Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2241: Snowman Ice Sculpture

"It's snowing! It's snowing! Snowmen!"

After washing his teeth, Song Jing came outside and saw a group of children running around.

Seeing the direction the children were running, he followed with his back.

"Twelve degrees below zero today, the snowman can hold on for a few days." Song Jing muttered.

There is no snow in the sky, and the snow made by Lijiazhuang’s snow-making machine can be stored for longer than natural snow.

I have piled up snowmen twice before, and I hurried to make snow artificially when it was cold.

There is no snow today. In order to celebrate the Chinese New Year, each snow machine will start working at two o'clock in the morning.

When Song Jing walked to the place, a group of children were playing in the snow with toys made of polished bamboo and wood in their hands.

Especially for the artisan families who came from further south, some of their children had never seen heavy snow, but Xiaoxue had fallen, and they couldn't make snowmen at all.

They wore duck down clothes and rolled on the snow, laughing endlessly.

"Luoyang is warmer than Chang'an. Chang'an already has a lot of ice lamps, right?"

Song Jing stood and watched, watching the snow sprayed by the snow-making machine with the adults around him, thinking of Chang'an.

Starting from the second year after Li Yi arrived in Chang'an, there were ice sculptures every year.

I arrived in Luoyang this year...

When Song Jing was secretly feeling that there was no ice sculpture in Luoyang, he saw a group of people rushing to the horse to appear. There was a sledge behind the horse, and a large block of ice was placed on the sledge.

"Zhuangzi has laid down his blood!" Song Jing knew that he was about to start ice sculptures, and he didn't think it was too late.

The New Year’s Eve only started, and it’s hard to install a lamp when it’s dark. Carving is a technical task.

There is no shortage of artisans in Lijiazhuang, and there are 2039 new recruits.

The older sons are all a bit crafty.

They have certificates, and even craftsmen who strike iron can do carpentry and mason work, and they need to demould and find sand.

There is a difference with the craftsman who is not recorded by the ordinary government. A craftsman with a certificate in the Tang Dynasty can do almost all the work.

As he had imagined, the ice transporters were 16 guards and recruits. As soon as the ice arrived, the craftsmen commanded it to place it, and took out the tools to carve it.

Some Yulin Feiqi followed to help. They were warriors, but it didn't mean they could only fight wars, they could also do some work.

"Guangping is over?" Bi Gou didn't know when he came behind Song Jing.

"I didn't scrub it. Xia Yaohua gave it to me. She worshipped Xiao Yi as a teacher."

Song Jing licked her teeth with her tongue. There is no scrubbing step. It feels like she can only get used to it tomorrow.

"Xia Yaohua? Oh! Burning! That's how it is."

When Bi Gougang heard the burning name, he didn't react.

"Exactly, no matter whether you take the imperial examination or the boy subject, you have to be taught after you are admitted.

After all, someone will become her master. You and I know that she learns for an hour every day, that is, take the first name of Chang'an County.

Except for Xiao Yi, whoever becomes her master will be taught a year later. "

Song Jing is not envious, let alone jealous. Everyone has reflected on the incident of Li Guizang.

Finding such children as apprentices will delay the children. Apart from the identity of Zaifu as a backer, there is no other knowledge to teach.

When the master is unable to give the apprentices intellectual help, a lot of time is spent on teaching how to behave or dealing with official duties.

Children learn all the skills they can learn in one or two years.

Bi Gou took a deep breath: "Indeed, Xiao Yi is good enough for children to learn. They won't be arrogant if they have a master who can suppress them."

He supported Zhuozhuo and worshiped Li Yi as his teacher. He studied for an hour a day, mastered all the books in the Boy Division, and learned a lot of other books.

When someone else saw it, he could only shake his head and sigh, and couldn't teach.

NS! In front of Li Yi, finish learning knowledge? Asking you to study for eight hours a day, would you dare to be a teacher in ten years?

That is to learn endlessly, the more you learn, the deeper you learn, and the more you learn.

There are thousands of medical books alone. What else are physics, chemistry, mathematics, botany, zoology, aquaculture, finance, management...

There are branches in various disciplines. When these sciences are generalized, a lot of disciplines will emerge on the basis of the development of these disciplines.

Like the abyss like the sea.

"Longze, Luoyang sky, can ice sculptures be put on the Shangyuan Festival?"

Song Jing changed the subject and asked Bi Gooneng how long the ice sculptures could be kept.

He was born in Hebei, and later served as a governor in Hebei, then governor in Jiangsu and governor in Guangzhou.

Luoyang is not familiar to him. Bi Gou was Henan Yin in Luoyang, and he should understand the winter weather.

"Yes! Winter in Luoyang is changeable. Snow can be stored in the mountains, and the rivers are seldom frozen. The weather will drop slightly this year. If the first month is not in the first month, thick ice and snow can keep it."

Bi Gou recalled and gave an answer, no problem, it was very cold today, and now it is minus 14 degrees.

At noon, it will rise to six or seven degrees below zero, the source of the river is not closed, and the hot spring river is injected into Luoshui, and the water is impermanent.

"Your Majesty just whispered to me that next year's imperial government revenue could exceed 100 million yuan. In your mind, your Majesty ordered me to tell you about it."

Song Jing changed the subject again and told Bi Gou how much money he would have next year.

Bi Gou: "..."

He was frozen, like an ice sculpture.

Song Jing observed carefully to see if he should call someone.

"Hey~~" Bi Gou exclaimed, "Much money is in a good mood, but it is difficult to manage. Xiaoyi knows all day long to give the old man a problem, so he will collect his tax back."

"Come!" Song Jing expressed support.


"After the new year, you can raise it again and find time to practice guns. This gun and bullets are special. When you practice with other guns, the recoil will be greater."

Li Yi talked to his third apprentice, gave the pistol, but advanced.

Don't use it when you practice hands. The bullets are too expensive, and the bullets are bigger than normal magazine can only hold three rounds.

"Thank you, Master." The little girl Zhuozhuo was happy.

It doesn't matter whether you have a gun or not. I have been a teacher, and I will have backers from now on.

The last time Xiaopang pulled his braids, would you like to shoot him with a gun?

"There will be a show tonight, and ice lanterns, let's go and watch it with the teacher.

The learning as a teacher is still shallow, so I can only teach you more ways of doing things.

If you don’t understand daily trivial matters, you can just ask. "

Li Yi gave himself an excuse to ask Confucianism not to look for himself, he was not free.

Zhuozhuo little girl is older than Qingdai and Li Guizang, but those who get started later still have to call others seniors and seniors.

In theory, her memory is better than Li Guizang. Li Guizang can study for a long time every day, and she is at most one hour.

In terms of human relationships, she is no better than Li Guizang. Li Guizang is so smart that she secretly asks for leave to find something for Li Yi on the mountain, and asks to be a teacher.

Li Guizang is a true orphan and must know how to survive.

But no matter whether it is learning ability or humanity, neither of them can compare with the little Qingdai girl.

The little girl always treats people to doctors, and she knows her life will be soon, and she is more mature.

Li Guizang sees things at the lowest level of society, and Feng Qingdai is in contact with all classes.

When she treated people to the illness, she saw the thoughts of different patients, the thoughts and considerations of their family members, all in her eyes.

However, even if she knew it, she still didn't change her original intention, and worked hard to study medicine, trying her best to help others before she died.

Regardless of his virtue or ability, he is worthy of the position of senior sister.

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