Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2074: Confidential Discussion on Transport Road Transit

"Li Lang, dry the skin of the meat bird's nest and smoke it with hot air when it is wrapped?"

Princess Yongmu guessed what Li Yi was thinking about. She was frying the biscuits. After steaming the hot ball in the pot, she could roll the green onions again.

A large iron pan for cooking, with a grate on top, boil the water underneath, remove the fire, and put the dried pancakes on the grate for a while.

"Yeah!" Li Yi agreed with this method and sipped the bone soup in the wonton bowl: "There are many local bureaus that can come in handy. It belongs to another process."

"I know!" Xiaolan said from the side: "Make starch, and put it on the skin when drying the meat and bird's nest without sticking. It needs a pre-starch processing workshop."

"Yeah!" Li Yi agreed again, now everyone knows it!

There are many yam medicines in the local area, and the people don't like them very much.

The human body can absorb less powdered sugar, which makes it good for weight loss and satiety.

The people of Datang didn't want to lose weight, so they took yam yam all day long and had no energy to work.

Of course, yam is better than bark and grass roots.

When indica rice, glutinous rice, millet, sorghum, and rhubarb rice are sufficient, yam medicine is a vegetable, which is used for soup and stew.

Princess Yongmu smiled: "In the future, there will be several meat swiftlet peeling workshops on an archipelago, and at least one pre-starch workshop."

Xiaolan then said: "It needs transportation. Collect a group and send it off the canal to Luoyang. Isn't it convenient to go by sea? Go to Haizhou to change trains."

"The speed of changing from sea to railway is fast, and the wind on the sea is strong, so it is easy to adjust the sails.

It is estimated that the grain ship in Jiangnan will go by sea, and the second railroad track is under repair.

At that time, the canal is more suitable for transporting things downstream from places to the Yangtze River along the way, or to the estuary of the Yangtze River and turning to the sea to continue sending things to Quanzhou and other places. "

Li Yi thought about the main channel of transportation in the future. There is no railway in Haizhou, and the water canal enters the Yellow River through the canal.

Why take the canal against the current with the railway? The boat has a flat bottom and is not suitable for sea travel.

There is a wharf in the middle, and the ship will be sent to the sea for loading and unloading. One more loading and unloading time will save more time.

From Haizhou to Chang'an in just one day, how many days does it take to travel from Luoyang to Chang'an? The Yellow River cannot flow backwards.

The three people talked about how to help the place and the future transportation channels.

At first, the surrounding fishermen listened to the excitement. After listening, they realized that Dongzhu Li, Princess Yongmu, and Xiaolan were trying to make money for themselves.

Good official! What a princess! The maid of the good princess!

Someone got excited, thinking that Xiaolan was just a maid, and boldly said to Li Yi: "Master Li, should Xiaolan have an official? I heard that there are officials there."

He refers to the palace, but he doesn't know the specifics.

"Official?" Xiao Lan looked over, with a look in the eyes of you and me: "I don't want an official, I'm good!"

Princess Yongmu should be supervised by officials, and the person from Zuo Shang's office should make arrangements.

At the same time, the princess has a division, which contains the commander, the chief accountant, the master book, and the record, as well as the division history, the emissary, the family history, and the family history.

Like Xiaolan, it's nothing, she will accompany Princess Yongmu.

She doesn't want officials, what's the use of officials? Which official has more power than her?

Princess Yongmu has not opened the mansion, and she enjoys better treatment than when she opened the mansion. She has a special women's ranger.

There are a lot of her maids, plus the bright face female guards with big waist and round waist.

Xiaolan's position in Princess Yongmu is equivalent to that of Li Yi in the court, so what official do you want?

"But, but..." This person was frightened by Xiaolan's eyes, and said in a consoling way: "But the officials have money to take."

"Money? Oh my god! Thank you! But I don't want to be an official."

Xiao Lan smiled, the other party was kind, but used the wrong place.

"Oh!" This person seemed to want to understand something, and quickly lowered his head to eat wontons.

"Because of the appetite, the court ignores serious matters, how can this be?"

On the mountain of Luoyang Lijiazhuang, Song Jing was eating Yangyan Baozi, saying that Li Yi went to fish for seafood and didn't want to come back soon.

Sitting next to Zhang Jiuling looked at the eight lamb-eye buns in a drawer, then at Song Jing, smiled, and ate his own.

Eight buns are normal, so small, don’t have to eat too much in the morning.

Steamed buns, its stuffing includes beef scallions, mutton green onions, chives, eggs, shrimps, oily sauerkraut, pork celery, chicken, fish, mushrooms and fungus.

There are eight in total, one and the same.

Song Jing said last night that he would like to eat more kinds of steamed buns and make them smaller.

Now he accused Li Yi of going there to fish for seafood in order to satisfy his appetite, Zhang Jiuling didn't want to talk.

"Scallops made from scallops made with scallops and stuffed buns are also good. It's better to be in Lijiazhuang. Anyone who can come from my old man's house is good.

I also need to thank Quang Ping. I had some words last night and tasted so many kinds of stuffed buns.

What do you want to eat for lunch in Quang Binh? Ask them to cook, and we will eat. "

Bi Gou targeted Song Jing insinuatingly, and he protected Li Yi because Li Yi had benefited from the Ministry of Households in a large area in Yuzhou.

Seeing that Xiaoyi has worked harder, how can I get some seafood? It's as if you don't eat it when you bring it back.

Su Ting lowered his head to finish off: "I am worried about Li Yi's safety."

"It's impossible for Xiao Yi to just go fishing for seafood, is there no one inhabited there?"

As a former opponent, Yao Chong spoke out, at least he thought he was once an opponent.

He thinks he knows Li Yi, and when he goes to a place, he must consider the local people's livelihood.

"Ask?" Song Jing's expression was natural, as if it wasn't him who was looking for Li Yi'er just now.

"Ask." Li Longji said to the little robot.

"My proprietor has just fallen asleep, he won't get up until noon, and he will be able to get home in the evening of the ninth day of October."

The little robot doesn't call, and you have nothing serious.

"What about the local situation?" Zhang Jiuling talked to the little robot. UU reading www.

"I know this! Just now the proprietor ate and ate wontons, but there weren't eight kinds of stuffed buns, and the days were bitter!"

The little robot stunned Song Jing, and then said: "If you have wontons, you can have meat yan, you have eaten them, and then..."

It tells what the three of Li Yi talked about for a few days.

After the retelling, it said to itself: "I want to tell the craftsmen in the workshop to make things first and send them along the canal. No, I will find Xunxin."

"Look, the minister is right? This crab, radish, tofu soup is so delicious that it's greasy."

Yao Chong is happy. See you understand Li Yi, right?

"No wonder there is no crab buns, the crabs are in the soup."

Su Ting assumed that he had just discovered the situation, and the topic changed to eating.

Li Chengqi, who was always silent next to him, instructed the attendants standing behind him: "Go and tell the people at Datang Chaotianxia Fund to cooperate with the operation."

After trotting out with his classmates, Li Chengqi smiled and said to Li Longji: "The situation of a group of local islands has not been considered before."

He is responsible for the breeding, planting, and hiring of people along the coast, which is flawed.

"Brother's actions are safe enough." Li Longji can hardly say that his elder brother did a poor job. The people in Zongzheng Temple who participated in the Tang Dynasty World Fund worked very hard.

Where everyone is responsible, one-thousandth of the profit goes to the individual.

If you want to find someone to sing, dance, drink, and have fun, you can only work hard, and the money from the royal family is definitely not enough.

Unless the palace's, like brother.

The elder brother is not short of money, but instead of pursuing material things, he wants to do something for Datang.

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