Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2263: Cooking rice is more fragrant

'drive! drive! Oh oh oh! Boom! Call~~’

The carriage was driven into the monastery, loaded with things, and taken away when I returned today.

Gold depends on the actual situation, whether it needs to be repaired, and if it is not needed, it maintains the color that has been condensed over the years.

If you have to wash it out, it's worthless.

The patina of antiques is precious. If you have to beat the patina on agarwood with sandpaper and apply a layer of bright oil...

The restoration of antiques is to repair the ancients with the ancients.

A big pot was set up outside the temple. Today, we make stew, beef stew with radish, and we don’t need four dishes and one soup.

Get some small pickles and eat them together.

The new rice harvested last fall brought by the team, japonica rice.

Borrowing the villagers’ earthen stove for cooking is actually helping them burn a fire. Luoyang has to burn the kang when it’s cold today.

Burning is too hot at night, burn it now, and then press a piece of briquettes, and keep it till night.

Check the weather at night. If the weather is good, open it first, and then press the stove.

In this way, using a piece of coal can save a lot of firewood, and it can be burnt the next morning.

Otherwise, you have to re-set soft wood, hard wood, and coal.

If the weather is bad, you can't press it anymore, and it will be poisoned by carbon monoxide.

The children are happy, they want to eat cooking, not to say that cooking is more fragrant than steaming, but that there is something extra to eat.

To cook rice is to put rice in a pot and add water until the rice is cooked.

For steamed rice, rice and water are placed in a pot or a bowl, and the pot is covered with a curtain, which is the thing with a hole, placed on it, not directly touching the pot.

Steamed rice will not be steamed, but cooking rice will be simmered.

Just like fried buns and steamed buns, one directly touches the bottom of the pot and the other does not.

The cooked rice in a large pot has rice crusts underneath.

This is what children like, and can be shoveled up as snacks.

If you deep-fried it with vegetarian food, it would be the most delicious in the world.

There was not so much vegetable oil in the past, but now we have the conditions, and even stir-fried rice crust with other vegetables.

"Dudududududu..." The diesel engine made by Zhuangzi brought by Li Yi was spinning, and sorghum rice, millet, and rhubarb rice were poured in according to a certain ratio.

The popcorn sticks began to come out continuously, and the dealer was responsible for cutting them off and turning them into sticks.

‘Du~~’ ‘Let’s shoot it! ’‘Boom~~! ’

The popcorn machine followed the collapsed pot of rice and sorghum, all for the villagers.

The villagers provide their own grain, but the people in Lijiazhuangzi just process it for free.

It seems that the young idiot is smiling and helping beside him. He said he is twenty-five years old this year, and he looks like he is eighteen or nineteen.

He was invited by the village ten years ago and looked young and carefree.

The first person who didn't use popcorn first gave the children in the village a handful and ate them. It was not bad.

It is the home of the village chief, who belongs to the staff and has financial subsidies.

In the past, he was responsible for collecting rent, but now he manages the stability of the village.

The children were courteous to each other and fed to the fool uncle.

The fool looked stupid, but after taking a couple of bites, he didn't want to. Instead, he turned his head to feed the baby in others' arms, and the rice stick melted in his mouth.

The other party didn't guard him either, the baby grinned at him as he ate.

"Master, can that villager be cured?"

Li Yi's big apprentice Qingdai, the little girl knew that the fool was sick, and asked if he could be cured.

Li Yi shook his head: "No, but the village is good. A fool is a child whose IQ is at the level of a few years old. You see that he is always helping others, and he wants to eat and endure it.

If children and adults in the village give a fool a long time the impression that bullying others can gain benefits, he will learn to bully others.

When a fool in a village becomes like that, he is no longer a village guard, but a demon mirror.

What do you guys think? Let’s talk about it, next year, no, you all have to take the boy course this year. "

Li Yi has not forgotten to teach his disciples all the time and be a teacher!

"Don't do to others what you don't want it to be done to others. What the master said is to follow the magic mirror, but the doer will do it in reverse."

Li Guizang thought for a while to answer, bullying fools, fools will learn to bully people, you do to others what you don't want, and you get results you don't want.

What he answered was the content in the Analects.

"If a husband loves others, people will also love them; those who benefit others will also benefit them; those who are wicked will also benefit from evil; and those who harm others will also harm them."

The little girl Zhuozhuo followed, and what she said further elaborated on ‘do not do to others what you do not want to do’.

Her answer comes from Mozi·Jianai.

"Dividing people with money is the benefit, teaching people to be good as loyalty, and winning people for the world is benevolence. Therefore, it is easy for the world to be with people, but it is difficult for the world to win people. Therefore, the village has no aspirations for the world, but it is also There is loyalty."

The little girl Qingdai finally replied, saying that the extent to which the people in the village could not find talented people for Datang was benevolence.

But they did what they had done before and gave the property to the fool. This is a benefit. Teaching the people in the village to be nice to others is called loyalty.

What she said was taken from Mencius Teng Wengong.

"Yes!" Li Yi was satisfied, this was only his apprentice, and he glanced around by the way.

Bi Gou, Song Jing, Yao Chong, Su Ting, Zhang Jiuling...Wait! Lower your head, as if you hadn't seen it.

When Li Yi took his apprentice to give the fool to see what the situation was, a group of ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Longji glanced at it: "Next year, the three children will have to take the boy course first, and then the Jinshi course, maybe they can also take the Xiucai course, right?"

"Your Majesty, the ministers have already said that when you take the exam for children, everyone will eat shabu skewers and chat casually, children! If you ask too many questions, you will cry if you can't answer."

Bi Gou looked down at the soil under his feet and said something I care about the child.

"Can they cry?" Li Rizhi asked with a smile.

"Is it okay for the old man to cry? Someone has to cry." Bi Gou didn't care, why?

He rolled his eyes: "Why don't you take the three children together as the people in the group, will your majesty agree?"

"Yun!" Li Longji agreed.

You go together, if you want, Brother Yi will also ask you to take the test.

Yao Chong raised his eyebrows, thinking about the response of the three children: "Eating skewers is actually very good."

"Chicken broth and bone broth are the skewers of the soup base. It really warms your stomach when you eat it in spring."

Yin Sizhen turned the topic back to eating, which was too scary.

The three children have become monsters, UU reading www.uukanshu. com test them, if they ask back, do you know what they will ask? Once asked...

Zhang Jiuling thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, is it really a question of how many books you have learned? It's not a question of how many books you have learned. The current affairs policy is the first. If you have to take the test, you must first talk to Gang Rou, and Gang Rou teaches well."

"Jiu Ling, please stop, Xiucai Ke's rhetorical question is more difficult than Tongzi Ke's.

It’s not just the content in the book, the current affairs policy of Xiucai Branch, taught by Li Yiyi. When children ask questions, how do you know how to answer them?

For example, for specific matters of overseas trade, if you ask something else, the children can also transfer you to that area, do you understand?

You have been the city envoy of the Guangzhou Ships Division, tell me, have you figured it out? "

Su Ting's face has changed, no way! Current affairs policies are now in Li Yi's hands.

"A real test is also fine, let's ask Xiao Yi, then we will give the children a background."

Song Jing supported him at this time. Could it be because the three children can't fight? Belonging to a literati?

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