Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2072: Talent is the same for the people

"Gu Xuan, here you are, you don't need fins, and the oxygen cylinder must be worn well."

Li Yi said to Gu Xuan who was in a daze, he dragged a set of equipment to teach Gu Xuan how to use it.

Behind the yacht, the little robots descended first.

They move slowly, so they can only help with netting and lighting.

Li Yi continued to teach Gu Xuan how to use diving equipment. Gu Xuan went down and tried it. When he came up to change the oxygen cylinder, he was speechless for a long time.

He feels that anyone who wears this device and goes into the water is no worse than him.

He relied on his talent and others made up for it with technology.

"Genius is worthless!" After a while, Gu Xuan said lonely.

"You underestimate your talents. The same equipment, if you wear it, still crushes others.

With such a big oxygen cylinder, other people will consume it in less than three quarters of an hour, and you will be fine for an hour.

The long time you dive is not only because of your large lung capacity, but also because you can exclusively supply oxygen to the heart and brain. "

Li Yi is still so envious and jealous, different people have different oxygen consumption.

"Really?" Gu Xuan asked, he wanted to regain his confidence from Li Yi's answer.

"When you compare the number of things you fish for and the number of times you change oxygen cylinders, you will understand.

But this refers to me and Yu Lin Feiqi, you should compare Wen Tian and Xiaolan.

After they got down and came up, they had to rest for a while. They couldn't change the oxygen cylinders and dive down, normal people. "

Li Yixian said on the premise that he and Yu Lin Feiqi are not ordinary people and can continuously change oxygen tanks for diving.

Ordinary people, dive once, come up to rest, and the water at a depth of five meters is half an atmosphere.

How do you get drunk when you get drunk in the plateau area? The problem of atmospheric pressure, the high oxygen content of the air.

There is a principle of aerobic diving, continuous diving, when coming up to breathe normally, it is like being in a plateau environment.

Hypoxia will occur, which will induce asthma and insufficient blood oxygen exchange in the lungs.

He and Yu Lin Feiqi receive special training, which is still a training subject he formulated.

Gu Xuan's mood improved again after hearing this. It turned out that his talent was still useful.

Everyone entered the water one after another. The little robot slowly looked for someone to install something. The person who went down was scanned by the sonar, and the little robot could easily catch it.

The docking position of the yacht is good. Adjust the position slowly and change it according to the current. If it does not change, it will hit the rocks.

The yacht is located next to a group of reefs and provides the best service to those who dive and pick snails.

If you change to a ship of the same size, it will definitely click.

Gu Xuan went down and looked back. He was amazed by the light. Seeing that the bottom of the ship was less than a few minutes away from a reef, his arms were open.

The water is rushing, he feels it.

The yacht's oars turned round and moved one by one, and the rudder swung slightly. The impact of the current was offset, and the bottom of the boat was still like that off the reef.

This is not the boat he rowed, how can it be controlled?

"Don't be stunned, hurry up and pick the snails."

Li Yi's voice sounded in Gu Xuan's ears. He was wearing earbud headphones and there was a device at his throat that could make sound through vibration.

Suddenly he discovered a new world, and he promised to find something immediately.

Some shellfish and snails are found on the reefs on the surface, but there are many large ones under the water.

There are also wild sea cucumbers here, which are harder to find than snails. Without a water mirror, they would dive naked to touch them and copy them with a net bag.

Now everyone has small electric hammers and cheat sheets in their hands, digging for snails, shellfish, and sea cucumbers without touching the fish.

They didn't care about the fish. The slow little robot tube found yellow-lipped fish and other medicinal fish for swim bladder. When the fish swam to their side, an extra stick was extended. There was no movement, but a spark could be seen.

A few fish around at a time won't move, yes, they are electric fish.

The little robot behind hurriedly caught the net and caught it. They are all medicine!

There is also a drone flying above the water with a cheat sheet net to catch electric fish. The small robot moves slowly. Sometimes it is too late and the fish floats up.

That said, according to the current behavior, at the time of Li Yi, if there is no backstage, when enough money is collected, the money for buying this yacht is not enough to get everyone out.

Li Yi didn't apply for a certificate, so he caught a lot of money and used electricity.

Look at how many fishermen around you are watching. The impact is very bad and the plot is particularly serious.

The most unforgivable thing is that the yacht also sent drones to fishermen with lighted diving goggles.

The fishermen got used to it and jumped into the water to help.

The two sides did not negotiate the price, and the fishermen were deceived.

When it was more than ten o'clock in the evening, Li Yi couldn't bear it. With a greeting, Yulin Feiqi and the fishermen boarded the boat.

Gu Xuan still wanted to insist, seeing his wife standing on the deck and looking down, rested without saying a word.

"Eating and drinking! This is... kebabs? Okay! Just kebabs."

Li Yi didn't know what to eat, but when he saw the real thing, he greeted everyone to come and enjoy it.

"The little robot asked me what to eat. I said to eat dumplings. It said that the water is not good and it is best to eat meat and drink alcohol.

It happened that we bought lamb with a drone on the road. Xiaolan and I, as well as Brother Gu’s family, made skewers with the help of a small robot and grilled them with electricity. "

Princess Yongmu explained the situation. She and Xiaolan came up after staying underwater for less than half an hour.

Eating dumplings is not good. The water pressure is high. When the dumplings are pressed to the stomach, the water content of the dumplings is high, which makes the stomach aches and vomits.

Before I went to eat eggs and meat, it was eggs stuffed with meat. I didn't drink porridge, so I was afraid of uncomfortable.

Now I’m resting, and I have to go down early in the morning.

There were one hundred and one fishermen who helped. When the drones sent the tools to let them into the water, they didn't say anything.

They don't have oxygen cylinders, they need to come up to breathe from time to time, and they are exhausted one by one.

At this moment, they drank wine, white wine, fifty-two degrees, took a sip and began to pant, but they held the diving goggles without letting go, and looked over and over.

Take a look, touch the switch of the light, and quickly turn it off.

They don't need to know electricity, but they can think of it like a candle, just use it and use it.

Li Yi looked in his eyes and frowned.

"Li Lang!" Princess Yong Mu blushed and asked with concern.

"I give them the primary charger. Will they always dive to get something while holding it? It's a big harm to the body!"

Li Yi tangled, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is like a man fishing pearls by the sea, he never actively encourages.

The more you encourage them, the more desperate they are, especially since many of the people who fish for pearls are women who dive several tens of meters deep.

There are also soldiers at the border, you go to condolences, in winter, give your fur coat to someone, and he will die on the battlefield.

"If you don't give it to them, wouldn't they make it? With something, they can make more money at the same time."

Gu Xuan's father came over and said to Li Yi, his calf was shaking when he spoke, afraid!

"Uncle sit." Li Yi got up and helped the other person to sit down: "Uncle is right, you should give it."

Li Yi decided to give a hand-cranked generator to one hundred and one of the fishermen who helped each, as well as the diving goggles with lights.

If it breaks, don’t worry, take the post and mail it to yourself, pay the postage at the place, and replace it with a new one.


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