Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2077: Migrant workers return like a boat

"Hi~ Yo! Hi~ Yo..."

"Wow, wow..."

"Bend your legs and raise your legs! Yo~hou! Step on your shoulders and move! Yo~hou..."

When someone takes a break to eat, someone takes over.

People on the railway pick up the rails, and the ground is cleaned to prevent people from damaging their feet after stepping on rocks.

A large wooden pole was erected on the bank of the Yellow River, and the rope went down diagonally.

The rope was hooked on top, and baskets were hung on the hooks, and dozens of people turned the winches.

There was also a wire cage filled with stones and sent down. Some of the banks of the Yellow River had dried up, and there was water in some places in the middle, which never stopped flowing.

If you want to repair the bridge piers, you need to repair the piers elsewhere. Here, stones are used to change the position of the water flow.

After the bridge piers are repaired, the wire cage can be brought up for other uses.

The hand gourd was responsible for lifting large objects, and everyone shouted and acted in unison.

People on both sides of the Yellow River are working hard, especially those living on the north bank. They have long wanted a bridge to reach the south bank of the river.

In the past, the ferry crossing the river would be inconvenient if the objects were a little bigger. When they caught up with the upper reaches of the river, the rain and the river surged and the traffic was interrupted.

I want to save something at home and I can only wait. If someone gets sick, the local doctors have limited skills and can only go to Luoyang to find someone.

You can wait for things you sell for money, but you can't wait for illnesses.

Now that the population movement is relaxed, the people want to send the cloth woven at home to Chang'an for sale. There is a railway after crossing the bridge.

A village sent a few people to drive a car to take things across the bridge and send them directly to Chang'an for sale at a high price.

This kind of small business does not belong to merchants and does not affect the family status.

When the silt was sent to the shore, the people looked happy. This year it was said that a large amount of silt was dredged, and the government gave money to the silt that can grow crops...

More than 10,000 people were directly invested in building a bridge on the Yellow River.

More than 50,000 people were invested in the road from the predetermined bridgehead location to Luoyang City.

No less than 600,000 people were invested on the second track of the railway from Chang'an to Haizhou.

Everyone can't wait for the train to help transport things.

I was fooled by Li Yi. No, it was the family members who were given the policy by Li Yi who were willing to take the initiative to contribute a portion of the money to build bridges on the river that transported the train by ship.

They sent people to Haizhou to operate. The people were unwilling to sell land, and the official land court took over directly.

They put a lot of money on the ground, and the faster the railway transportation, the more they make money, otherwise they lose money.

Many people are powerful and lively, and the torches are swaying at night, watching for safety.

The crescent moon fell and the sun rose.

The children go to school with their little schoolbags on their backs. They don’t eat breakfast but go to school to eat.

There are many teachers who teach in Luoyang next year, and the students will come early to arrange teaching.

Voluntary, not forced, teach and arrange a house, provide three meals a day, give two or two lamp oil in the evening, three dollars a day for lectures, and a newspaper.

Poor scholars need, the content of the policy in the newspaper, do not read the newspaper, do not understand Datang affairs.

The children of the rich also teach, they have a kind heart, and they are definitely not afraid of inexplicably canceling their grades when they don’t teach the imperial examination.

There are gossips circulating in the market. It is said that your Majesty talked to the Zaifu in a certain day and said during the dinner, ‘how can you teach the people who don’t want to teach children, how can you really cultivate the people for the Tang Dynasty? ’

This news was popular in Chang'an before, and now it is also in Luoyang.

Some people even talked about the imperial examination in Chang'an. In the examination of the imperial examination in a certain place on a certain year, a certain month, and a certain place, all the questions were answered. As a result, after checking, he did not teach the child to the child, so he found one. The words in the poem say that he is disrespectful to the saint, thinking that he is young and dismissed, making him return home to reflect on it for three years.

There are no Jinshi at hand! I will take the exam three years later. It is estimated that the examiner may, maybe, probably...

So the students who came first worked very hard and taught carefully. As for those who have not yet come, they think that those people have lost their chance.

The children are enjoying themselves. After breakfast, they enter their own class. There are more than 30 people in a class, and only a dozen people.

There are so many students, who will not arrange students for them? Really, if the other party can hit and die in front of you, you don't want me to pass the exam, right?

Accompanied by the sound of the book, when the sun saw that it was about to be in the middle, a beautiful boat followed the Luoshui into the valley and docked directly at the dock at the foot of Lijiazhuangzi's mountain.

The whole Zhuangzi became lively, a group of people ran to the dock to carry things, the drone could not fly, and they had to sneak in.

"Slow down, don't rush to eat, I'm not hungry yet, the journey is tired, take a rest first."

One by one, the little robots were pushed away, and continued to smash their mouths.

Bi Gou and others revised the memorial and prepared to read a few more books to eat. I heard that Li Yi went back to Zhuangzi and just put down his work. I'm not thinking about it, so I'll talk about it this afternoon.

There is a shock-absorbing stretcher on Wan Zhaoyuan, looking around.

The Gu Xuan family followed their curiosity. The legendary Li family Zhuangzi, although not the Bashui one, is still famous.

"Proprietor, Chang'an Zhuangzi's affairs have been arranged."

Li Yi disembarked, and a person came up next to him.

"Song De, are you here? Good!"

Li Yi smiled, Song De needs to be busy with a lot of things, and he can come over to prove that Bashui Zhuangzi has all sorted out.

"I arrived yesterday afternoon and brought a lot of things by train at the same time. I am happy to see the new craftsman."

Song De had a happy expression, Zhuangzi grew stronger, and there will be more good things from Zhuangzi in the future.

He needs to use the fastest time to get acquainted with the situation. He doesn't need to remember every craftsman and his family, but he has to make all the data tables.

In which respect are the craftsmen good, what is the job done by the family, how many children are there in each age group?

Xunxin has done it, but he still has his own judgment. Everyone considers the problem from a different perspective.

"There is seafood on board, arranged in the evening."

Li Yi nodded and walked forward quickly. Li Longji came and was talking to Wan Zhaoyuan.

Wan Zhaoyuan was so excited as if he hit Du Lengding, it didn't hurt at all.

Li Longji encouraged him, but didn't expect him to speak normally.

Anyway, it will be written in the newspaper, and it will be publicized and divided into installments. From this aspect today, it will be mentioned in another aspect tomorrow.

"Go and pack up and eat." Li Longji finished speaking with Wan Zhaoyuan, and then said to Princess Yongmu.

"Yeah, eat seafood pot at noon, and seafood at night, braised in soy sauce!"

Princess Yongmu responded and ran away with Xiaolan.

"This girl!" Li Longji shook his head and asked Li Yi, "Where is the life on the riverside and the seaside?"

"The riverside, there is mustard, the land is good.

The water conditions in the seaside archipelago are complicated, and the catches are sent to Hangzhou to be sold, which cannot be sold at a higher price.

Only after the shellfish is dried can there be a slight income, and the income source of the local people is too single.

They need to increase other industries and make effective use of natural and human resources.

It is also possible to adopt a lease method of first use and repayment later to provide them with larger vessels and fishing tools. "

Li Yi answered in a calm tone, he had already thought about it.

People in the farming era need land most, and islands lacking good land must be supported.

They talked and walked to the restaurant. When they reached the door, Bi Gou was waiting outside.

As soon as he saw Li Yi, he shouted: "Xiao Yi, you can arrange it! The monks and Taoists are going to set up the place and there is no room left."


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