Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2405: Communicating with Medicine First

The language of the people in the village has words that Li Yi can recognize, proving that they are not pure barbarians.

People will also make large shacks, use weapons, and wear clothes.

Language vocabulary is large and complex, which represents civilization.

Li Yi went away, and the honor guards bowed slightly at the same time: "Master!"

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded slightly and walked towards the wounded.

The people in the village understood, this person has a high status.

They watched, watching people with high status squat down in front of their own, looking at the injured leg.

Li Yi beckoned, and the nurses pushed the stretcher cart over. With a click, the stretcher cart fell and leveled.

Li Yi personally carried the injured leg, while others carried them elsewhere and put them on the stretcher cart.

With a click, the stretcher cart was put up again and pushed towards the yacht.

In the sound of clack, the villagers felt the shock and understood that they were sending people for treatment.

"Hurry up and eat what I gave you. The buns don't taste good when they're cold. They're all stuffed with meat, fish and green onions. They're delicious. My master is going to save your people, don't worry."

Zero Three Three's state has changed, and he started to direct others. I was airdropped just now. Now you look at me? I have a big brother.

The villagers can rest assured that the force of the two sides is not at the same level, and the other party does not need to poison.

They hurriedly brought things over, distributed them briefly, and started eating without washing their hands.

Another villager grabbed a big meat bun and gave it to Guo Ziyi who was pretending to be a guard of honor. Guo Ziyi said, "..."

He took a deep breath, took the buns and ate them, it was so heart-wrenching, if you didn't wash your hands, I ate it...I asked Li Dong mainly to fight insecticides.

When the villagers see such people eating, they feel more at ease, eating, it is so delicious, so many things.

They eat while watching the yacht, watching the luxury of the yacht, and waiting for a miracle for the injured person.

In their eyes, their own person is doomed to die and cannot survive.

"Blood test, wound tissue test, preparation for surgical treatment."

Li Yi instructed that he saw what was going on with the wound, and when the shark bit him, he would shave it, but it didn't bite.

It proves that this person broke free at a critical moment, and his leg lost a little physiological tissue.

Now we have to look at the blood of the other party and the tissue near the injury, and quickly get the results, so that he can support the treatment.

When the injured person was eating before, his expression was numb, but now his eyes are brighter.

The operating room of the yacht is not something of Datang, and the ordinary top three hospitals in Li Yi’s time did not have such a sense of technology.

It is top-notch, and in such an operating room, the chief surgeon is in a different mood.

After a series of examinations are over, there is no problem, just a small infection. After the wound is treated, antibiotics can be given, or Chinese medicine can be taken to heal slowly.

Li Yi applied anesthesia, debridement, sutures, drainage strips, bandages, sixty-one stitches.

Hanging the intravenous drip, the other party still has a fever, thirty-nine degrees five.

Thinking about it, Li Yi added another muscle acupuncture, which is used to reduce fever, and by the way, tetanus was inserted into it.

"This is medical diplomacy, the best way to use it. You heal someone who is sick, and the other party promises to recognize you. We have to stay for a few days. Tell him not to force his hand, let alone clench his fist, and the needle is in it. Woolen cloth."

Li Yi told the other nurses that the last sentence was translated by the little robot.

All the people over there came out, not 219, but 55. Some were pregnant, some were old, and some were still babies.

They all came to eat, and the nurses separated men and women, and went to see each other separately.

Give them sugar pills, sugar pills with betel nut and pumpkin seed content, which kill insects.

The villagers were honest as more and more people got off the boat.

You can tell that it's not normal just by looking at the clothes they wear. The key is that there are many people who help build the shacks.

It is to cut down the wood first, and then use the canvas to help build it into a shed.

Others got off the boat and were in the shed. Someone was digging a trench. What kind of tool was there? Step on it, and a large piece of soil was dug out.

There are also people who set up pots and stoves under the sheds, and the boats leave for a while and then come back, and there are many fish, shrimp and shellfish.

Seeing that they were busy, the people in the village were puzzled while helping out. Why did they feel so anxious?

At ten o'clock in the morning, the heavy rain fell, and all the people on the boat ran to the bottom of the shed. They were not afraid or seasick.

Why are you in a hurry, just because the morning glow is too gorgeous, this must be taken into account.

It was dark and gloomy, and the rain was getting heavier.

The villagers didn't know whether to panic or rejoice. Their shacks were leaking, and the newly built canvas sheds were fine.

"When the rain stops, we will build a better house for you. We are from Datang, and this is the territory of Datang, you don't know.

why? Speaking of which, we Datang is wrong. At the beginning, your ancestors were actually our Datang people.

The Tang Dynasty was fighting wars at that time, so they didn't care about you, and you suffered.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty thought of you and came to see it. He didn't expect your life to be so difficult.

His Majesty cried and said that he must build a good house for you, and then let you all have good things to use.

See why we are so nice to you? We are all from the Tang Dynasty! "

The little robot 033 told stories to others, told a lot of allusions and myths and legends, and finally turned into the Tang Dynasty according to normal operations.

It is more powerful than the Buddhist 'As I Hear it', it speaks vividly, and the key is realistic.

Buddhism's "As I hear it" means that whatever I hear, the believers will be oh ~ ~ yes.

Then when they tell others, they also say that whoever did it at the time, and they saw it with their own eyes, yes, I didn't smell it, but I saw it.

The villagers are very simple, and it is already very difficult to live. Some people come to recognize their relatives, and they also give big meat buns to eat and see a doctor.

This is absolutely true, it turns out that my ancestors were like this!

The ancestors are really amazing. Look, someone has come to help. We have a new house to live in.

At noon, the locals ate braised hairtail, pan-fried prawns, geoduck...

The pie with pork filling is the most It is so delicious, the one called fermented bean curd, the one with leek flower sauce, and the soy sauce.

It doesn't matter how much water I drink after eating, I feel better when I eat anyway.

The villagers fell in love with fermented bean curd and soy sauce in an instant, which is different from the freshness of seafood.

"Brother Yi, how many days do we have to stay? Only after the family is cured can we show the skills of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Longji doesn't care about what to eat. He also thinks it is more convenient to communicate through medicine.

He is very skilled in this mutual relationship, that is, using others, always using means.

The only one who didn't use the means was Brother Yi, not because he didn't want to use it.

I didn't know how to use it at first, Yidi kept giving good things and was too busy.

After the good things are almost out, we will come up with a plan.

Then I tried to use the means again, and found that there was nothing to do, Yi brother put it out, not the imperial power, to help you strengthen the Great Tang.

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