Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2330: Gradually trust the hospital

"Grandpa Hu, did you hug me when you were young? No, did you hug me when you were young?"

With the other hand, the little fellow Qingdai greeted the younger brother and younger sister to follow, jumping and talking to the old man.

"Hold me, knowing that you have a heart disease, I have been looking for good prescriptions and medicines outside, but it is a pity that the prescriptions are hard to find.

Later, when someone said about you, Feng's girl was rescued by Dongzhu Li, so she hurried over to take a look.

Are you out of breath? Do you have chest tightness, shortness of breath, or lethargy on rainy days? "

The old man glanced at the little girl from time to time, with a loving look on his face.

"Okay! I'm very exhausted when it comes to medical treatment. Master will practice with a group of condemned prisoners during the treatment.

Use a tube to walk in the blood vessel, walk to the place to stretch the narrow part of the heart.

Your Majesty and Grandpa Zaifu both support me. My junior sister has the same disease as me, which is easier than when I was treated. "

Qingdai's small hand was pulled, and she touched the old man's finger with her finger to see if the other party was a fake. The acupuncture and moxibustion inevitably left marks on her hand.

She was not afraid, because Big Brother Guo always followed at a dozen steps, and the little robot was also nearby.

The little robot will scan through perspective, the medicine box and the gourd are taken away by the master, and Grandpa Hu doesn't have any weapons on his body.

If it’s too late to twist your neck with your hands, the little robot will even power it up. Master said that the little robot reacts very quickly.

"How?" The old man suddenly smiled and asked the little girl.

The little girl raised her head and gave a big smile: "Hold the hand of the needle for a long time."

"Hahahaha! Really clever, have passed the three imperial examinations, any ideas?"

The old man laughed, he could see the situation around him.

Even if he doesn't know what the little robot is doing, he tends to follow the lack of one step, to ensure that there is a problem.

"I don't have any ideas, take the test, otherwise people will say that my third grade official is not correct.

Grandpa Gu, let me tell you, the wine in your gourd needs to be adjusted. Using wine to transport medicine is good.

There are wines in the cellar in the village, and the age is still a little less, but the wine is stronger and the medicine is shipped faster. "

The little girl talked about the reason why she and her younger brother and younger sister took the imperial examination, and then mentioned wine.

She also knows that some medicines require wine to speed up the absorption, and some medicines use wine, rice wine, and white wine when preparing them.

"Is it for medical use?" When the old man heard that he had a good drink, he thought of what was written in the newspaper.

"Yes, Huoxiang Zhengqi, Master wrote... Master said he copied the prescriptions in the medical books that we can learn now.

There are pills and decoctions, and the master said that the purification is not good enough, and the subsequent preparation is difficult, so alcohol is used.

When the technique improves in the future, alcohol can be avoided. Pills and powders need to be served with alcohol at the moment.

If no wine is added, only decoction is used, the effect is very slow, and it is difficult to cope with the disease. "

The little girl introduced that Datang didn't have this prescription before.

It is indeed Li Yichao, Huoxiang Zhengqi, this pure Chinese medicine, for gastrointestinal colds, or heatstroke prevention, the effect is very fast.

"I've seen it, I've seen it in the hospital, good remedy." The old man looked very excited.

"There are a lot of books in Zhuangzi. I haven't read the medical books now. Some are repeated, some are justified."

The little girl put a little bit of caution, just a little bit.

Even if the other party was Grandpa Gu, she did not dare to trust it completely.

In the poem copied by the master, it was said that Duke Zhou was afraid of rumors, and Wang Mang remained courteous.

People will change, no matter what they change.

"No, Lao Feng, where is your grandfather recently?" The old man wanted to say that he is immortal.

"I will be here in a few days. No matter how you see a doctor, you will always see a doctor. Some of the people staying at home are in the same place, and the others are here. There are many people here.

Then I will stay. I will learn two dishes and cook them for my parents, aunts, uncles, aunts, uncles, uncles, and grandpas.

I'm learning how to mix platycodon with chili, I have prepared all the spicy cabbage, and the chili sauce needs to be marinated separately.

Master has prepared chili sauce, which is not as good as pickled, and it hurts the intestines and stomach.

The fire is strong in spring, the fire is from the inside, and eating the tuned pepper material will also damage the lungs. "

The little girl is getting happier and the family is coming. Then she tells her family about the exam.

She learned to make hot sauce. Master brought back several kinds of peppers from overseas, with different combinations, different tastes and tastes.

Subsequent processing, that is, concoction, there is a difference between sugar and fructose, or even a mixture of vegetables and fruits.

After talking and walking, everyone came to the courtyard arranged by Li Yi, covering an area of ​​more than 400 square meters, and the area of ​​the house was more than 400 square meters.

The courtyard is actually 400 square meters, and the building has four floors, each with 100 square meters.

There is nothing wrong with this algorithm. The building occupies 100 square meters and the courtyard outside is 300 square meters.

The front and rear courtyards add up to 20 meters by 15 meters.

This kind is used to receive visitors, and it has to have a bit of status, otherwise, if you live in a building, the building looks beautiful, more than 200 square meters, and can't fault it.

The old man was very satisfied at first glance. Lijiazhuangzi gave you a four-story yard, can't it? How much do you want?

Li Longji's yard is large, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters, one hundred meters by one hundred meters, or not?

After Li Yi separated the hospital, his courtyard was only 6,000 square meters, fifty meters by sixty meters, and the same four-story building.

Why not five floors? How much pressure does it take for the heating to be one level higher? There is also tap water.

After the place was arranged, the covert polygraph started, the old man didn't even know.

Buckets of rice noodles were sent to Jingzhao Mansion to invite people to eat, including Henan Mansion, no matter how far away they were.

Just like sending instant noodles in barrels, there are rice noodles in barrels, which was not very acceptable in the north during Li Yi's time.

The reason for not accepting is actually because people in the three large regions of the north, the northwest, the northwest, and the northeast, think that rice noodles are noodles.

They don't want to eat fans. Fans of instant noodles cannot sell well in such a place.

In fact, rice noodles are tougher than noodles and have a better taste, unless you eat stretched noodles, normal noodles are really not as good as rice noodles.

Just eat it once, and you know, oops! This line.

Just like eating rice noodles, the northerners think rice noodles are bridge rice noodles, which are as thick as chopsticks.

And many southern rice noodles are as thick as fans.

Only after walking north and south did I know the situation in various places.

As a result, I have a deeper understanding of the food culture of my motherland, so I am proud.

At present, Datang's requirements for the tastes of North and South are not very serious. Without the watershed, there is no transition zone.

Lijiazhuangzi began to ration, and sent it by train. By then, there were several million people, one serving of instant rice noodles per person.

You don’t need to boil the water yourself. Isn’t there a free soup outside? The soup there must at least be served with chicken racks.

Take the past and brew it, and the deliciousness will arrive.

Ask the other party if there is any shredded pickles, which is shredded mustard greens. If so, let me pick up chopsticks.

"Old Zhang, live here first, and ask someone to send you a library card.

People in Zhuangzi must also have proof of borrowing books, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com facilitates unified management.

There are six libraries in Zhuangzi, and most of the books have the same content.

Ask the administrator if you can't find the book you want. The administrator is not a member of Zhuangzi.

The administrators of the library are not ordinary, there will be a small robot next to them, you can ask them. "

Li Yi explained to the old man that the library administrators are very awesome, just like the martial arts sweeping monks.

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