Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2373: Taxes have no pricing power

The latest website: Li Longji and others ate slowly, the people were fast, and they hurried to Luoyang when they were full.

Some people have good things and want to go to Luoyang to sell them.

Some people's wild vegetables are worthless, and they have dug a lot. They ask the buyer who ran to the bridge for the price, and if they think it is suitable, sell it to the buyer.

There are a lot of wild vegetables, and the cost of hiring a car is high. I have to go there myself. It’s evening when I get there. I spend more on accommodation and I can’t come back.

The people from Zhuangzi of the Li family were next to him, and they had a car and watched others collect them.

Wherever the merchants began to negotiate the price, Zhuangzi went to listen and watch.

It has been the same every day since the wild vegetables were grown two days ago.

They don't have a fixed price, depending on the appearance of wild vegetables, regardless of the quantity, Luoyang can digest any amount of wild vegetables.

The quality was good, but the price was too low, so Zhuangzi took it.

If the sale is not good, the people will raise the price, but the merchants will not make a sound, and the people will make the deal with the buyer's last offer.

The farmer may not see things so accurately. The wild vegetables that he thinks are not good may be considered good by the people and shops in Luoyang who cook by themselves.

Of course! Zhuang households have pricing power, and the big furniture is recognized.

Bi Gou watched, opened his mouth, finally sighed, and ate.

He wanted to collect taxes, and when he saw the tired faces of the people, and the happy expressions after receiving a dozen or so dollars, he couldn't say it.

Song Jing glanced at Bi Gou: "Xiaoyi, who is responsible for maintaining the hygiene and order in the bridgehead?"

"There is no sanitation problem. After the people sell their things, they will take the vegetables around them to the bridge and dump them into the river.

Everyone maintains the order by themselves. The people in Zhuangzi are there every day. It is agreed that once there is a problem, the market will be cancelled immediately.

If there is no farmer, the bridge guards will look at the row of houses next to the horses, the post station.

The original water station has been replaced by a road station. There are boats, and they go fishing when they are not busy.

The extra money belongs to them, and they are responsible for the provision of free soup and accommodation. "

Li Yi dismissed Song Jing from collecting management fees and sanitation fees for Bi Gou. Finally, there is a bridge. The people have just been enjoying the benefits of Datang, so they have to collect money?

If I really want to collect money, it is better to collect bridge tolls and spend money on bridge repairs.

The key point is that Datang did not have such charging items, nor did the former Sui.

Su Ting took a sip of soup: "Xiaoyi, I think the people's income is not a lot. The one who sells thorn sprouts sells them for seventy-one dollars."

"Yes, he picked two big baskets of thorn sprouts. Tomorrow morning, I invite you to go to the mountain in Zhuangzi to pick them."

Li Yi saw it, and even saw someone bring Ganoderma lucidum, and he picked it up when he happened to meet it.

Ganoderma lucidum merchants dare not touch it, they don’t understand it at all, can they make random price calls?

The person who called Li Jiazhuangzi went over, but Qingdai passed by, took a look at Lingzhi, and gave the other party four hundred money to receive it.

Li Guizang raised his head and glanced at Master: "The thorn sprouts he picked and sold were definitely not picked by him alone, look at him, there is still a wet place, the morning is bright, the family enters the mountain, and then look at his fingers , it must have been pierced many times."

"That being the case, tomorrow will be mainly busy with court affairs?"

Su Ting looked at his hand, not wanting to be stabbed.

"It doesn't matter!" Li Longji wants to go, just slap it! Can kill you?

"If you want to get money, you can get it, what services are provided, and what services are charged.

As the rain gradually increased, sheds were built to shelter from the rain and enjoy the shade, and transactions were carried out in the sheds.

To collect the shed fee, the people get extra convenience and pay 50 cents, which is affordable.

Remember to collect money after selling it, escape once and be a hundred times, and be fined heavily. "

Li Yi attaches great importance to the bridge here, and will collect taxes, shops and booths when it prospers in the future.

That is, people who do not focus on other activities and specialize in buying and selling, such as Chang'an East-West Market and Luoyang South-North Market.

There are only two bridges along the entire Yellow River, one is the Pujindu floating bridge under the Hukou Waterfall, and the other is the fixed bridge on the opposite bank of the Tonghe River in Luoyang.

In previous years, when the Yellow River was full of water, the ferry boats came and went, and they still capsized accidentally.

When the current of the Yellow River exceeds that of his time, when the current is large, all the boats move diagonally and cannot cross in a straight line.

With the bridge, the people in the nearby dozens of miles will choose to travel by land, take a horse-drawn carriage, and float money, at least not worry about the boat overturning and drowning.

In what year did not drown more than a dozen people? Die and die.

Bi Gou swallowed the food in his mouth: "Who does the money belong to?"

"The Ministry of Households, the Ministry of Households pays to build the shed." Li Yi finally said something that made Bi Gou happy.

"Oh!" Bi Gou found that the food tasted more delicious.

After everyone finished their meal, they walked eastward along the river, and the catkins had not yet fluttered.

Li Yi grabbed a willow branch to look at it, broke it, rubbed it slowly, and separated the skin from the core.

The bark of a two-inch-long willow branch appeared in his hand, and he carefully plucked it with his fingernails, thinning the part where the bark was broken, and blew it in his mouth 'woo woo'.

Li Longji gave him a contemptuous look, picked two willow leaves, rubbed the ashes with his fingers, put them in front of his mouth, tried a few times and then threw one away, the melody appeared: with the lyrics, it was outside the long pavilion, along the ancient road, and the grass was green... …

Li Chengqi grabbed a piece of grass from the side of the road, put it in his mouth, put his hands empty in front of his mouth, and played polyphony and harmony, adding the resonance of his hands, and his voice was relatively rich.

Li Yi took off the willow bark in his mouth and lowered his head in depression, as if no one could blow leaves.

Blowing leaves requires skill, and a small child can blow out of a willow bark tube without any tools.

He took out a small knife, scratched the place where it was blown again, and put it in his mouth, the tone came out, and it was impossible to do without tools.

This is the willow flute, no need to cut out the hole to press, it still has a melody.

The three played "Farewell" together, and the other palace maids and eunuchs hummed softly, started the assigned rhythm, and hummed each part.

Li Longji blew and gestured to Bi Gou with his eyes.

Bi Gou: "Break a willow into a flute leaf."

Li Longji looked at Su Ting.

Su Ting: "Let's say goodbye as you like."

Li Longji looked at Song Jing.

Song Jing: "Pingcheng Dongyuan Road in the afternoon."

Li Rizhi took the initiative to interject: "Why?"

Others were stunned, changed, two words, this is...

Li Longji blinked, turning his head to look at Zhang Jiuling.

Zhang Jiuling shrugged: "Shuangzhou on both sides of the Yellow River."

Others understood in an instant, the words Xiaoyi wrote, follow this.

Liu Youqiu said, "Stone Earth is silent and no one has any questions."

Liu Chong: "Zeng hate."

Yao Chong: "There is no end to tears when the ferry capsizes."

Yin Sizhen: "The grass and trees are green again this Lu Huaishen: "It should be remembered. "

Zhang said: "Wheat yellow rice is full of golden autumn."

Everyone wrote a certain storm, one sentence per person: fold willows into flute leaves, and leave as you wish. In the afternoon, Pingcheng Dongyuan Road, why, the two sides of the Yellow River face Shuangzhou. Shi Tu said nothing. Once hated, the ferry capsizes and tears never stop. The grass and trees are green again this spring. It should be remembered that the wheat yellow rice is full of golden autumn.

The song just ended, and it didn't continue to repeat the third or fourth time.

Li Yi: "..."

He reconfirmed the reason why Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Li Bai, Du Fu and others were not taken seriously.

I think they are good at writing poems, but Li Bai is actually very unrestrained when writing poems.

Even so, the Manchu civil servants looked the same.

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