Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2283: Man and nature regret their lessons

The latest website: "How is the priority?" Li Longji asked as expected.

"Others line up to buy things. Soldiers want to buy things. They take out the soldiers' credentials and jump in directly. They even open a separate place for sale, and no other people are allowed to go there."

Li Yi cited one of the most common examples: soldiers are qualified to jump in the queue.

Because in the face of a disaster, the people ran forward, and the soldiers had to turn around and face the danger.

The effort is proportional to the reward. When the soldier turns around, he is eligible to jump in the queue.

"When conscripts and volunteers become popular in the future, homes will mail home dishes and write letters to each other, free of charge.

Whose family’s children are selected as conscripts, wear red flowers on the street, and the government has to treat the soldiers’ family members extra.

This is called supporting the army and superior subordinates, three years of conscripts, in fact, two years will do, but they need to study cultural courses in the army. "

Li Yi talked about specific operations today. If a country doesn't value its soldiers, the country is just waiting to be invaded.

Li Longji thought for a while, and asked, "Being a soldier does not involve production. Is it possible to rely on yamen for life at home?"

"Serving as a soldier is production. After three years of retirement, the money that normal people make every month is given to the veterans once.

With this money, they can build a house or do business.

The more people who join the army and retire early, the better the job. Let's arrange work for them. "

Li Yi said that the conscripts were retired, but he knew that the first batch of conscripts would be converted into volunteers.

The treatment between the two is different, and the salaries of volunteers are not low.

Volunteers learn a lot. After the war, once they are professional, they become local officials.

"Not enough space, right?" Li Longji had heard of Li Yi's professional issues before.

"Refined, now generally there is a county magistrate, a county prince, a county lieutenant, and a master book.

Others belong to the civil servants, the official positions are small, and the appointments are arbitrary.

From now on, it will be listed separately like the imperial court, financial, urban construction, personnel, organization, water conservancy, farmland, tax..."

Li Yi subdivided and told Li Longji that the more detailed the better, the better.

If something goes wrong, whoever is responsible will take care of it.

In Datang, there are no admonitions, warnings, or punishment within the party.

Once an official commits an offence, he will lower his position lightly, and exile the more serious one.

The most serious thing is that even the family is implicated, and no one wants to run.

In the latter part of history, there was also the issue of redundant officials and staff in the Northern Song Dynasty, which was not an issue of officials at all.

The long problem is that those people are not willing to be petty officials, and they all wait for the positions of the lowest county magistrate, county chief, and master book.

If the villagers did not go, nor did the towns and villagers go, the knives and pensmen in the county still refused.

This is so tedious. Just like when supply exceeds demand during the economic crisis, people cannot afford to buy things, and the price of things is not reduced. Of course, supply exceeds demand.

The other is unemployment. There are jobs, because the salary is low and the treatment is not good, so they don’t go. This kind of unemployment.

Datang officials have positions, have all the Jinshi subjects who have not seen the first class become assistants to the village head?

Some of his senior officials at that time still didn't understand what it meant for college students to go to the village after completing the civil service examination.

The corruption of these people is relatively low, and they start at the grassroots level.

After a few years, I went to the county and made achievements.

Then there are cities and provinces.

Let's put it this way, every step up the ladder, a group of officials can be cleaned up.

It's a joke to say that the party will be destroyed by corruption, and the country will be destroyed by not governance.

Isn’t it clear to the people above that they are willing to spend decades to clean up, but to investigate it for 20 years.

Twenty years later, some of the young people in the village who had graduated from university have reached the hall level.

At this time, some of the former young people who have been brought up every year will be cleaned up every year, and the country will be easy to govern.

Can't see these things, still corruption, who will you clean up if you don't clean it up?

Those officials who think that the country is afraid to clean up me, because there are too many people like me, can't do administration if you clean up, are short-sighted.

Don't dare to clean up now, what about ten years from now? What about after twenty years? At that time, it would even be investigated for thirty years.

Twenty years later you retired, and a new generation came up, and overall it was much cleaner than your generation.

If you don’t check back, you’re fine. You hide in the past. Once you check back, where do you go? Going abroad? Check out the red wanted order.

Some officials didn't understand the red wanted order, thinking that if a domestic order was issued, I would just hide.

So naive, which country did you hide in? There are local forces in that country who are looking for you. To put it bluntly, they are members of the underworld.

Tell you, you should go back, take the initiative, otherwise, break your leg, sleep in the house at night, it’s a bad idea.

Didn't you see that some of the wanted persons' houses were shot at the glass? Then the man returned.

You ask him, and he says that he is active, voluntary, and has not received any coercion.

You made a hundred million, ran out, and bought a house outside.

If the country wants to clean up you, one million is enough. A local snakehead will come to you to talk to you, making you live in fear all day long.

Do you want to return to China, and it is guaranteed that it is not the death penalty and life, will you return?

No return? Take a look at the one who was shot in the leg while running in the park. He hasn't caught the assailant yet and he returned with a leg injury.

It’s right to say how dangerous it is to be outside and the warmth of the motherland!

"Datang can afford to support those officials now, so don't deliberately create obstacles. The real obstacles are people of the same kind."

Li Yi thought a lot about fugitive and wanted matters, and turned around to talk about the specific issues of Datang.

What he meant was to improve the ranks of the officials below and make the promotion smoother.

In general, the people below were not able to pass the imperial examination, and there was no way to give a scholarship background, not to mention that there were elders in the family who were officials.

Their results in the state capital are actually good, just a little bit in the imperial examination.

They cannot be county magistrates for a while, not because of their poor ability.

Like the son of a knife and penman, he also learned from a young age, and even helped his father handle official duties at night.

He failed to pass the imperial examination, and his ability was not recognized.

Isn't it recognized by anyone? Not recognized by those who pass the imperial examination.

I know you have the but I am going to give you a chance? I'm a jinshi, what are you?

If you can be in the same position as me, my Jinshi is worthless.

I know that you are better than me in some basic-level matters, and I can't compare to you, but I just don't need you.

The other person is inferior to you, but he gave me something, and the key person’s daughter-in-law can be found very well. It’s really good. I know better.

"Therefore, the lustful monarch will perish the country." Li Yi told Li Longji about this situation, and finally concluded.

"Brother Yi, I haven't hired people in recent years, it's still the same."

Li Longji was nervous, and after listening to the previous content, he frowned, knowing why.

In the last sentence, he felt that there was a big thunder on top of his head, which could be blasted down at any time.

He didn't know the sword of Damocles in Greek mythology, and his civilization had the same expression.

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