Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2126: Answer the habit of asking the bottom of my heart

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"Rigid and soft, can you have leisure in the afternoon?"

Zhang Jiuling came over, gave Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan an apologetic smile, and disturbed you.

"Brother Jiuling sits." Li Yi got up and pulled a chair.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were about to leave, Li Yi asked Zhang Jiuling: "Is it important?"

"Miss Li's family and Xiao Lan sit together. It's not a major matter, and the sky hasn't fallen."

Zhang Jiuling understood, Li Yi didn't want to let people go.

In front of Li Yi, apart from the falling sky, where is there any important thing?

Xiao Lan hurried to make tea, ready to hear the little things.

Li Yi pushed a small dish of hazelnuts to Zhang Jiuling: "Brother Jiuling clamps himself."

Speaking, he grabbed a little with one hand, patted each other, part of the hazelnut shells opened, and patted the hazelnut.

Zhang Jiuling had already picked up the pliers and saw Li Yi's movements, put down the pliers, and followed.

"In fact, there is nothing more than the construction of the Canal and the first line of railway. Longze is busy with other affairs. I came to ask."

Zhang Jiuling said little things and just built the railway along the Grand Canal.

Li Yi didn't eat hazelnuts after taking pictures, but pine nuts: "There is no need to invest too much in the early stage, and the rails are not enough. After the second railroad track from Haizhou to Jingzhaofu is laid, it will be laid along the canal.

At present, the main focus is to level the road, piling up sand and gravel, and burning cement.

It coincided that the local people had a little less work in the winter, and the court’s fiscal surplus was sufficient.

The next year, fiscal revenue will increase, and you will see profits in the beginning of the spring where You Henan Mansion is located. "

He didn't ask Bi Gou what was going on and asked Zhang Jiuling to come over and say, he said his arrangement.

"Oh!" Zhang Jiuling sighed and smiled.

He came over to ask how the imperial government finances support, but Li Yi directly said the answer. The questioning process was saved and it was a rush to answer.

He picked up the tea cup and sipped his tea: "The land along the river, there are many fertile fields..."

"Replacement, exchange for other land in the government, for those who are also good land, one to one, this kind of land, two to one, and so on.

If the people are willing to change, new species will be given priority to plant them. Buying seeds from them is a gift to the people.

Even if the big families have fields in Linhe, they follow this method, regardless of whether they are rich or poor. "

Li Yi continued to rush to answer, isn't it the land along the canal! Give benefits.

The people would actually accept the change of land, but the imperial order would not do.

For other benefits, the people gave up the land with joy and joy.

"Uh!" Zhang Jiuling squeezed hazelnuts and ate them.

After eating a few, he said: "If the railway is completed, each one will be on the way..."

"Brother Jiuling, in this way, it just so happens that they don't talk to me about the Fa and doctrine today. I have nothing to do this afternoon. I will write a feasibility analysis report and a specific deployment plan. Two sets of plans are written, each with its own focus.

After that, please trouble Jiuling brother and other Zaifu to inspect. If necessary, you can organize a meeting to discuss.

It involves the construction of bridges on both sides of the strait, the extension of the main road, the construction of commercial districts, and the construction of specific construction. "

Li Yi rushed to answer again, knowing what you want to ask.

I thought of what you could think of. I even knew the problems and solutions that would arise.

Zhang Jiuling: "..."

Princess Yongmu put her face in her hands and listened with a smile, while Xiaolan next to her began to pinch Li Yi's pine nuts.

"Hard and soft, why don't we go back, stop playing with them, just ask them to pay 50% tax and general property, don't give...kill!"

The peaceful Zhang Jiuling's attitude has also changed at this moment. What kind of monk's way, **** it! It's useless.

"No, no, no!" Li Yi shook his head vigorously: "I still want to take this opportunity to engage in propaganda. They must be suppressed. Buddhism in the world is not limited to Jingzhao Mansion and Henan Mansion."

"Political purpose?" Zhang Jiuling asked.

"Right!" Li Yi nodded.

Princess Yongmu put her hand down: "After this time, all the Tang sects respect Li Lang, and no one can shake them."

"That's right!" Xiaolan echoed; "When the time comes, my family Li Lang will say whatever he wants. The next step is to use the power of Buddhism and Taoism to cooperate with the newspaper to suppress Confucianism.

In this world, there is only the Chinese civilization and nothing else. People of Datang, descendants of Yan and Huang.

When the order comes out, a thousand armies move together; the government comes out with one heart. "

Zhang Jiuling raised her brows; "Therefore, next year's imperial examination will only test the Analects, and the next year's imperial examination will not test Confucianism?"

He figured out that the test of the Analects next year was to ease the offensive of public opinion this year and before, and it seemed to show weakness for Confucianism.

But the Buddhism and Taoism resolved, freed up, and then cleaned up Confucianism, Confucianism has no power to resist.

He stared at Li Yi, did you calculate so deeply?

How do you feel that you were calculating when you arrived at Lijiazhuangzi? Little by little.

It is said that you chatted with Song De when you were looking for a steward, and when you were looking for a dealer, you said that there was nothing in the dealership, which gave a lot of benefits.

As for finding students, only those who are too poor to survive will they come to Zhuangzi with you, and you will build a house for others.

You were too weak at that time, so weak that no one cares about it.

You just rely on calculations to get to where you are today, right?

Li Yi raised his hand and opened his five fingers and dangled in front of Zhang Jiuling's eyes: "Brother Jiuling is short-sighted? I will do an optometry for you with a mirror?"

"I'm still farsighted!" Zhang Jiuling hid back.

"Farsightedness is the same as optometry, don't worry." Li Yi retracted his hand.

"Will you take the Confucianism exam in the coming year?" Zhang Jiuling asked again.

"How do you know? This thing is impermanent and impermanent, depending on the actual situation.

Some things in Confucianism are still very useful, and they cannot be defeated just because they are so powerful.

Confucianism exists and has been integrated into the lives of the people in Datang.

If useful beliefs remain, the status of Confucianism cannot be maintained. Use your work, don't give it power. "

Li Yi couldn't give an exact answer, so he walked step by step. U U Reading

Zhang Jiuling drank the tea in one gulp; "Give me dried fruits and I will take them home to eat."

"You can just go back and call someone to deliver it. You don't miss anything on weekdays."

Li Yi didn't want to toss, every room on the yacht could call people, and the little robot would give it away.

Zhang Jiuling nodded, and put it in his pocket, grabbing five handfuls, feeling that he could have a catty, and the pocket of his clothes was sinking obviously.

He left, Li Yi got up and went to the door.

"Said to give it away, he still guessed." Li Yi muttered.

"It feels different." Xiao Lan patted her small pocket on her coat, smashed, and there was dried fruit in it.

"That's right, I'll write a report and plan for them, you two find a place to play by yourself." Li Yi turned back to his studio.

On the other side, the remaining Buddhist and Taoist people in Henan Province gathered to discuss countermeasures, mainly Buddhists, and Taoist ones were more to watch the excitement.

It's the fact that the host in some views is more active, and it involves their vital interests.

The other Taoist priests wandered around, just staying somewhere.

The masters in Taoist views are not very good-looking, half of the industry or equivalent things have to be handed over.

The people in the monastery are also very worried, and the key is how to be decent.

The monks are more knowledgeable about current affairs. At that time, Li Yi's country developed well, and Taoism was far less than the buildings of other religions.

Basically, what I saw was the Buddha, Islan, God, and Christ.

View it, there are too few in the north, and there are some in the south, but there are actually not a few real Taoist priests who preach. They are all fake and commercialized.

Everyone has what they want right now, and they discussed it, but they didn't see a small thing falling on the tree next to it.


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