Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 1236: Currency products are not in harmony

There are thirty children this year, and today the twelfth lunar month is twenty-ninth.

Snow fell once again, and the manpower of the canal section is ready. If the river is frozen, immediately remove the ice.

Wrap iron sheets on the front and bottom of the front of the boat, and then use thick bamboo poles to beat the ice.

The flow rushes down, and the downstream process turns into water again due to the high temperature.

"I want to give blessings to the people of Jingzhao Mansion and Henan Mansion, one for each person, and some stamps for the Year of the Goat are printed.

Li Longji ate wontons and said to the officials.

Li Yi is not here, guarding the hospital.

Ministers don’t care about blessing money. One person, one money, adds up to a population of more than six million, and more than six thousand people. Is this called money?

Song Desong, the manager of Lijiazhuangzi, can't sign, too few.

They were amazed at the mental state of your majesty in recent days, and his majesty felt particularly at ease and leisurely.

what reason? What did Li Yi say to His Majesty?

They don't know that Li Longji has a lot of money and confidence, more than 16 million yuan!

A few years ago, the fiscal revenue of the imperial court was twice that of the year. Who did he give this money to?

After a while, Bi conceived something: "Your Majesty, is the printing cost of Fuqian higher than the face value?"

"Naturally! Great fortune money, looks beautiful, the printing cost is only one dollar and six cents."

Li Longji admitted that he would have to pay out 10,000 yuan if he issued more than 6,000 yuan of blessing money.

"What did Xiao Yi say?" Bi Gou asked carefully, referring to His Majesty.

"Di Yi said it's okay. Now it's going out, send the Fu Qian to Jingzhao Mansion before noon, and distribute it as soon as possible."

Li Longji seemed to be robbing time, and the blessing money must be sent to the people tomorrow evening.

Bi Gou hesitated and ate wontons without making a sound.

Song Jing couldn't help it anymore: "Xiao Yi can still make money-losing transactions? Now, the dime and the penny used are all back."

Li Longji waved his hand: "How about a small amount of money, how about losing money? Eat!"

So the officials realized that Li Yi had made money again.

You can't just look at the printing cost and face value, but look at who is behind it.

Everyone was thinking about how to make money from it, and the cafeteria quieted down for a while.

Zhang Jiuling ate seven wontons and stopped to eat side dishes. He likes tofu with scallion oil.

When I stretched out my chopsticks, I saw the newspaper next to me. Today's, a large pile of advertisements.

He clamped dried tofu shreds into a plate: "Remember that at first the newspaper was sold for one copy, but now the newspaper is getting thicker and thicker, but the price has not changed."

"Fuqian is not a newspaper, so there are advertisements on it?"

Liu Chong thought that when Zhang Jiuling talked about advertising, currency was different from newspapers.

"Is there a complete set of newspapers in Brother Liu's house? From the first page to the present? If so, I will charge you ten times the price."

Zhang Jiuling smiled and asked Liu Chong, the newspaper has one page a day, how many days has it been published? If there is no shortage, I will charge ten times the price.

"I...maybe! Why do you want to sell it to you? Twenty times doesn't work, that's not a newspaper issue anymore."

Liu Chong thought for a while, not sure if he could make a set, but he was reluctant.

One copy after another, starting from the first edition.

"Xiao Yi Zhuangzi has. I remember that when he printed the newspaper, he kept a lot of copies."

Yao Chong recalled a situation in which Lijiazhuangzi’s newspaper was kept first every time.

"Want to keep it well? In a few years, a complete set of newspapers should be more expensive than bicycles."

Li Rizhi understands, even if you buy a newspaper for three dollars a day, you can sell it for ten thousand days, which is only thirty thousand dollars.

It was nearly 30 years, and there were 10,000 newspapers in each issue, and I couldn't buy it for a thousand.

It's not a newspaper anymore, it has been with me for thirty years.

Time can't find it back, and the newspapers are almost thrown away. If you want, buy it!

"Fuqian..." Liu Youqiu said two words.

Several people spoke together: "It's not so cold, how can the plum blossoms smell so sweet."

They said the same thing, the reward money that the school gave to outstanding children, especially the money with the dark pattern of plum blossom branches.

One dollar can cost at least five dollars, and extra things will be given.

Like the Zhuozhuo little girl in the Zhuangzi, she took out a sum of money to buy food, and bought the bowl of wontons in front of her.

This wonton stuffing is good, it's worth two dollars, the seller of wonton will put out a lot of side dishes for her.

Go buy the braised pork again, cut it up, let her pack it and take it home, and leave her reward voucher.

The value of this reward voucher lies in the recognition of Lijiazhuang, and you can buy more things in Lijiazhuang.

The face value doesn't matter anymore, the extra purchasing power given to it by Lijiazhuangzi is important.

Bi Gou felt that his throat was itchy, and he quickly sipped the wonton soup: "The old man remembers that Lijiazhuang's exchange voucher is exchanged for copper in some places, but it will cost a premium."

"It was in Henan Province last year, and it was normal this year." Zhang said in recognition of Bi Gou.

"Your Majesty..." Bi Gou said to Li Longji with a bitter expression, only two words.

"Longze, the twelfth lunar month is twenty-nine, why worry, even if brother Yi prints more blessing money, isn't it a cost!"

Li Longji finally admitted that, yes, the cost is six cents, and the face value is one dollar. It does not mean that the purchasing power is also one dollar.

As the emperor, I want the blessing money that other places want, but I don’t have it!

Others can only receive a high price, the reward is 6,000 yuan, and the printed version can be 600,000 yuan.

Bi Gou was even more entangled: "Fuqian is a commodity, or is it currency?"

He wanted to figure out that he would charge taxes on goods, and how would he charge money? Currency printing still loses money at face value.

"It's my reward for paying." Li Longji emphasized, don't want to receive a penny of tax.

"Your Majesty, Shengming, treat the people's grace as heavy as a mountain." Bi Gou frowned into a word "chuan".

"Your Majesty Shengming!" the others said together. UU reading www. uukānshu. com

"I have to study hard when I look back, there are more good things in Xiao Yi's stomach."

Bi Gou was taught a lesson and was going to find an opportunity to ask Xiao Yi how to calculate and whether to collect taxes?

You don’t have to receive tax, but you have to figure it out.

The people didn't know the depression of the officials, and the people made new clothes.

When the silk used to be currency lost its currency attribute, it was only circulated as a commodity, and the price changed accordingly.

Some are more expensive, some are cheaper.

A few years ago, a piece of silk was five hundred and fifty dollars, now one hundred and fifty dollars.

It has nothing to do with the processing process and the man-hours consumed, it is not currency, the backlog is too large, and a financial attribute is missing, and the price falls.

Waiting for productivity to develop better, grain production to increase, and silk and silk production to be low, and the price will exceed 550 yuan a horse.

The people are now buying new clothes and preparing for a good year.

When the children saw the large amount of food and the happy smiles of the family members, they were also happy. It seemed that the snowy sky was as clear as a cloudless sky.

Also excited were the hounds coming down the mountain, running around, occasionally rolling on the snow, sticking out their tongues and turning around their owners.

Shi Xiazi took the lead, and his team carried things and carried things.

There is a wooden cage, and in the cage is... a giant panda.

There are six giant pandas, one adult male and two females, and three cubs. One female giant panda gives birth to two babies.

Now that the two babies are alive, Hu Feng and others will help replace the mother panda to breastfeed, and they will operate.

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