Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2150: Divided and choosed as 2

"How did I smell the beef stew?" Li Yi sniffed and muttered in the cabin.

After a while, he sniffed again: "It's true, there are a lot of spices in it, Lijiazhuangzi's formula."

As he opened his eyes, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan covered their mouths and laughed beside them.

"What time is it?" Li Yi stretched out and kicked his legs.

"17:30." The little robot was silent before and now answered.

"Li Lang, eat two bites of rice before going to bed! These few days have exhausted you." Princess Yong Mu said distressedly.

"Don't sleep, go to bed at this time tomorrow. Neither did you two eat? Just went out to eat, the yacht is not home after all."

Li Yi got up, he planned to stay up for 24 hours, and then sleep for 12 hours.

Most people can't bear this kind of operation. He has no problem, has experience, and can take a nap at any time.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan shook their heads, did not eat, waiting for you together.

The little robot followed with the beef soup, and Princess Yongmu pushed it by a big and thick female bodyguard.

Now they are lazy, they can't go by themselves if they can be pushed, and the battery is always full and close to full.

They consume a bit of talking, and can be charged when pushed.

When Li Yi came to the cafeteria, Li Longji and the others lay the food without moving their chopsticks.

"Why is this third brother?" Li Yi understood the situation when he saw it.

"Originally I was going to eat it. No. 05 and No. 65 and No. 65 said that you are coming over and wait for you." Li Longji said bluntly.

Most courtiers would be grateful, and Li Yi nodded.

"Xiao Yi, I ask you, are you something?"

Bi Gou looked badly rested, and his eyebrows were slightly tired.

"There is a joint. The upper part is not the north and the south. Many people will answer that the lower part is not something.

According to the rhyme. In the right, the upper right, not right and wrong, the eight winds tossing north and south, the four seasons cycle summer and winter.

Therefore, the above is not the north and the south, and the response is in the summer and winter. Can it? "

Li Yi told Bi Gou a story about rhymes, using the same format as the rhyme textbook.

"Eat and eat!" Bi Gou didn't want to talk anymore, sad!

"It must be north-south to Xiadong." The little robot zero-five-five emphasized again, just as it said before it ‘must be tax deductible’.

"Xiao Yi, do you have any medicine for your heart? Treat your heart disease with your heart." Bi Go looked at Li Yi.

"You have to tie the bell to the person who needs to untie the bell. I will apologize to Lao Bi soon." Li Yi said to the little robot: "Lao Bi is how old you are. You are only a few months old? What is his status and what are you? The salt he has eaten. It's better than the road you've traveled. No, the salt he has eaten is better than the electricity you have charged..."

"Xiao Yi, no, don't talk about it, the old man is fine, and suddenly he is happy. Really, don't talk about it anymore."

Bi Gou didn't dare to let Li Yi continue to talk about it, not to mention that he couldn't bear it.

"Proprietor, Bi Zaifu is actually pretty good. Don't bully him. You bullied him sick. Don't you have to heal him? Are you free?"

The little robot talked. The first two sentences Bi Gou still made sense, and the latter...

"The old man knows it, you don't want to go to the political affairs hall with the old man, you just say it, just choose you."

Bi Gou reacted and grasped the key point of the problem.

"Proprietor." The little robot asked for help.

"Old Bi doesn't know you. You all look the same. Then you will hide and change to another one." Li Yi gave an idea.

"Don't others go to jump into the fire pit?" the little robot asked.

"Why is Datang Tangtang Zhengshitang a fire pit?" Bi Go was angry.

"One fire, one soil, didn't you name your family based on the five elements?"

After the little robot finished speaking, he moved by himself and hid behind Li Longji.

"Xiao Yi, two cows died in your Zhuangzi, old dead, and a poisoned one was sent outside and ate the wrong grass. They tested it and said they could eat it."

Bi Gou found the medicine by himself, so he won't talk to your little robot.

Li Longji took a sip of the soup to warm his stomach, watching Li Yi take a sip, and said: "Heavy snow on Longyou Road."

"I learned on the way when I came here. It's fine if people don't die. Sheep that freezes to death can be dealt with. Generally, the blood has not been released from freezing to death.

Peel and cut the meat in time, soak the meat in cold water to soak the blood, then cook it, hang it to dry, and let people eat it.

It takes time. They are not afraid of taking time in winter and just do it.

I didn’t know how to soak before. If I just freeze and thaw and eat, I will get sick, and there is a probability. "

Li Yi explained, can the frozen sheep be eaten? Yes, always.

However, sudden cooling death is not the same as slow death. If it is not handled well, there will be germs.

When it was replaced by him, he told him not to eat and treat it harmlessly.

Not now, you say you can't eat it if you don't eat it? Can only provide methods.

"The proprietor, I sent the telegram. According to the theory, I can't eat it."

The little robot made a sound, it didn't do that before.

"Okay, ordinary lambs won't die from freezing." Li Yi nodded.

"The lamb is hardy?" Princess Yuzhen on the other table was curious.

"Lambs will be carried in tents, children even sleep with lambs in their arms. In special weather, all calves, ponies, and lambs will receive extra care. For example, when you are young."

Concubine Doulu, the Queen Mother, told Princess Yuzhen.

Li Longji bowed slightly to Concubine Doulu, who was raised by Concubine Doulu.

Everyone was eating, and when they changed their minds to say this method, the officials promised to promote him.

Switch to Li Yi's head, normal operation, no need to say more, leave him alone, he should.

After eating, everyone sits and eats fruit before resting. They don't eat much for dinner, especially the staple food.

Princess Jinxian has a problem; "Doctor Li, the temple industry can provide half of it in a joint manner. How should it be divided in the end?"

"Simple, they divide and I choose, or I divide and they choose."

Li Yi didn't bother to think about it at all. Isn't it just the boss and the second splitting the family property!

One point, one election, fair and just.

"It's really simple." Princess Jinxian found herself worrying about nothing. The master said that the division of temples, the problem lies in how to divide.

As a result, Li Yi solved the problem in one sentence.

"It's simple ~ ~ is not easy to lead them to develop their own industry.

In fact, half of the industries can create profits many times higher than all the previous industries, and the fertile land and real estate of the temple are both resources.

How to use resources to increase added value is the concern of the superiors.

If you don't develop yourself, you can't always want to suppress others.

The self-flow is not wide, blocking the flow of the river, and after all, the river is surging and cannot be blocked.

Since the tree does not stretch, the trees on the other side will multiply, and the vines on the other side will be stretched.

Like Tao, like Buddhism, like Confucianism, it exists to deceive others, and it will not last long. "

Li Yi talked about philosophical issues, whether it was Buddhism, Taoism, or Confucianism, all of which were expressed here.

Dynasties changed, hundreds of years! Wan Lei Ze Ze, Bai Ju crossed the gap.

What has been extinguished, has been extinguished, and those who do not extinguish, the flames of flames and yellow lights. The totem of Kowloon, the long river of China.

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