Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2070: There are more people passing through the wind and snow

People from other tribes smiled gratefully to Jiang Gang, although because of the low temperature, the facial muscles were more rigid, and it was uglier to laugh than to cry.

No matter who made the decision behind them, they only knew that Jiang Gang was in charge.

If Jiang Gang doesn't help contact, can your majesty know?

I just surrendered this year and immediately arrange things to do.

It just had to confiscated weapons, unlike the clansmen who were standing next to Fu Di.

Even this is not bad! How can there be money-making things to do in winter! Winter consumes the harvest of summer and autumn.

Reserve the grass in autumn and wait for the hard top in winter.

A heavy snowfall in the first two days of this year was replaced by a return to the Tang Dynasty... Hey! OK.

People in their 20s and 30s have never encountered such heavy snow.

They were picking pine nuts at the time, and the teams before and after all went into the woods, relying on the woods to resist.

In the follow-up sledge rescue, everyone was fine, with many people and more supplies.

Family is the most important thing. Those who came to the rescue said that the place to live is stable.

In terms of loss, a few sheep were missing, everyone killed and drank sheep soup, and was tired from snow removal.

By comparison, people from other tribes find that life is better right now.

"At most half a month, let's end the pine nut picking activity and go home to live in the hot kangtou." Jiang Gang thought everyone was anxious.

"Half a month is not enough, it is appropriate to go back a year ago."

Some people are indeed anxious and think the time is short.

Working in the woods makes money every day, with one sheep on the left and one sheep on the right.

"People can bear it, Male. In winter, the animals should be called to rest and feed their fat.

When the horses came back, they couldn't walk anymore. I changed a batch of horses to the resting horses, and I couldn't raise them in a month.

Continuously changing horses, the combat effectiveness of the Heavenly Soldier Army and the Yokoye Army is no longer needed. "

Jiang Gang felt sorry for the horse. He ran for 1,500 miles, wading in the snow, and going back the same distance.

The extra 20% feels less, and an additional 20% is almost the same.

The person who had just objected lowered his head and said nothing. He remembered that all the horses are now being transported, and they cannot be used to carry horses.

"Next autumn comes, winter is not suitable for pine nuts, hunting is fine."

Jiang Gang comforted everyone that next year will be fine next year.

He thought in his heart that he will start farming next year and everyone has work to do.

Teach a group of nomadic tribes to farm, wow!

According to the proprietor, the muscles of the body are used in different positions.

People who are good at horseback riding let him plant seedlings, and in half a day they can throw him into the paddy field with exhaustion, or sit down and walk to plant seedlings.

Why not go forward and plant seedlings? They will step on the seedlings, the legs will spread and bend over, the seedlings will be avoided, and the people will be abandoned.

"It's soup, it's soup." Someone saw that the remaining time was short, greeted everyone, and worked quickly.


"Can you go back in half a month?" In the northeast region, the tribal leader A Jin asked Li Endong, looking at the huge team.

"One month?" Li Endong wasn't sure, the team expanded to 50,000 new people.

With them, there are more than 56,000 people, old and old, and small and small.

Among them, the older people have a low status among their tribes, the kind that should be eliminated in winter.

I don’t know how many heavy snowfalls this winter, instead of leaving the clan and dying, it’s better to sell myself.

To make money for the tribe, go to Datang by yourself, it is best to live, and no regrets if you die.

The children and women in the team, pure slaves, were bought. Generally, the children who were weak and strong were not sold.

The male slaves of other tribes who did not follow to Datang, who were in poor health, took the opportunity to sell them, and don't die and smash them in your own hands.

Li Endong and the others-->>

They did not refuse, they asked for simplicity, as long as they can see the proprietor alive, they can basically be cured.

Of course, there are strong slaves, good merchandise, the other party can't find bad slaves, and is greedy for good things, so they can only change.

Later, the rest of the goods were handed over to Da Zuorong, and the goods will arrive next year.

If anyone’s kerosene lamp, thermos, or small mirror is broken, replace it with him, take it with him when the goods go out next year, and replace it with a new one.

Da Zuo Rong agreed very happily. Li Endong always felt that the other party wanted to make a fortune by selling high prices when others had money.

He can't control it, anyway, he can't bring the goods back to Zhuangzi.

"I promise to go back before the New Year." Fan Fan said, and he was safe when he went to the beach.

The telegram was sent, and the ship by the sea had been prepared.

The receiver was sent to Haizhou, and from Haizhou to Luoyang by train.

The Southwestern savages were tired and looked after the weak.

Seeing noon, there is a relatively flat place ahead for camping.

Southwestern Man is responsible for cooking and stewing, they don't know how to stir fry.

According to the situation of the cauldron, the body is still strong, and the meat is rich in fat.

Thin people give stew skin, tendons, liver, and lean meat.

Thin people have no fat intake for a long time, and suddenly eat oily diarrhea.

Protein and collagen are no problem, not to mention carbohydrates.

If anyone is allergic to protein, don't have to wait now, they will die early.

A woman who specializes in a high price in exchange for a strong body, and a woman who is breastfeeding finishes milking her own child, and then milks the thin child of a thin woman.

They had the best food. The fish caught under the ice layer and quickly cleaned them up. When they were frozen hard, they melted and stewed them.

There is also the thighs of wild boars, and the elbows are not salted. They also eat gluttonously. They are allowed to eat pickles and control the amount.

Because a elbow can be eaten out of salty, it is guaranteed to use more salt than pickles.

Salt is a matter of taste, and you feel comfortable eating a little pickles.

It's like drinking soup, a large bowl of soup with a small spoonful of salt, and it doesn't feel salty when you drink it.

Make pickles separately, add half a spoon of salt, and it will be salty in one bite.

Drinking a large bowl of salt-free soup with one-third of a spoonful of salted pickles is very comfortable, but the salt intake is reduced.

This is the measure taken for the nurses in the team. The nurses understand that they are willing to give.

Having said that, when they return to'home', they will enjoy additional benefits.

They are full of yearning for the home they are looking forward to. As long as they don't take the initiative to wean, they will always have milk.

"Gradually provide them with meat with more oil and water, but with less oil and water, they are not cold-resistant."

Fan Fan brought half a bowl of broth to warm his stomach, and after a stroll, he came back to talk to Li Endong and others.

"Tomorrow, after raising it for a few days, I really should give oil and water." Li Ennan nodded.

"I finally know what is meant by deficiencies. I am obviously short of oil and water, so I can't give a lot of oil and water.

Sometimes medication is more difficult to think about. Without strong medicine, the patient will die, with strong medicine, the patient will die. "

Li Enbei believed that he had realized the true meaning of medicine and went back to study medicine.

"Our proprietor is not afraid, the big deal is...what's the name? Oh! Support treatment."

Li Enzhong swallowed the meat in his mouth, and said, holding back his nausea.

He is tired of eating meat, and he doesn't lack meat at ordinary times.

At present, he insists on clenching his teeth, and the body can't bear it if he doesn't eat. When he returns to Zhuangzi to find Dongzi for some conditioning.

"Yes, feed them well so we can speed up."

Li Ennan ate two more bites of pickles, and finally drink more water.

"Stabilize your emotions, the more you return, the more you will be tested." Fan Fan reminded, don't go wrong.


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