

The little girl and the younger brother got up early, exercised, and practiced Wu Qin Xi.

When I saw them, they just happened to be sweating.

"When I take a shower, it's easy to see the child, but I don't know if the posture is suitable or not."

When the little girl heard the intention, she agreed.

At this time, she was fast. Five minutes later, she changed into a white coat and brought her younger brother.

She doesn't ask Gu Xuan and his wife whether she can lead the younger brother. If she asks, the other party will think more about it.

Without asking, the other party thinks it is normal operation.

After some preparation, color Doppler ultrasound is used.

"This posture is good, you can see, see, there are no handles, daughter, congratulations. I will take a closer look, in case of special circumstances."

The little girl rejoiced first, the other party wanted a girl.

Continue to look, some male reproductive organs are not obvious, think they are female, but in fact they are male.

According to Datang people's concept, we can only find a way to get rid of this kind of situation.

Otherwise, how to raise it after birth? What will other people think?

If the child right now is like that, I guess Li Yi can ask the Gu Xuan couple what they mean, and deal with it when they are born, and become an eunuch?

"No problem, keep it!" The little girl was sure, but she didn't notice the unexpected situation.

Gu Xuan and the two were happy. Gu Xuan helped his wife clean their stomachs and said that Luoyang would raise a few more chickens and lay eggs to eat.

"Eating fish, there are too many people in Luoyang who raise chickens. You go to fish, what a good condition! If you want to eat fish, you can catch it yourself."

The little girl corrects the other party's mistakes, what kind of eggs do you eat? It is enough to eat two a day, and fish at other times.

With Gu Xuan's water nature, he didn't expect to fish and sell for money. He could easily jump into the river to catch fish with bare hands if he wanted to eat fish.

"Okay, eat fish. When I get to the place, I will go down to fish for shellfish."

Gu Xuan listened to the doctor and prepared to show his true strength with swimming goggles.

"It's time to eat, go eat!" The little robot shouted excitedly, as if it could eat.

The speed of the yacht is still very fast, and the drone flies in front to remind the downstream ships to avoid or keep the course.

At dawn, other drones flew to find people who set up stalls and carry burdens to sell things, to see what products were available, and to buy them on board.

Mainly buy seasonal fruits, and then go ahead, buy embroidery products when you encounter them, Su embroidery is beautiful.

People along the Yangtze River already know yachts, even if they have not seen them, they will always hear others say.

Gu Xuan took his family to sit in a relatively quiet place in the restaurant, which Li Yi deliberately arranged, otherwise Gu Xuan's parents would always have to deal with themselves.

Zhou Gang and Yu Lin Feiqi have a meal chatting about things in the southwest.

Li Yi was unwilling to soak the fried dough sticks in soy milk, adjusting the angle of the fried dough sticks, for fear of breaking his palate.

"There are a lot of soy milk boiled, and there are noon dishes, tofu, my favorite, braised pork and tofu."

Princess Yongmu praised tofu, it would be better if you didn't bring braised pork.

"There is also fried dried tofu with minced meat." Xiaolan sipped the soy milk and said.

"I will go to the sea at noon, and the downstream speed is fast. It is easier for others to avoid the yacht during the day."

Li Yi doesn't care what he eats at noon, do it!

When the drone takes off, it will record the situation on both sides of the Yangtze River.

Including topography, hydrology, river embankments, people's clothing, and the growth of trees.


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