Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2084: Moon Phase Change Practice Exhibition

   The wind and snow will leave after all, just as dark clouds can't hide the gradually rounding moon.

   Five more days will be October 15th, and the solar calendar is now at the beginning and end of November.

   The people in and around Jingzhao Mansion began to burn the kang and could not freeze to death a year ago.

   Bashui’s Lijiazhuangzi had already been heated a month and a half ago, not only for Zhuangzi, but also for the places around Zhuangzi.

   Needless to say, in Zhangjia Village, the buildings where migrant workers live by the river are also equipped with pipes.

   They need to pay for heating, which can be money, based on the size of the house.

   can also be lump coal, don’t need coal briquettes or shaken briquettes.

   It is impossible to use coal billets for the boiler, and the heating value per unit time is not enough.

   Lump coal costs money, but it is cheap. Some people go to the coal mine to buy it when they are free and then transport it back.

  The business volume of coal washers has increased. In summer, people are more willing to use briquettes and briquettes for cooking.

   When heating in winter, it is also briquettes during the day.

   In the evening, the washing coal came on stage.

  The burning effect of coal noodles is relatively poor, carbon monoxide is more likely to be produced, and the sulfur content is high.

   The washed lump coal is the special smelting coal required by Lijiazhuangzi.

   This coal is burned in the kang at home, and the survival rate is high under the same windy weather!

  Even if everyone follows the method described in the newspaper, they will basically not be smoked to death by soot.

   Before going to bed, there was no wind. The air pressure changed in the middle of the night, and even the kang stove was on fire.

  The watchman watched the sky and found that the smoke had fallen down, so he knocked on the door and either extinguished the fire or left someone to guard the stove.

   Under normal circumstances, people who sleep on the kang are fine even if the fire ceases. The quilt is covered and the hot air pressure is in the quilt.

   Compared with Jingzhao Mansion, Henan Mansion is not warmer at night.

   People will burn the kang for two hours before going to bed, and then don’t have to take the initiative to extinguish it. The coal will end when the coal is burned out.

   The outside temperature cannot be changed, the room is warm, especially the Kang.

   There is no such treatment in the mountains, and Orion can only find a way by himself.

  "Take two more ladders. It's too dangerous to climb.

The hut below    cannot withstand the collision and slapping of bears, wild boars, and big insects.

   The big worm can climb the tree but not the soft rattan ladder and single rope ladder, hang it up. "

   spread out from Luoyang, the hunters worked hard to repair the hut.

   It's winter now, waiting for the snow, no matter whether the river freezes or not, the peak hunting period will not change.

  According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, in some areas, hunting bans are twice a year, each time for one month.

   One is one month during the mating period of most wild animals, and the other is one month during the lactation period of wild animals.

   The hunters took the opportunity to rest before entering the mountain.

   They have extra rules. They don’t kill when they see the suckling animals, and they don’t kill when they see the cubs.

   But there are always novices who can’t see it. Animals go outside looking for food, and go back to nurse their children. The novice shoots out an arrow stupidly, and then the prey runs wildly.

   There were also those who bit their legs and ran away after they got off the set. They followed up and found that they died beside their children in order to nurse their children.

  Unlike the army, the army kills when it comes up, no matter what the prey is.

   Hunters sometimes can’t do it. If you want to sell such prey, you must deal with it in advance.

   Otherwise, the buyer will know at a glance that the price is so low that you even give it to the other party for nothing.

  Especially if the daughter-in-law in the family is pregnant with a child, your hunter brings the beast that was killed during lactation, don't accept it! leave me alone.

   So most of the novices have to be brought by the master. You make a mistake once, and then the people in the whole area will not accept you. They think you are not clean.

   After receiving your things during the day, the children at home cry at night, and the elderly parents are uncomfortable. Who can bear it?

   Therefore, Shi Blindman was pointing, and surrounded by many novices who could work, he immediately built two extra ladders beside the fixed wooden ladder.

   One is a soft ladder, and the other is a ladder that only runs down a vine or a rope.

   A rope is not easy to climb, and a foothold must be cut out on the rock wall.

   "It's done, the cave here is particularly good, just beware of snakes and bugs."

   Shi Blind waited for others to finish their work, and went up and down several times in person, satisfied.

   Other people began to transport things upwards, and there was a cave in it, formed naturally.

   Except for reptiles and insects, other things cannot go up.

   A single rope has a pulley on it, and a rattan basket is tied to the rope.

   If someone is injured in a team, and be besieged by wild beasts, especially wolves, others will go up and hang up their companions.

   The natural cave is not small, everyone went up and smiled at the spacious place.

   Just this cave on the side of the cliff, put things on it, and it’s okay to live for a year or a half.

   Yes, life is not survival. The cave has a large space, and there are vents facing upwards inside.

  "Here is a stove built with yellow mud underneath, and a straw stick is used to mop the fire wall.

   Weave a mat to cover the hole, put some realgar and golden beans, and the snake will block it.

   Spread the ash a little thicker, and worms such as worms and centipedes are reluctant to enter.

   This extended hole is used as a bedroom. This is considered a kitchen. Is there a hole in it? Go up and have a look later, it can't be connected directly, it will rain.

   Plan a little bit here to see if all the things are solved.

   Get some wooden barrels up and fill it with water, eh? No, there is water, dripping, as long as the dripping is enough, there is no need to go down to fetch water.

   Hang up two pots, no, but also add a frying spoon and a steamer, a pancake pan..."

   Someone climbed up and began to look at the surrounding environment and think about the future.

   After he said, he looked at the old man next to him, and asked, "Guild Leader Shi, Leader Shi, how about it?"

   "Okay! But I still want to go home, there are so many dogs in the house, I have to feed it!"

   Shi Blind admits that the other party said it well, it is really good, but it is more than 40 miles away from Luoyang.

   Hunter's hut, a resting place, where is my house comfortable in the cave?

   I now live in When the host Li returns to Chang'an, I will go back to my home over there. Why don’t I have a home to live in the cave?

   "I mean as a base camp, how interesting is it?"

   The hunter who is talented in space arrangement emphasizes the importance of this hole, a good place!

   After speaking, he looked at Old Man Shi, as if you were about to praise me.

   "Whose child? Take it back and teach it well, what is messy, it's easy to die in the mountains."

   Old man Shi realized that who had a child who thought he would join my team only when he was young and talented.

   "Am I wrong? Which arrangement is not in place?"

   This person is competing, I'm right! Look! How well arranged!

   "They are all that old, compared to Li Dongzhu, the difference between heaven and earth! Li Dongzhu will never say this to me."

   Old Man Shi didn't want to say anything anymore, he threw a word, and slipped down the rope by himself.

   "Lao Guang, don't you understand the situation in the mountains? The person you brought, as the vice chairman, I have to explain to Li Dongzhu."

   Fang Tao is not happy, we are here to build the hunter's hut, not to play with the children.



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