Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2327: The scholar has the feeling

"Put it on the list! Put it on the list!"

When Feng Qingdai used her entire body to adjust her body for the second wife, others began to shout.

This year's imperial examination list, everyone does not care about the three children of Indigo, Jinshi, Xiucai.

The three child prodigies are an exception, and others can't get jealous even if they want to be jealous.

The three of them are not children of other people's families, and none of their parents ask their children to compare with the three of Qingdai.

If only a little bit, you can still chase.

But if it's too short of a stop, for example, people had an aircraft carrier during World War I, and there were planes that could take off on the ship.

Regardless of how bad people’s ships and planes are, they can bomb you with carrier-based aircraft.

How many countries in the world do not pursue this technology? Knowing that it can't catch up, it's too much.

However, one country knows the gap and still catches up.

To what extent? The development of others over the past two centuries would have caught up in decades, if it weren't for patent restrictions, they would have stepped on it a long time ago.

Even if you have a patent, you will pursue it yourself, get the patent yourself, and let the other party suppress it by administrative means rather than economic means, because the other party cannot be suppressed by economic means.

Since the Opium War, hasn't it been delayed because of some things!

It doesn't matter, in fifty years, the gap of these hundreds of years will be equalized. There is no need to borrow from the sky for five hundred years, as long as it is given to me for another fifty years.

Fifty years to five thousand years, the white horse has passed the gap.

"Build the ambition of China and lay the foundation of Yanhuang. Continue to increase efforts and scholarships." This is what Li Dan said.

When he was in power, there was no current situation, he was happy, and he was not unable to directly make a move. His move meant to seize power.

He had been emperor several times before, but he couldn't do it every time, and he had no right to speak.

Now he actually doesn't have any right to speak, but for ordinary little things, he will give him face when he says it.

He is too emperor after all, and Li Longji can't avoid being filial.

"Yes!" Li Chengqi, as the eldest brother, must first express his stance.

Li Dan is his father, his father.

"Yes!" Li Longji was the same, dear, except that his mother was gone and he was persecuted to death.

"How about you, Xiao Yi?" Li Dan was hypocritical, insisting on letting the people he hope to recognize him recognize him.

"Okay, you said this is pretty good." What else could Li Yi do?

They were hypocritical to each other, and there was a rollover over there.

"The first place in the Jinshi Division is Song De, the sub-manager of Lijiazhuang in Bashui, Chang'an County, Jingzhao Mansion."

Gao Lishi called, he is fine for the time being, and his voice is magnetic.

When the camera came over, Song De took a step forward, his face calm.

Suddenly a woman rushed over next to him: "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~"

"If you don't cry or cry, crying too much is not good for your child. You have to find the proprietor, hurry up, look at the camera, and take a photo. This year we are married, everyone bless you!"

Song De appeased his wife, Hu Er.

Madame Hu Er firmly believes that the person who can get the first grade of Jinshi is Wenquxing Xingfan, and his life is hard.

If your own man takes the first place directly, he will not defeat the man to death.

I didn't die before, otherwise, where's the child from? Widowed three times! Actually, I am not a nemesis, because I have not found the right person.

Lady Hu Er touched her belly, turned her head shyly, and ran away.

"Hehehehe." Song De smirked. He fulfilled his wish. The key is that he has the child, and the wife is always shy and feels different!

"Steward Song, do you want to take a concubine? I have a cousin..."

Some students waiting to see the ranking asked him to take the imperial examination.

"Shut up!" Song De's face was pale.

"Second place in the Jinshi A, Feng Qingdai." The one over there shouted again.

The little Qingdai girl stepped forward and nodded slightly. She was wearing a white coat.

"The third place in the Jinshi Division A, Li Guizang."

"Fourth in the Jinshi Division A, Xia Yaohua."

Gao Lishi kept shouting, and when others heard the names of the four people in front, there was nothing to say.

If you want to criticize, you can only ask why Song De ranks ahead of the three children?

Completed the children's pediatrics, jinshi, and xiucai courses.

Is Song De from the Jinshi Division better than the Xiucai Division? In this case, why doesn't Song De take the Xiucai subject?

But as long as IQ online people understand, Song De's previous mind was to get a Jinshi in the exam, and he never thought about being a scholar.

His dream is enough! Is the first place in the Jinshi Division A not enough?

At the beginning, he hoped that he could get the first place in the Jinshi Division.

If your dreams come true, you will be content. What about other talent subjects?

"The fifth place in A, Li Zhuangzi Li Zhi." Gao Lishi shouted.

Even Li Yi was surprised at this. Shake fuck, who is this? The exam depends on the results, and there is surveillance video.

The first four are Song De and his apprentice, what's the matter with the fifth one?

Li Yi was taken aback, then jumped up and waved his arms: "Huh!"

In any case, your own people got good grades. Don’t care about what you think. Do you know how much effort the dealer has put in to get this grade?

It's like some coaches in Li Yi's time, teaching several students, diving.

He looks at everyone else, but he doesn't like one.

As a result, when the game was over, the coach was stunned.

The same goes for gymnastics. The coach is not optimistic, so he won't get results.

Some coaches are really not optimistic, and find that their disciples perform well, and they become passionate in an instant. Yes, that's it. I used to underestimate you.

And some coaches are not only not happy, but gloomy. I said you can't, why are you doing this? Do you slap me in the face? Do you still want to mix in this business?

I told you a hundred times. Don't pursue your own extraordinary ability to shoot from a small angle. Instead, you should shoot back from a triangle. Why do you shoot from a small angle every time?

The most annoying thing is that if you don't pass back the bottom line, you still dare to stick the line and stick the ball. If the bottom line is over, you are not afraid that you can't control it to qualify?

I can't teach you like this! You are too disobedient. You have to know that football is a collective event, not an individual performance.

Look at Xiaohu, he avoids every time someone passes the ball to him. This is called Qian Rang. It is not that his grandfather is a senior official of a certain province.

Such a good child, UU reading www. never catches the ball all the way, just to paralyze the opponent, why don't you pass before the local penalty area?

What happened to offside? It's not wrong to be offside a hundred times! One success against offside is a goal!

The imperial examination results continued to be reported, and some people from the family began to complain about the situation like football.

Then more and more people complained, and all kinds of arguments appeared in the market, how Li Yi resembled Zhao Gao and Huo Guangfa's sadness.

"Hard and soft, no one impeached you, but there is a folk saying that you are the king of a new country, a new king, both Yin and Yang."

Zhang Jiuling told Li Yi about what she knew.

Every Zaifu has his own staff, if not, why should he be Zaifu?

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