Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2433: call for wind and rain

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The people from Zhuangzi of the Li family were ordered to immediately send weapons here, no, send tools.

The watering Yulin Feiqi stopped and took a shovel to help repair the small ditch.

The nurses came to check the pulse, and the people didn't dare to ask more questions because of this posture. Li Dongzhu said that there was no need to pour it, but it was not necessary to pour it.

"We cook sorghum rice water rice at noon. I see cowpeas and eggplants, cowpeas are fried with shredded pork, eggplants are made into garlic eggplants, and cucumbers are peeled and mixed with pickles, or are they patted and mixed?"

Li Yi started to study about lunch, what do you want to eat?

He saw the frog jumping over from the paddy field again, and asked, "Do you eat the stewed frog in sauce?"

Everyone shook their heads together, you cook sorghum rice over water, and we eat frogs?

"Lettuce and water radish dipping sauce, have you ever wanted to eat water noodles? I fried egg sauce and put shredded cucumber."

Li Yi asked again, this time someone raised their hand and didn't want to eat sorghum rice.

There are also celery, coriander, chrysanthemum, small cabbage, shallots, leeks, spinach, small greens, water spinach...

Li Yi instructed people to handle it, and there were very few stir-fries, most of which were cold and blanched with sauce.

Zhuangzi will bring tofu at the same time, mix and eat here.

Pick a flat spot to pitch your tent, it's going to rain.

In the same village, some people took Yulin Fei to ride back to the village, while others said that the family wanted to feed chickens and pigs, and Yu Lin Fei took care of the ride.

By the way, the elders who are working at home and enjoying the benefits of the imperial court are sent over to have dinner together.

There is no need to keep people in the village, the dog's leash is loosened, food is placed in the dog food bowl, and it is responsible for the housekeeping.

Most people in a village have dogs, and outsiders can't afford to provoke them.

Once you let go of the rope, the fence is a decoration, and the dogs can come out at any time to see if they want to.

The owner is at home, is not allowed to go out, there is no fence, and the dog has to stay in the yard.

Draw a line and stop the watchdog as soon as it gets there.

Of course, only four or five of these dogs dared to bark at Yulin Feiqi, and all the others bowed their heads honestly.

They are not mountain dogs, and they are afraid of Fei Lin Feiqi without their owner.

Those who dare to yell at Fei Lin Feiqi belong to the leader of the dogs in the village.

If there is a mountain dog in this village, Feiqi Yulin cannot go in and untie the rope.

Of course, it is also possible that Fei Lin Fei will untie the rope, and all the dogs will be obedient.

This depends on how the guard mountain dog judges. It thinks that it is not good. All the dogs in the village move. It thinks that you are not hurting it. The dogs in the village are quiet.

The people did not go back, they trusted Yulin Feiqi.

Just like the people in Li Yi’s time, there are pigs at home that are not fed, and the Rabbit Army will feed you. Can you suspect that the Rabbit Army has entered your home to steal things?

Rabbit troops go to pedicures and massage places, and they spend their own money, and some rabbit troops have mines at home.

But there is absolutely no other person on the roadside who has planted cucumbers. If you go in to pick cucumbers, it is useless to have anything at home. If you dare to reach out, you will be cleaned up.

Unless you give it, you pick a few hundred catties of cucumbers and give it to others, they will take it, and everyone will eat it together.

Yulin Feiqi's military discipline is stricter, and it is impossible to find any woman, even if it is legal in the Tang Dynasty.

Because you are likely to be trapped by others, you protect His Majesty.

"Don't put too many shallots, the egg sauce should be cool to taste good, the tofu is still hot, don't need to scald, rub the salt and baking soda with the pickles..."

Li Yi was busy instructing everyone to cook, but he didn't want to finish eating the pickles once and then go back and fight bugs for the ministers.

His role at the moment is the head chef, and he doesn't necessarily have to do it himself.

Li Long base station watched Yidi busy commanding, and when he took a break, he waved.

"Third brother, what do you want to eat?" Li Yi came over.

"Can it rain in a while?" Li Longji asked.

"First there was wind, and then suddenly there were more clouds. I didn't move, it was cloudy, and then there was no rain. I gave an order and it rained."

Li Yi nodded and introduced the process. He was also waiting for the cloud.

"Such a good opportunity, just record it when it's time to record, and you fly."

Li Longji suggested that we finally had a chance to pretend, you have to take advantage of it!

"What the third brother said is very true. I will prepare now. In another 20 minutes, I will change my clothes."

Li Yi understands, okay, this is the first artificial rainfall, we have to do enough.

"Remember to take me with you." Li Longji asked.

"Set up a platform for you, stand on it, don't worry, I have safety measures, even if there is a big thunder, I won't be able to hit you."

Li Yi moved, the old man wants to show his style, I will fix the safety measures for you.

"It's so good!" Li Longji was satisfied, and he was not afraid that Brother Yi's son-in-law tricked him into being struck by lightning.

Li Yi didn't care about the kitchen, he greeted people to set up a table, and the lightning rod and lightning net should be well designed.

The ten-meter-high platform was quickly set up. This is a routine operation. In the state of war, the watchman has to go up to a high place.

Li Longji went up wearing a yellow robe and looked up at the sky.

The clouds in the sky are almost the same as before, but they have actually thickened.

The little robot beside him was always ready: "There are still three minutes of wind, two and a half, two minutes, sixty-two seconds, thirty seconds, twenty-five seconds."

"I travel in the sky, offering sacrifices to Mount Hao, Mount Tai, Degai Woye, and Zeyi. The western capital is Chang'an, and the east is Henan. This year, I will be enshrined in Zen. The heavenly palace is destined to gather clouds and rain, and the west wind is ahead."

As Li Longji's voice fell, the wind picked up.

Li Longji's heart fluttered, it was too accurate.

"Your Majesty!" Yulin Feiqi tapped on one knee.

"Your Majesty!" The ministers bowed!

The people knelt down with a puff, it was so scary.

"All sea dragon kings, I ordered them to be regular, and the clouds should gather to relieve the sorrow of my people. UU read" Li Longji continued to follow the rhythm.

The clouds began to gather, and that was the case, otherwise how would you launch a rocket? It is no use if the precipitation cloud is not enough to launch.

The ministers were stunned, let alone the others.

But the ministers were not afraid of Li Longji, they were afraid of Li Yi.

It's starting to make waves, isn't it? I knew before that you had this ability, so you pretended not to have this ability.

exposed? Are you exposed today? You are an immortal, you have to play the role of mortals.

Yao Chong was the most nervous. I didn't do anything excessive at that time, did I? I have joined the group, and I worked very hard in the group.

"The people have toiled with water, and the rivers are turning to the present. I only protect humanity, and I order the rain to fall like a tide, and fire the cannon!"

When Li Longji heard the reminder of the little robot, he quickly fired.

Whoosh whoosh... Rockets are fired from rocket vehicles in various places.

In the rumbling sound, the crackling rain fell.

But without lightning, this cloud layer is normal rainfall today.

The canopy next to him was propped up, so that Li Longji would not be drenched in the rain, then Li Yi would have to take care of him alone. What should I do if I catch a cold?

Even if Li Longji knew about the situation before, he is still confused at the moment, Yi Di's methods are so powerful!

"Go down, go down, the situation has changed, there is going to be thunder, this cloud will be affected, hurry up, don't get hit."

The little robot urged Li Longji, go, don't stand on the high platform.

"Okay!" Li Longji was very kind, he felt very dangerous, and walked down with a small robot weighing dozens of kilograms.

"Thank you! Although I'm not afraid of being hacked, but if you think of me, I will be with you."

On the ground, the lights on the little robot's head flickered, and it was not abandoned at the critical moment.

"It's about to thunder? Don't be afraid!" Li Longji never regarded the small robot as an object.

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