Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2407: Lonely Land Liuren Town

"Brother Yi, you can make a few sets and give them to them. They are all my Tang people!"

Li Longji realized it instantly and asked Li Yi to make it.

In the blink of an eye, two hundred and ninety-four people became the people of the Tang Dynasty.

"I looked at the materials on the ship. Without an air compressor, the load on the body only through the pipes is still not small."

It is impossible for Li Yi to give each other an oxygen bottle, only a breathing tube.

Go back and promote it to the coastal areas of Datang. If there is nothing, people at the sea still have to go down to fish.

"Make diving goggles, rubber glass, and soap for all places to prevent fog in a short time."

Li Yi thought of another thing. The people of Zhoushan Islands gave him diving goggles and exchanged them.

Other places cannot continue to exchange, and Zhuangzi will do it.

In the afternoon, two hundred and ninety-three people boarded the boat, took a shower, then put on spare clothes according to their bodies, and prepared to eat.

People who have showered and put on new clothes look at the injured.

The patient's swollen legs had apparently disappeared in a large circle, the body temperature was controlled below 38°C, and the hanging bottle continued to hang.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

Seeing that their relatives would not die, the villagers beamed with joy, and told each other that they had a great doctor in the Tang Dynasty.

They also believed that they belonged to the Tang Dynasty, and their thinking changed so quickly.

The key is that the big meat buns are delicious, and the new shed is even better.

The maids and eunuchs taught them etiquette through the "translator", a small robot, and told them what to do when they wanted to see His Majesty.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you say the wrong thing, the little robot will correct it when translating, but if you scold Li Longji, it is absolutely not allowed.

They selected the most authoritative person to see Li Longji and the minister. Li Yi did not participate, and he was busy directing people to make a seafood feast.

Li Longji gave the other party a governor, and he didn't want to give it to the governor of the governor's mansion. There were too few people.

As a reward for the tools on the yacht, the exchange coupon was given to 200, which proved that the exchange coupon can also be used here.

The craftsmen spliced ​​pipes with bamboo used to make bamboo rice. There were iron pipes, but they could not be given. The 20-meter-long iron pipes had no buoyancy and were very heavy.

The hose on the other side is sealed with cloth, isinglass and oil, and connected to the bamboo pipe, and I will teach the people how to use it tomorrow.

During the meal, Li Longji remembered this and asked, "Zhuqing, the people who are diving and fishing for seafood are causing too much harm to their bodies. Is there a good way?"

After asking, he looked at everyone expectantly, who among you thought?

Everyone looked at each other and replied in unison, very, very, very tacitly: "Your Majesty, ask Xiaoyi."

Li Longji almost overturned the table, you have already cultivated so thickly?

"Your Majesty is diving today, and naturally he will tell Xiao Yiyan that Xiaoyi has already given a solution, so why bother me?"

Song Jing said with a bitter face, "We all understand it, and we never thought of competing with Xiaoyi to benefit the people.

"Your Majesty, which method?" Su Ting was curious.

"The hard pipe is connected to the soft pipe." Li Longji said angrily.

"That's right! The minister suddenly realized that it's simple." Yao Chong looked like I knew it.

"Hey! Eat." Li Longji didn't want to talk any more, he was tired and tired.

The newly joined people are not tired. They can eat seafood by the sea, but they don't like it.

They only have two methods, grilled, boiled, seafood fishy, ​​no seasoning.

The same seafood, under different cooking techniques, tastes and tastes very differently.

Coupled with the tough noodles and fragrant rice, if it weren't for the little robots running around to stop it, the yacht hospital would have to be hospitalized again.


The next morning, everyone drank sea cucumber porridge, fried buns with fish meat, and local people tried their best to eat small pickles.

After the meal, everyone went on to build shacks and gutters, and the craftsmen taught them how to use good tools.

When Li Longji personally took bows, crossbows, horizontal knives, and iron spearheads to the villagers, the villagers burst into tears.

The leader knelt down immediately and assured Li Longji that they would guard the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

Look at that means that you are born as a Tang Dynasty person, and you die as a Tang Dynasty soul.

Li Longji didn't believe it at all, Datang had experienced too many surrenders and betrayals.

He only trusts Yidi, because Yidi has the ability to usurp the throne at any time and does not take it, and others bow their heads because they do not have the ability.

When it was almost noon, the temperature rose, and local people who could go into the water were going to fish for seafood. The sea was too cold in the morning.

Can't eat lunch, the experience they exchanged for their lives.

In the past, they had two meals a day, one in the morning. When they were almost digested, they went to work in the water.

Save a lot, and there are ships from Silla to exchange.

Yulin Feiqi took out a new product, a bamboo pipe, and taught them how to use it.

Tie a heavy object to the bottom of the bamboo tube, otherwise it will float sideways.

People go down, hold the other end of the tapered hose, and breathe.

For places no more than ten meters, they are allowed to stay for about twenty minutes, according to their time.

More than ten meters to fifteen meters, fifteen minutes, twenty meters, up once every ten minutes.

When you come up, slow down, let out part of your breath, and then come up to rest for 20 minutes.

Yulin Feiqi followed, along with Gu Xuan and the little robot.

As a result, with the new baby, the villagers did not want to come up, and felt that they could stay for a long time.

The little robots persuaded and frightened them, telling them not to do it if they wanted to live a few more years.

Live longer to have more children, to eat more delicious food, what's the point of having more men and women, isn't it cool? When you die, nothing is left, don't you think?

By the way, I tell you Don't exchange things with Shilla, the things they exchange can earn dozens of times the price, and you lose.

We are all from Datang, give you a good price, change it once, and don’t go into the water for half a year.

If you are not obedient, and there are too many dead people, you will not be left.

You have a prefect, and the prefect has a 'salary', but there are more, and the person who comes back next time will give you something.

The villagers, afraid of losing everything they have now and in the future, act according to the requirements.

The craftsmen helped them build boats, and they had their own wood, and when they were dry, they would chisel out boats.

Just like when Li Yi first went to sea, the craftsmen made bigger boats.

There is no time to brush the tung oil, and they deal with it in the usual way.

The boats that had been brushed with tung oil continued to dry, and they could also get fish oil to coat the boats.

Villagers do not eat lunch, continue to wait for time, rest enough, go down to fish.

Get familiar with the new tools quickly, they know that His Majesty will not always be with them more than 200 people.

Li Longji watched without saying a word, and didn't say anything about the hard work of the people.

The people are all to live, if they don't work they will starve to death.

"Brother Yi, you said that when we leave, the Xinluo people will come to exchange things. If they don't sell it, will the Xinluo people grab it?"

Li Longji suddenly thought of a question. In the past, people here traded with Silla, and there were less than 300 people in total. Silla...

"Leave a part of Yulin flying cavalry and three telegraphs. We must occupy this place and send more troops here in the future."

Li Yi thought about it, it is indeed possible.

When the people from Silla came over, the local people said that they were from the Tang Dynasty. When Silla saw it, he simply killed them all. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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