Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2273: Railroad extension mask kill

The latest website: "Used as a temple fair?" Song Jing finally found the key words in the messy words of Li Yi.

"The social opera is also there. There is no social opera. In fact, it is the same as the temple fair. It is the development and evolution of sacrificial rites."

Li Yi nodded, yes, I never thought of treating Luoyan Temple as a temple.

"Can you make money?"

Song Jing didn't care about the household department, but he was also interested in money issues. This Luoyan Temple was given to Xiaoyi by others.

"Whether I can make money depends on whether I want to make money or not, and the areas specially set aside are used as large trade markets.

It is similar to the east and west cities in Chang'an and the north and south cities in Luoyang.

Some sell things in shops, some set up stalls, and the livestock and poultry transactions have their own places.

I collect rent, the court collects taxes, the people of Yanqiu Village get dividends, and I also provide accommodation and some meals. "

Li Yi said that there is no place around Luoyang City in the big trade fair, and the north and south cities are not enough.

The population here is small, the place is large, and it is close to Luoyang.

Of course, closer to your own Zhuangzi, just a short walk across the river.

Song Jing adjusted his horse and came to Li Yi's southeast position. Because the northwest wind was blowing, Li Yi could help block it.

Maybe it's really useful, maybe it's psychological effect, Song Jing doesn't feel so cold anymore.

He loosened the reins and rubbed his hands together: "Need an extra small train station?"

"The big railway station is mainly for freight. After the river is Lijiazhuang, the railway station over there shouldn't store too much cargo."

Li Yi pointed out that there can be a small bazaar in front of Lijiazhuangzi, like the bridgehead of Baqiao, and there cannot be too many transits and chaos.

It is easy to be hidden by the enemy in warehouses and large cargo piles, making it dangerous to enter and exit.

"Yes, I want to come here to become the largest logistics transfer station in Luoyang."

Song Jing came up with a term, logistics.

Li Yi waved his hand: "The biggest one is in Luoyang, a bit northeast of the Luohe River.

The Yellow River Bridge will be put into use immediately, and people on the north side of the Yellow River will transport a lot of goods.

At the same time, the goods that Luoyang needs and the goods that are transported must also have a place to temporarily store them.

The new track bridge crossing the Luo River has also been repaired, and the old one is too short, which affects Luoshui shipping.

When the railway section of the canal to the Bohai Sea is completed in the future, a railway bridge across the Yellow River will be built at that location..."

When Li Yi was talking, he found a group of horses coming around. Except for nothing in front of him, all other places were occupied.

He just said more, telling everyone to continue to the northeast after the completion of the railway to Bohai.

To be repaired to An Dong Duhu Mansion, that is, Fushun City at that time.

That road can take the Beijing-Fengzhou railway, that is, the railway from Tianjin to Beijing is to be built. Datang is called Fanyang Jiedushi, Youzhou.

Why does it have to be built to Youzhou and can go directly to Shenyang from Tianjin? What's the point of building an extra road?

This has to be asked about Youyun, or how much influence the Song Dynasty had after the loss of the sixteen prefectures called Youyan and Yanyun.

There are many rivers in Beijing, and there is a plain in the middle, which now belongs to the Khitan administration.

Why must it be repaired to Fushun again? Is it to dig coal?

It is necessary to ask how the Battle of Sa'er Hu was lost at the end of the Ming Dynasty, and whether the local terrain was a battleground for military strategists.

Fushun is regarded as the source of the Hun River, most of the rivers flow eastward, while the Hun River flows westward.

After the railway was repaired to the An Dong Duhu Mansion, the railway and the Hunhe River became a dual transportation channel, further oppressing the Bohai State.

He couldn't solve the Bohai Kingdom in a short time. The land was too big, there were many mountains, and the winter was very cold.

The forces against Tubo, Tuqi Shi, and white clothes could not be mobilized.

After the suppression of the north, the Turkic soldiers cannot be easily transferred, and there are still people in the post-Turkic north.

Recruitment from the south must be trained first, and then slowly adapt to the winter environment.

Of course! The southern part belongs to the planting area. Everyone is farming.

Like Hubei, Hunan is a place where officials are exiled, it is better to develop the waters of Dongting Lake first if there are populations.

When Li Yi was almost done, the team returned to Zhuangzi's door.

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, the market outside Zhuangzi was still lively.

Someone came back from the Martyrs Cemetery and wanted to buy something. There were merchandise sold in Zhuangzi at the door of Zhuangzi.

Matches, soap, soap, skin cream, glycerin for lips and nail edges, sanitary napkins, diesel, bicycles, kerosene lamps...

Some things no one buys, they are too expensive, just look at them.

Eat more, the most common ones are rice sticks, popcorn, rice cakes, candied chestnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts...

Hubu took the opportunity to sell noodles, instant noodles, rice noodles, and rice noodles.

The people from other villages came to change things, and most of the hunters' prey were also placed here.

This is a safe area, not patrolling by market managers, and the sixteen guards are responsible.

Li Yi felt his stomach. When he was hungry, he ate four skewers of beef stewed radish candied haws.

There was a row of people selling wontons next to them, concentrated, and those eating wontons ran here to sit, and they were not allowed to spit or throw anything.

Seeing wontons, Li Yi wanted to go back to Zhuangzi to eat them.

Suddenly, he found that there was no one at a stall buying wontons, so he rolled over and got off his horse to take a look at the guards around him.

The guards understood and immediately became vigilant.

Li Yi walked over, took a look, and realized.

There is a 28-year-old girl who is not looking at her teeth but looking at her face, selling wontons.

Look at the teeth... how do these teeth grow? Some branch outwards, and some move to the side.

If there is no such tooth, there is a big beautiful woman who has a tooth, and indeed has no appetite.

Occasionally, a person came to buy wontons, and he lowered his head to talk to her. The wontons were cooked and carried to the public dining area.

"Send masks and tell the sellers that they must wear masks and change them every day. This is the rule that Changan has, but how can Luoyang not have it?"

Li Yi whispered, and the dealer immediately contacted him to send a mask.

The first time, free, non-disposable mask, Li Yi doesn't have that technology.

Li Yi stood and waited. The girl selling wontons looked at a loss. The others bowed as soon as they looked at the team's car.

Not long after, the dealers came out in a group and gave out masks one by one, and emphasized that they should all be worn in the future.

The girl got a mask and put it on. The mask was killed in an instant. The eyes and eyebrows are beautiful!

Only then did Li Yi continue to move closer, observe the wonton filling in the lower basin, and scoop up a bit of smell.

Looking at the cauldron again, the soup in the pot was tumbling, there was a chicken stand inside, and he turned his head and asked, "Who eats it?"

"A bowl for one person, two less wontons, and a mouthful of hot soup to warm your belly." A voice came from Doulu Guifei's car.

"Make twenty bowls first, and put five wontons in one I remember to put more fillings, don't sip it and put it in the pot."

Li Yi said to the girl, sitting on the trolley box supported by Qingsong by the way.

He was going to eat in front of the stall, instead of going to the public dining area.

The girl nodded vigorously, washed her hands, soaped, and came back quickly to wrap wontons.

The first bowl took another, and the last one was Li Yi's. The girl slowed down and she had to adapt to putting more fillings.

Someone moved the tables and long stools in the common area.

In front of Li Yi is another trolley box as a table, and Ziyu is in charge.

Li Yi eats slowly with a spoon in one hand and chopsticks in one hand. The taste of wontons is different when he eats wontons with a spoon and chopsticks.

He eats with a spoon and always chews a wonton in his mouth, and with chopsticks it is a small bite.

Just as he is so proficient, most people still can't learn it.

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