Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2152: The world's problem 1 party quintessence

Other officials also raised their chins. We were judged to be first-class. We must have academic qualifications and qualifications.

You can't arrange for someone who can't understand some words to go with us and ask us to help. The place is too remote and difficult to handle.

"Oh!" Li Yi sighed, tangled.

Yao Chong can't stand it anymore: "The second batch of students who entered Lijiazhuang, the two hundred and twentieth and the 20th.

After the jinshi, they study first, and then go to the villages to cooperate with the village officials, and the county government will start from the grassroots.

Now I have not learned well enough, and I need to go to a distant place to continue learning with you. "

Forty officials: "..."

"Thank you, Dongzhu Li." The official who asked just now thanked him happily.

Bowing, one bow, two bows, the shoulder is suddenly grabbed.

He struggled twice without struggling, and turned his head to look.

"Whenever you communicate more, you can't be unconvinced. But, you can't just use it for yourself."

Li Yi emphasized being self-sufficient. When you go to the place, you can cooperate with the students who go out in Zhuangzi to fight.

"Don't worry, Li Dongzhu, we promise not to make trouble and be obedient." The official was clever.

The other officials were equally happy. They thought they had to endure hardships in remote places, but there were students from Lijiazhuangzi.

Those students can do everything, such as breeding, planting, simple craftsmanship, trading...

The imperial court trains, no, it is not easy for Lijiazhuangzi to cultivate one. Twenty are released at once.

It's definitely not exile. Looking at the colleagues around me, the assessment is not only the top class, but the top class.

What happened to Yizhou? Ask the court to send such a lineup?

As if guessing what they were thinking, Li Yi continued: "There are many local mountain people, and there are many marriages and conflicts between the villages and the villages. Naturalization is a trivial matter, and the stability of each village is the top priority."

When Li Yi was talking, there was a maid next to him carrying a tray to give the officials a booklet, one for each.

"There are strategies to deal with common situations, especially for the village and the village, and learn well on the road."

Li Yi waved his hand after speaking, goodbye! I won't give it to you anymore.

The officials bid farewell to Li Longji and the officials, carrying a booklet with 200 recruits to the canteen, and eating first.

Li Yi got up and had to leave. He came here mainly to deliver the pamphlets. Zhang Jiuling suggested that officials should be sent instead of preparing for logistics. The officials would waste time to find out on their own when they went to the place.

"Xiao Yi wait a minute." Song Jing said.

"Lao Song, what do you want to eat at noon?" Li Yi turned around.

"It's not for food, do you have more than that booklet?" Song Jing asked for something.

"Lao Song, you can't use it." Li Yi waved his hand.

"Take a look, can the old feud in the stockade be resolved?" Song Jing wanted to see.

When he was the governor of the Cantonese governor's mansion, he was most afraid of encountering feuds.

Including fighting for water, getting married, belonging to prey, entering someone else’s territory and cutting trees, etc., conflicts are deadly.

When encountering such things, it is no longer a question of who is unreasonable, and both parties do not need to be reasonable.

As soon as he sees such a situation, he becomes annoyed and can't solve it. Use official authority to suppress it? The more pressure the more serious.

I know today that I can still teach officials in the booklet. What is it written?

"Give you a copy." Seeing that Song Jing insisted, Li Yi agreed.

"Uh-huh!" Bi Gou coughed.

"One person, one copy." Li Yi simply, don't wait for a full cough.

After that, he left and asked someone to copy it. It was also copied before. The printing cost paper, and the printing paper needs a lifespan.

In a short time, a copy of the booklet was sent to Li Longji and others who were preparing to have a tea party.

None of them are not curious, what kind of means?

"Li Lang, what's in the booklet is easy to use?" Princess Yongmu didn't ask for the booklet, she asked.

"In the whole world, there is only one group that can come into contact with this matter, the party, the party of gentlemen but not the party, and the party of the villain but not the group."

Li Yi held up a finger and said with a little bit of pride that he was a party member.

"A gentleman is indifferent but not fighting, a group but not a party?" Princess Yongmu nodded.

"Yes, there is only one party in the world that can solve the problems of various nationalities and classes. The name is not important, the important thing is for the people.

The party of the villain, the party fights first, does not ask whether it is right or wrong. A gentleman's party, the people are the first to treat illnesses and save people.

To join this party, you must be prepared to sacrifice for the people. At the critical moment, even if the sword is in flames, you must rush to the forefront. "

Li Yi praised, in fact, there are also bad things in it. But, to promote positive energy, right?

"What party?" Xiao Lan was curious.

"Uh~~Prosperous Tang Party." Li Yihao suffocated a prosperous Tang Party for a while.

"Bashui Lijiazhuang sub-party is nice." Princess Yongmu said, and nodded again: "The Tang Dynasty party is also good."

"Yes! Why is there a way to relieve worries? Only the party constitution." Li Yiting was helpless.

"You can't drink the party constitution." Princess Yong Mu laughed. That was Du Kang.

Instead, she reacted: "Li Lang, go to sleep for a while."

"No, I squinted intermittently for two hours, I miss it!"

Li Yi shook his head and refused. He waited until he had eaten dinner before going to bed. He hadn't eaten lunch yet.

"For lunch, Xiaolan and I made steamed buns.

Drink wild vegetable egg drop soup, which is picked from horse eggs, dog eggs, and donkey eggs.

Donkey Dan'er now looks sturdy, not like it was when he was sick, and laughed at everyone.

Most of the wild vegetables cannot be eaten, so Xiaolan and I picked them out and made tender soup. "

Princess Yongmu talked about the craftsman's children, when the baby had a fever.

Now I am in good health, and my two brothers accompany me to help when digging wild vegetables.

There are not many wild vegetables in Luoyang, most of them are old, and a small part are old in summer, but the shoots come out after the seeds have fallen.

Either they can't survive the winter and are frozen to death, or they survive until the first bloom in spring.

"It's great. I've long wanted to eat fried dumplings with water and wild vegetables. The ones in the greenhouse are not better than those grown in the natural environment."

Li Yi picked it up nicely and said, in fact, he can eat anything.

Xiaolan followed: "Put a little more carrots, leave the leaves on them, and raise them slowly. When the spring starts, the ones that are larger than usual, can be planted in advance."

"Good!" Li Yi nodded.

"It's Li Lang, your way is good. Isatis, large radishes, carrots can be planted and seeded in cold winter places."

Princess Yongmu said that she had a proud look on her face, UU reading www. has seeds.

In the past, they had to be put to the south, and then the seeds were transported over, otherwise the vegetables would not survive the winter. In the current season, the cabbage, radishes, and carrots cannot be inoculated, and the next year is needed.

Can't get through the winter, how come the coming year?

Now there is a way to put the cabbage and radish in the cellar, and they will sprout when the spring begins, just like the green onions.

Dig the upper part of the cabbage and plant it in the ground, as well as radishes and carrots. This year, when it is planted, the seeds can be collected in autumn.

The north can use cellars and houses in the auxiliary root crops to survive the winter, which saves a lot of transportation costs.

Together with the greenhouse, you can grow things at any time.

"Mainly for the future sunshine and germination of potatoes, Zhuangzi and Sinongsi will be responsible for the detoxification and planting of potatoes and sweet potatoes."

Li Yi, who was still a little bit sleepy just now, was energetic. When it comes to people's livelihood, one step should be made directly in place, and no detours should be made.

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