Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2215: Immortal Bureau of Imperial Examinations in the Coming Year

"Sister Qingdai, sweet potatoes are delicious. Can the yield be high? Can you make wine? Isn't it bad if you drink too much? Mourning is nothing but wine..." Zhuozhuo asked.

"Alcohol doesn't matter, knowing it stops and then there is concentration, after concentration, it can be calm, and then it can be calm, and then it can be considered, and it can be obtained after consideration.

Knowing to stop is just enough to stop, not everything is to stop, because wine is a medicine, no wine? No cure?

Oh, there should be a local drinking ritual, and our Zhuangzi will pay for it. "

When Qingdai interrupted the other party, she knew what the other party was going to say, if the sweet potato could be used to make wine.

One is that everyone should drink less, and the other is to consume food.

Zhuozhuo used "Shangshu" to ask, and she used "University" to answer.

This is a daily conversation between two little girls who are less than ten years old, and there is nothing wrong with it.

But for the students who line up to buy roasted sweet potatoes and have to take the imperial examination next year, the malice is too great.

We Datang don't talk about virtue now? The girls went to participate in the imperial examination.

Girl, the dynasty has changed, so I shouldn't have to take the exam.

The key is still children, prepare to rely on the boy course first, and then get admitted to the Jinshi course.

Is the living environment of imperial examination scholars so bad now? No one cares about the court? Do not consider the difficulties of other people who have studied hard for ten years?

In the future, there will be a group of female dolls who are less than ten years old who are admitted to the boy course and the Jinshi course?

He went back to teach after the exam, and the other helped him to see a doctor.

Where do you put men? Shouldn't the man who failed the exam die?

Princess Yongmu was covering her mouth and smiling next to her, she was no longer covering her mouth and laughing.

"Princess, how did they learn so fast? I worked very hard, sometimes I can't remember after memorizing things several times."

Xiao Lan is not happy, the two little sisters are simply unreasonable.

"What are you talking about?" Li Yi said to Xiaolan. He stopped roasting sweet potatoes and let others take care of him. He took a big one and shared it with him.

"I am stupid if others are smart, unhappy, unhappy." Xiaolan pouted.

"Xiaolan, why is your face so big? Are you embarrassed to talk about others? You don't know how many people Wen Tian has changed around? Why did you stay?"

Li Yi despised and mocked Xiao Lan.

Xiaolan was happy to hear that: "They want to play tricks with me, huh! They want to rely on their father... to get the upper hand.

I repay my gratitude, not the same, can I let them stay for a long time?

Someone steals something to eat, this is actually no problem, I also steal it. Before I steal it, talk to... um! My daughter said yes, I want to eat meat.

They don’t say hello when they steal, do you steal it or hide it from the owner? "

Xiaolan tried to organize words to talk about her situation at that time. She stole something and told Princess Yongmu that others regarded Princess Yongmu as a fool.

So she tried to get those people down. When things were scarce, she and Princess Yongmu were like sisters, and she ate the worst food.

It's different now. She also eats the same things as Princess Yongmu. Two people can live together, and some habits are the same.

The two beautiful girls here are attacking others, and the people in Beitianfang are holding roasted sweet potatoes to eat. Some people are not allowed to eat them. The gastrointestinal tract is inherently bad, and they will have to be hospitalized if they eat it.

Shi Xiazi and the others also ate. They are in good health, and the dogs are no problem.

Let a roasted sweet potato cool down and give it to the dog. The dog squints his eyes as soon as he licks it. How does it feel more fragrant than bones?

Then Li Yi and the others discovered that there were a lot of rich people, and they had to come up with a bunch of sweet potatoes.

People just look at the quality of the sweet potatoes, choose one, and settle the bill.

Li Yi smiled and saw that some sweet potatoes were not good. They were not made of sand but water. He could tell.

As a result, those rich people bought it as they knew it well.

"Li Lang, are they stupid? They also buy a lot of bad sweet potatoes, and there are beautiful women around, so they are not afraid of being looked down upon?"

Princess Yongmu is picking sweet potatoes for the children to eat.

The best roasted sweet potatoes have dry skin on the outside and need to be peeled off. The inner layer is relatively dry and hard by half a centimeter, and the inside is juicy flesh.

Different people have different tastes. What Li Yi eats the most is the relatively dry and hard one. The inside is too sweet and the taste is too soft.

Just like eating boiled corn, he was at that time.

Many people like to eat tender ones. He used to grow corn in his family and didn't eat tender ones. Instead, he ate those hard grains that could be rubbed down in a row with one rub.

Tender, he felt soft and sacs, the taste was not good, but the taste was good.

When he eats corn, he cooks it in the microwave and reheats it, and then he eats the corn one by one for wine and food.

He often buys green corn to eat for school children in counties and towns where he wants to sell equipment.

They even set up pig farms in some towns and villages. They don’t pursue the profits of the pig farms, so they cook for the children.

It is really too easy for people who can get through the relationship with the medical system to get through the local townships.

Local children also like to eat hard, because you can eat a little longer, it's that simple.

And Li Yi makes money locally. What kind of farm in this township is the hometown of the people he needs to build relationships with.

Giving money directly is inconsistent. When he sells medical equipment and earns dozens or hundreds of times of profits, he invests in his hometown for others.

This other person can't fault it, and he really spends money to raise pigs and chickens to solve part of the employment problem.

After raising things, they provide healthy food for lunch to local elementary and middle school students, as well as corporate welfare subsidies.

So Li Yi frankly, he has never broken a child.

The level of his support for local education has allowed the local government to write the "Book of Wanmin" for him. The court dared not judge.

Before being sentenced by the court, the local children ate well, dressed well, had many toys, and had no shortage of sports equipment.

The court shuddered in this situation and arrested people? Sentenced, and then the place will lose the previous benefits.

The key point is that Li Yi will not rebel against the party or the country. What reason do you find to arrest him? The key is how to finish it after catching it, which is quite strenuous.

Whoever wants to be dissatisfied with him and wants to teach him how to be a man, he will get news in advance and give the other party benefits.

If the other party takes advantage and says that he can't be a human being, he will give the other's superiors more benefits and let the other party know who can't be a human.

", come here."

A little robot ran over and wanted to whisper to Li Yi.

Li Yi didn't explain at all, and directly pushed the little robot away.

"I found two goals, which is very cumbersome, and the other party's layout is too deep." The little robot reported to Li Yi.

"Where is the difference?" Li Yi wanted to look at the screen.

"The mastermind and accomplices, some accomplices will act under the banner of a family that they shouldn't have." The little robot replied.

"That is to say that the other party's layout is very deep, even some members of the family are involved, but I don't know the problem?"

"Yes! Because that religion is too powerful. I will tell you when you go back." said the little robot.

------Off-topic ------

Today is gone. The farmer bowed!

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