Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2376: Ji County has no cooking smoke at night

The latest website: There are more and more pedestrians on the road, there is a ferry, and the front enters the county seat, Heqing County, which is still Henan Prefecture.

Ships are moored at the dock, unloading and loading. It is getting late, the wind is not good, and the ships are anchored.

Those who go downstream usually reach the end of the sea exit, and then turn back.

Going upstream, it is very close to Xiaolangdi, and there is a ferry there.

After the completion of the Yellow River Bridge, it is not only convenient for both sides of the river, but the boats stopped at the ferry crossing of the Yellow River, loaded and unloaded goods, and transported them away by car, just in time for the repaired road.

A bridge, a road, shortens the distance between the whole area.

"Why don't you see the smoke?" Yao Chong wondered.

"Xu Shi only eats two meals." Song Jing said about the daily life of ordinary people.

"Knowing we're here, what are you doing for dinner? Barbecue at night." Li Yi gave the correct answer.

The speed of the team was slow, and there were people who raised livestock in their homes. When they saw the direction of the team, they ran back to inform them in advance.

As soon as everyone heard that His Majesty and Dongzhu Li were coming, they hurriedly prepared to welcome them, and the meal was not cooked.

When the child is hungry, he can just give him something to eat, and tell him not to eat too much. When he is full, he will not be able to eat any good food.

Sure enough, the magistrate of Heqing County brought a group of people out to greet him.

"Heqing County magistrate Lin Qingai, along with the officials and people in the county, welcomes His Majesty and Empress."

A man in his forties wearing official uniforms, shouting and bowing.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" The others shouted together, their voices overlapping, those who shouted in front passed to the back, and the people behind followed.

"No gift!" Li Longji said softly.

"Your Majesty's words, no ceremony." shouted loudly.

The next thing belongs to the officials of the Ministry of Rites. In the past, the common people were arranged, but Yulin Fei could not ride.

"Call Lin Qingyi for an audience." Li Longji ordered.

When Lin Qingyi came over, he had seen Li Longji. Every student who passed the exam had seen Li Longji. When the officials were dispatched, the magistrate would see him again.

Sylvia Lin came closer and bowed again: "Your Majesty is well! Queen is well!"

"Okay! Your clothes... new?" Li Longji saw that the official uniform the other party was wearing was brand new, as were the accessories.

"It's a good life, how can you be disrespectful in front of you."

Sylvia Lin admitted that I changed it on purpose, and I usually reluctant to wear it.

"Well! It's better than patching." Li Longji agreed.

He is satisfied. If the other party pretends to be poor, he will clean up when he turns around. Where are the benefits I gave you? The yamen are asking you to cultivate!

As he said, Li Longji went to the common people, surrounded by ministers and small robots, and only one Guo Ziyi was the guard.

"Your Majesty, add more guards. If someone collides with the holy drive, this minister will not be able to bear it."

Sylvia Lin was frightened, in case anyone spit at His Majesty and moved his head.

"I believe in the people." Li Longji said loudly, he was pretending, he actually believed in Li Yi, Guo Ziyi and the little robots.

This time, the people in front of them were so excited that they tried to stand up.

Li Yi came to a strong man and patted the other person's shoulder: "It's hard work to make a living on the dock!"

"It's not hard work, and I make a lot of money. It's your Majesty's kindness, um, great kindness." The other party's words were incoherent.

"I don't work hard, I don't have the ability to let you live a good life. What needs to be solved at home?"

Li Longji's voice is soft and close to the people. Before he knew Yi Di, he had never done such a thing, and now he is proficient.

"Hey! Hey! It's your Majesty." The other party stopped talking and laughed nervously.

Sylvia Lin decided to turn around and reward her, saying it was too good, if you talk like a student, I will be finished.

The owner of Zhuangzi in the Li family brought a woman with a baby of about one year old. She had to have a child. They took pictures and videos, and they would play them later, and even carved them out and printed them on newspapers.

"Come on, call the saint, call your majesty, call! Oops! You can't speak yet!"

The woman was sweating profusely, urging the baby in her arms, and suddenly remembered, no.

The little baby looked at Li Longji and suddenly opened his arms: "Uncle, uncle, giggle giggle..."

Li Longji reached out and hugged him: "I won't be able to talk anymore."

He was also surprised, am I really that powerful?

"My idiot can talk! My idiot can talk!"

When the mother forgot who she was facing for a moment, she shouted with joy.

"Sac, sac." The little baby shouted 'mother' in Li Longji's arms.

"Saint! It really is a saint! Mute opened his mouth."

I don't know who shouted a word, and others called 'Saint, dumb mouth, sage...'

Bi Gou and the others looked at Li Yi, and Li Yi let go of his hand holding his nose, as if nothing had happened.

"Alas!" Several people sighed at the same time, isn't this Ning Chen?

Ning Chen doesn't have any other skills, relying on this behavior to make good progress, you Xiaoyi... Tell us, can you get anything more?

Li Longji was happy and kissed the baby's face: "This baby needs to be cultivated well."

He could see that the clothes the child was wearing were cotton, and where the collar was exposed, it meant that it was pure cotton from the inside out.

Pure cotton clothes, he wears inside, comfortable and close to the body.

The baby wears such clothes, which proves that the family is powerful and rich in the local area.

He praised the child, the child's family must work hard to do things for the people, and it is indispensable to build bridges and make up roads.

What's more, this woman and baby were brought by the owner of the Li family's Zhuangzi, who would bring anyone casually?

"Oooh!" The little baby said "Okay".

Soon people crowded into the crowd, and it looked like a nursing home, obviously the team of the baby's family.

"Li Lang, why did the baby suddenly speak?"

Princess Yongmu thought it was amazing, she didn't think her father had such great ability.

"The grandson of the master's dog, baby, when raising him, he was not allowed to see outsiders, for fear of being infected with evil spirits.

He is a member of the Wang family in Heqing County, with a large business and no officials.

Taking the imperial examinations this year, he has a son in his family, the first-ranked scholar in the jinshi division, who is the child's uncle, who is learning how to be an official.

There are three or four sons in the family, the first three are all girls, this is the son.

The old son, the eldest grandson, is the most favored, and the family naturally takes care of him on weekdays.

Because his uncle was the first in the jinshi division, the family members always mentioned uncle when they spoke.

Children are not afraid of seeing outsiders. The more people there are, the happier they are. They didn't speak before, because they didn't want to.

Now I'm and call uncle, and I have the desire to express.

When I look back, I have to let the child exercise more, hold it all day, and can't stand still when standing on the ground. "

Li Yi knew the family's situation. He was rich and had four boats. Unfortunately, he was a businessman.

After paying taxes, you are allowed to take the imperial examinations, and you can pass the exam.

This child is important, and Li Longji personally praised it. The Wang family must use their money to help public welfare.

In exchange, neither the imperial court nor the Wang family would be at a loss.

After Li Yi explained, he asked the craftsmen who accompanied the team to go on.

Li Longji continued to hold the baby to contact other people, and the people in the team began to busy cooking and eating barbecue.

Rely on the main food together, mix the noodles, and put it on the grate as scones.

In about five minutes, a baby walker was made, and there was something in Zhuangzi.

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