Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2316: Scholars have questions to count 1 love

The latest website: other candidates enter the canteen and restaurant seats in the interval by themselves, or eat directly at the exam seats.

Li Yi, Princess Yongmu, Xiaolan, plus three small candidates, set up a table in front of the three candidates.

"Master, it wastes a lot of time for us to write things that need to be memorized."

Qingdai rubbed her chopsticks' wrist and pouted. She went to put a needle into someone to sleep, and came back to speed up writing.

"At your speed, you can go home and live in tomorrow night, and the little robot will sing you a lullaby tonight."

Li Yi was satisfied with this big disciple. He didn't have the speed of applying needles so fast, his hands were too big and he was not flexible enough.

"Wait until you are sleepy before going to sleep. Master, the train will also go to Haizhou, and the imperial physicians from the imperial medical office will be sent in rotation. Whatever happens, it is convenient to come and go.

No matter how poor a place is, there are always people with a lot of money. How about asking them to pay for some railways and platforms? "

Indigo Naturalis took a bite of the eggplant box, showing a happy expression, and said in a vague voice.

Li Yi waited for her to swallow what was in her mouth: "Any thoughts?"

"When I look at the current affairs policy, there are issues about business and taxation. Business is the blood circulation of people, and tax is the foundation of the nation.

Of course! Those with plenty of fertile land and many livestock have accumulated a lot of wealth. After rent-free and mediocre adjustment, the wealth of the family will become richer.

The law of the country is indispensable, and it is difficult for Tang law to swallow its soil. The heavy copper coins stopped turning, and the thick silk and silk did not flow, which was of no benefit to Datang. "

Qingdai expresses her thoughts. Some people don't do business because they have a lot of fields.

Once the rent adjustment is cancelled in the future, people like this should save money. Can they not buy luxury goods?

The money was thrown there, and it was out of circulation, and it was not good for the court.

Li Yi showed a surprised look, and reconsidered his big disciple.

Qingdai was embarrassed by the look, and bowed her head to eat meat.

"Old Bi, what kind of official can you say to my Qingdai?" Li Yi looked up and looked at the camera.

"Qingdai is a third-rank official, and the old man can only let Shang Shu out."

Bi Gou's voice came from the speaker, and Li Yi's meal was broadcast live.

He didn't take advantage of the live broadcast to preach, it was Qingdai himself who mentioned it, and he was not preaching at the same time.

"Look at your grandfather Bi praised you. Turning back to let him ask for money, we can't give up our idea. Oh! I knew I should use it when I was taking the exam in the Xiucai Department, a strategy."

Li Yi looked annoyed, we are now admitted to the Jinshi Department, it is a pity that you said it!

"Calculate the strategy, this calculation, first write it down, Qingdai girl feel at ease." Bi Go agreed.

"Ten strategies for talented talents, I have one?" Qingdai pursed her lips and grinned.

"Go, go, remember to urge your master to bring more great doctors." There was a smile in Bi Gou's voice.

"What do you mean? The scholars finished the answer together? What did you say?" The people watching the live broadcast were at a loss.

"When the railway was built, the wealthy people near the road paid for it.

When the railway is repaired, a medical hall will be built on the platform, and the emperor will sit in and consult.

With the money you paid, someone in your family is sick, and the hospital is close to your home, and you will be treated in time.

If you don’t have to pay, there will be no medical clinic. When someone arrives at a medical clinic, it’s already cold. "

A voice rang around this person, and he turned his head while speaking, "Do you understand? Uh! Ming Palace."

The speaker was the magistrate of Luoyang County, of course he understood.

"Look at it together." The county magistrate reminded the other party not to make a public statement: "The rental price of the house in Xiaoluonan Village is more than ten times higher than that of the previous year. Do you...know what it means?"

"There is warm soup, I understand, and Zuixianju is next to it." This person said that I am not stupid.

"Tang comes from the land... there are hot spring water, Zuixianju, high rent, other places, such as a small train to the location of Lijiazhuangzi, the land price is also high, right?"

The county magistrate worked hard to organize the language, making it plain and straightforward.

"Those houses are not for sale either, Li Dongzhu bought it, and he just bought it!" This person has a reason.

"Because there is a small train, it is fast, and you can go directly to Lijiazhuang if you are sick.

The train is stable and less bumpy than a horse-drawn carriage, and you can live in Lijiazhuang with one breath.

If Lijiazhuangzi's house is rented out, how much do you think can be rented out? "

The county magistrate pointed, didn’t you just say it, doctor, you can’t turn around?

The person who asked suddenly said, "Right, right, Mingfu is right."

There are not many smart people, and those who watched the live broadcast soon knew what this meant, and they praised the little Qingdai girl for her ability.

"Gui Zang have any ideas?" Li Yi smiled when he saw the second disciple in a daze.

"I want to eat vegetables." Li Guizang shook his head, ate the beef with sauce, chewing hard, the beef without chewy sauce has no soul.

There is garlic sauce next to him. He doesn't dip it. The meat itself has salt, which is slightly lighter.

After dipping in soy sauce, you will be thirsty at night. Drink water when you are thirsty, and can't sleep after drinking water.

"Answer the question after eating?" Princess Yongmu asked.

"If you return to the teacher, the three of us will take a stroll after eating, and sleep more when we grow up."

Qingdai represents the younger brother and younger sister, they are still young and lethargic.

Eat well, ensure adequate sleep time, and exercise.

After eating, they really wandered around in the examination room, like a patrol examination.

The other candidates are not as relaxed and laid-back as them, so everyone said nervously.

Song De was immersed in answering questions. The Analects were simple for all candidates, and the contents of several medical books were hard to remember.

There are pitfalls in calculation problems.

Song De wasted time while writing about medical issues, so fortunately he wrote them all down.

He is currently writing the third theory, and he is also going to go back to bed tomorrow night, and he can continue to manage Zhuangzi's affairs after dawn.

Answering questions in the examination room is not as comfortable as holding a wife on the kang at home?

His daughter-in-law has a big belly, so she can only hold her arms around.

After the imperial examination, we will have a happy event and wait for the birth of the child.

When he thought of the child he was about to be born, he regained his energy, and quickly wrote that "Metropolis" is what he handles.

As for the final song line, I practiced it, and to be precise, I wrote it.

On the twenty-fourth day of the twelfth lunar month, the proprietor suddenly asked himself to drink, saying that snowflakes are like peach and drank a lot of wine, saying that the song line of the imperial examination is actually just a jingle, for example...

The proprietor said: Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Fairy in Taohua Temple...Wake up only to sit in front of the flowers, drunk and still need to sleep in the flowers... The world laughs at me, but the world can’t see through. There is no tomb of Wuling heroes, no flowers and no wine to **** the fields.

After speaking, he left, and left without looking back.

So I hurriedly practiced this rhyme line, and as soon as I saw the question today, it really happened!

Neither Meng Haoran nor Wang Wei were looking for a drink. They had to write it by themselves. Fortunately, they couldn't help them with their basic skills.

From time to time, the live footage was fixed on the three of them, and occasionally we scanned the dealers of Lijiazhuang who participated in the imperial examination.

Let people see that they didn't cheat, didn't write cheat sheets, they all took a bath and changed clothes.

Only three children are special, and the little girl in Qingdai still has needles in her sleeves.

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