Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2400: Raise the flag and play the national anthem

Princess Yongmu was pulled by Queen Wang, her mother and others to ask what the sea was like, even though they had seen it on the big screen.

The other ministers tried their best to hold on, and insisted on entering the sea in two days. No hurry, it was time to eat and sleep.

So I always eat noodles at noon, but I really can't eat anything else, and I always miss the sea.

The reason they gave was that the weather was hot, and there were children swimming bare-bottomed with life-saving equipment by the river at noon.

Li Yi thinks it makes sense. He makes noodles, fried noodles with fried sauce, and eats them in the yacht's restaurant with the air conditioner on all the time.

Well they say hot...

Princess Yongmu is not hot, she eats rice with japonica rice and stewed beans with braised pork.

The beans look like rice beans, and the beans are big, similar to the golden hooks of the beans in the northeast of Li Yi’s time.

Li Yi focuses on cultivating, this bean stew is the best, especially the stew.

When he was a child in the Northeast region, the common people planted it in their own yard. After eating, they would grow old, and the skin would not be eaten, so the beans were strung together with needles and threads.

When stewing vegetables, put them in a large pot, and after the dishes are ready, carry them into the child's bowl, and the child eats it by himself.

The advantage is good taste and taste, the disadvantage is that the yield is low and the price is getting higher and higher.

When other beans cost more than one yuan, the golden hook is ten times as much as other beans.

Now that Li Yi found something similar, he quickly planted it.

"Li Lang, before going to sea, I collect vegetables next to me. I don't want to eat seafood every day."

Princess Yongmu took a large piece of braised pork and reminded Li Yi coquettishly.

"You're too thoughtful, just do as you say."

Li Yi eats saozi noodles without delaying him to eat braised pork. Who stipulates that he must squat to eat saozi noodles, and can't eat other dishes?

Xiaolanjia steamed eggplant with minced meat: "Is Pipa shrimp the best now?"

"Yes, shrimp rakes with seeds, and swimming crabs. Normally, they should not be caught. People are going to lay eggs. Let's go fishing... It's okay, the number is small."

Li Yi knows what delicious food is available in Bohai Bay. Pippi shrimp, swimming crab, hairtail, and various shellfish are all good.

After passing the Bohai Bay, continue northward, the east and west are better, the cold water sea.

Princess Yongmu blinked with big eyes: "Li Lang, it's all out anyway. Let's go to the north on our yacht? Fishing for shrimps and dried shrimps, it's okay to have shrimps."

"Okay!" Li Yi was still as good as he was.

"Then how do you tell them?" Princess Yongmu was in trouble when she saw Li Yi's promise.

"Tell who? Do you think they don't want to go? Just leave the yacht and leave the steamboat to catch seafood."

Li Yi squeezed his eyes. Now everyone wants to stay in the sea, especially those who have never seen the sea.

Like a few who have been to the seaside, it is also the sea of ​​Guangzhou.

The sea is different from the sea. The distance from Bohai Bay to Vladivostok is about 2,000 kilometers.

According to the speed of the yacht... Depends on whose speed, it's close anyway.

The seafood there is delicious. If everyone agrees, it is better for us to go fishing for seafood in the Bering Strait.

Going around there, we can go to the North Pole just like this ship.

"Hmm!" Princess Yongmu chewed something in her mouth, showing a charming smile, and the wine vortex appeared.

She has a melon face, with some baby fat, and her chin is not pointed. In order to cater to Western aesthetics, people in Li Yi's time performed jaw bone grinding.

Then when he smiled, it was not the wine vortex, but the wine ditch.

Li Yi doesn't like it. It's fine to kiss and pinch it. The current Princess Yongmu is actually an oval face.

Xiaolan's face shape is similar to that of Princess Yongmu, otherwise her position would not have been so stable because of her ability to calculate.

"Li Lang eats meat." Xiaolan put braised pork for Li Yi, and Li Yi's Mao's braised pork was stewed in a large iron pot.

"Why do you want to eat this fried sauce noodles more and more? If you eat too much, it will last."

On the other side, Su Ting, who was sitting and eating fried noodles, was anxious. He wanted to eat, but he was afraid of eating too much.

He envied the children very much. The children worked hard to eat. After eating, they went out for a while, and they could eat when they came back.

"Because the noodles are cool and taste good, the sauce contains green onions, minced meat, and eggs. The sauce itself is brewed and contains sodium glutamate. Eat it, as long as you don't push yourself too hard, just walk on the deck. "

The little robot assigned to him was in charge and told Su Ting the reason.

"Then I'll take a few more bites?" Su Ting babbled.

"Put more shredded cucumbers, the digestion will be faster at that time.

Like you, the sauce of the fried noodles is not so salty, you should eat more sauce.

After eating, you eat watermelon, which is hydrating and diuretic, helping you to expel your words.

Actually you just want the sauce, not the noodles, right? "

The little robot has an idea, let's change our minds.

"Yes, yes." Su Ting agreed.

After eating, many people strolled on the deck and were exhausted.

Fortunately, they eat noodles, which are rich in water and digest quickly. If they eat big pancakes with hot noodles, it will be troublesome.

I can't drink water! The body even provides water specifically for digestion.

It's not easy to vomit, and the cardia will be torn if one is not careful.

This does not have to be pancake-shaped. In the 1980s, Li Yi went to the capital for dinner to watch the flag-raising ceremony.

There are steamed buns when eating, and the steamed buns are not made of noodles, but of dead noodles.

He was growing up at that time, half the size of the boy, he normally eats steamed buns, five or six large ones can be eaten, and a pound of dried noodles can be eaten by himself.

In the end, he ate one of the steamed buns and drank the free soup.

At that time, steamed buns in the capital were cheap, at 30 cents a piece, but side dishes were expensive, one yuan for one person, and there were dozens of kinds.

When a normal person earns more than 170 yuan a month, it is not cheap to eat side dishes for one yuan.

In fact, you don’t need to pay to eat small dishes in another place. Isn’t this next to Tiananmen Square?

There was no mobile phone at that time. His team arrived early and stood at the front, watching the honor guard cross the Jinshui Bridge. During the process of raising the flag, the national anthem was played three times before it rose to the top.

However, he was reminded at that time that he was not allowed to sing.

"Datang should also get one. Raising the flag every day does not require deliberate training. Standing in a queue is a routine operation of Datang. If the queue can't stand well, how can you line up the army?

The movement of the military formation is to read the semaphore and listen to the sound of drums, gongs and Who dares to make mistakes?

Qianniu Guard, they are suitable, they are originally a ceremonial guard, they are handsome. "

When Li Yi saw the walk that eats people and thinks of himself, he decided to use it in Datang again.

He decided, just did it, asked the third brother and said that this is the only person who needs to negotiate. After the third brother nodded, other people's opinions do not need to be considered.

So he took the cut cantaloupe to find Li Longji. He didn't take the watermelon in the greenhouse. There were too many seeds and he was upset when he ate it.

Li Longji didn't eat anything, he was eating dried fruit, he would not be wrong to listen to what Yi Di's son-in-law said, eat dried fruit and fruit, and keep healthy.

"Great, I was thinking about what fruit to eat, Brother Yi, you will bring it."

Li Longji got up and helped move a chair.

"Brother Xie, let's go to the gym in two and a half hours."

Li Yi was also welcome. After putting down his things, he waited for a while, and when Li Longji sat down, he also sat down.

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