Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2419: 1 rice cooker 3 things

Chidai Zhudan was always distracted and absent-minded, and now he is also sleepy, but he still responded.

"Originally, I only knew that the boiling water in the high places of the Tubo was not as hot as the water below, and the rice was not cooked properly, and most of it was fried.

After arriving in the Tang Dynasty, I learned that because of the high and low pressure, the pressure cooker ignores the pressure, and it is best to cook soup and steamed rice.

The common people...the common people have a better life, all thanks to the kindness of His Majesty the Tang Dynasty. "

Speaking of the ruler and Zhudan bowing his head, he was sad, not homesick, but he didn't know what to do there in the future.

The people of Tubo have a pressure cooker, but in fact they are people with power in the tribe, not ordinary people.

Unless it has become a tribe of Datang, a family has a pressure cooker.

It's considered a loan, it's not allowed to be sold, and it can be replaced at any time if it's broken.

"It was Zamp who gave peace and happiness to the people of Tubo, and it will certainly be remembered in history."

Li Yi understands Chidai Zhudan's mood. He was the emperor in Tubo, and as a result, he became a real son-in-law.

The soldiers from the Tubo side are coming, and there are teenagers, ready to receive training.

In order to stabilize the position of Zhudan in Tubo, whoever refuses to accept it will bring the team back to fight, and Datang will help.

"Thank you!" Chidai Zhudan clasped his fist to Li Yi, he thanked Li Yi for teaching him knowledge, and at the same time not under house arrest, he was willing to go back casually.

Of course! The more he went on like this, the more depressed he became. Liu Shan of Shu couldn't let it go.

Go back by yourself, dare to fight Datang?

The Tang Dynasty only needed to send five thousand cavalry, each with an automatic rifle, to clean up their Tubos.

Don't look at the always saying that it is expensive to build a gun and the bullets are not cheap. If Li Yi is angry, will he care about the money?

Unless Li Yi is taken back and asked to provide technology, Li Yi is not a technician, he can destroy the country by himself.

After a while, the pressure cooker hummed, take it down, wait a moment, line up, and the simple version of the pressure cooker braised lamb is ready.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan ate beautifully, and the taste was no longer important.

On the other side, in the Tubo place just mentioned, next to the source of the Yellow River, the people who joined the Tang Dynasty also used pressure cookers to cook.

They steam highland barley, meat, vegetables and seasonings together with water in a pressure cooker.

After steaming, pour it into a pot, and then boil a pot of soup. This is hand pilaf. If you feel that the taste is not suitable for you, add some ghee.

I don't want to eat highland barley, so I use precious rice for cooking, and exchange ten pounds of highland barley for one kilogram of japonica rice.

Either shepherd sheep to make ghee, and substitute ghee or cheese.

There is no war, and there is no need to worry about freezing people and livestock in winter.

If you are grazing, you will be able to enter the city at regular intervals, that is, at night, and the wolves will stare blankly.

As soon as the Yellow River opened, a large number of boats came over, and they put out the things they saved in winter and sold them.

The price is fair, and it is much cheaper than the exchange during the previous war.

At the beginning, ten sheep could not be exchanged for a small iron pot, but now only two sheep are needed. If the sheep are raised in winter, they produce milk and make cheese and ghee. Ten sheep can replace the small iron pot without paying for the sheep.

The child is studying in the school, and actually makes money. The child of other family earns fifty dollars a month, and the one from my own earns ten dollars, um...

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People who have entered the Tang Dynasty are satisfied with their current life, including nightlife, bathing with soap, brushing their teeth, hehe...


"The telegram is here, Your Majesty Taishan Fengchan, it is estimated that the world will be amnesty, the people we arrest..."

In the place where the Sulu cavalry and the white-clothed food were given, Wang Junkui also ate pilaf with a pile of condiments around him, watching and putting them on his own.

There are vinegar, soy sauce, chili oil, fermented bean curd, stinky tofu, cumin...

The stinky tofu is individually packed in a small can with a lid, if you want to eat it, don't disturb others.

Fortunately, this is the authentic stinky tofu produced by Lijiazhuangzi. It is guaranteed that there will be no problem with eating, unless the bean curd is left open for a long time in summer, then the bean curd will also be broken.

"The world amnesty amnesty for the Tang people. Those under death row, plus the family members of the prisoners, were pardoned once in Luoyang last year, but this time, the amnesty will not be much."

Zhang Xiaosong knew the situation, the amnesty was not a full amnesty, and the prisoners were not from the Tang Dynasty.

"The telegram said that Lijiazhuangzi made hundreds of automatic rifles that can fire bullets continuously, and will send some of them to us, asking us to take back the bullets and shells."

Zhang Zhongliang talked about happy things, and he had a good weapon again.

They are always happy when they are on the front line, and the technology in the rear continues to improve, and then they send things.

Zhang Xiaosong said again: "Copper is expensive, and Datang has less copper. It is used to issue exchange coupons. In fact, as long as we find copper mines, we will mine the ore and transport it back. Li Yi will not care if the bullet heads and bullet casings are thrown away."

"Who cares now whether Li Jiazhuangzi has collateral for issuing currency? With Li Jiazhuangzi around, the people will recognize the exchange certificate."

Guo Zhiyun was born in the Guo family in Taiyuan, a family of military generals, and sometimes sees issues from a different angle than Zhang Xiaosong.

His great-grandfather, Guo Qin, commanded the army and Shangzhu Kingdom in the Dahuang House of Guazhou in the Sui Dynasty.

His grandfather Guo Cai was the governor of Guazhou, Changle County, and Shangzhu Kingdom.

His father Guo Shi, a doctor of Chaosan, Shangzhuguo, and the governor of Yizhou.

In the Sui and Tang dynasties, Shangzhu Kingdom belonged to the lords. This thing is different from other civil and military officials, and must have military exploits.

Hanging on the status of Shangzhu Kingdom, once you fight, you will be reminded of you and let you lead the army.

If you really can't fight anymore, take a look at the children in your family, have they grown up? If you come here, I don't believe you don't teach your children how to fight.

Zhang Xiaosong glanced at Guo Zhiyun: "Li Yi's key matters are not During the war, collect them after the war, and do not collect them during the war."

He knew the importance of copper, but he insisted on winning first, and then, if he couldn't find it, he couldn't find it.

"That means Li Yi is protecting you." Ashina Xian came over today, and he has a good relationship with Zhang Xiaosong.

When Zhang Xiaosong broke through a hundred cities, he was in charge of strategic and tactical arrangements, and Ashina Xian took command.

And Ashina Xian and Zhang Xiaosong cooperated tacitly. When Zhang Xiaosong went to attack the enemy's nest, he divided his troops and went out to destroy a bunch of cities.

His people were giggling, and at first they rode out on horseback with dynamite bags.

I learned to be smart later, don't care about explosive packs and horses, people stay, this is Li Yi's order, don't be so heroic, people have a chance when they are alive, and I will keep up with logistics.

But what no one thought was that Ashina Xian's people dared to rush into the battle with more than ten horses, and the other party ran away when they saw it.

The families of dozens of people who died in the battle were rewarded, and their names were engraved on the Monument to the Heroes of the Martyrs Cemetery.

"Your Majesty is protecting me." Zhang Xiaosong corrected Ashina Xian's statement, what is Li Yi? Li Yi is the emperor?

"Yes, Your Majesty." Ashina Xian hurriedly agreed, admitting his mistake, otherwise it would be alienating Li Yi and His Majesty, even if it was useless.

"When the automatic rifle arrives, let's go to meet Sulu, or he will catch the white-clothed prisoners and exchange them, and give us an explanation, or we will give him an explanation."

Zhang Xiaosong decided that the weather was getting warmer, and he was idle and troubled.


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