Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2438: Mango species is hardworking and expensive

The awn planted on the summer solstice, flooded the fields.

When it rained in Henan Prefecture and the labor force went to work, the second indica rice planting in Guangzhou began.

The new variety of indica rice has a short growth cycle and is harvested in two months.

Planted in April, harvested in June, and in July, the stubble in the field was dug out, and the water was fertilized and soaked. After the seedlings were raised in the seedling fields, the people went to the fields in the rain.

Zhuang Hu led by Li Feng stayed in Guangzhou, and Jian Qing and Pang Kuang also left.

The students from Lijiazhuangzi who came to Jiakong Huang'an family are working hard to improve the work process. After the autumn harvest this year, they will go back.

With a lot of tax from Shibo and local dry goods, a lot of money at a time.

Many of the officials of the former Guangzhou Governor's Office were transferred, and others were elected.

The students and the villagers are in control. Observe the officials and decide which one is better. After deciding which one to choose, just send a telegram back.

Li Feng sat in the grass hut and watched the people planting rice in the fields. By the way, he recorded that herbal tea was being boiled in a large pot next to him, and all the things used were locally produced and readily available.

Don't look at the rain right now, it's not cold at all, but the rain falls on the body, but it's a little cooler.

The people who transplant rice here are all former mountain people, who are naturalized, enjoy welfare benefits, and obey the arrangements of the government.

Last year, I saved a lot of food, Lu Xiutong, and extra money, which were temporarily stored in the hands of the people of Zhuangzi of the Li family, because they would not be able to settle accounts.

Children go to school, adults go to night school.

After learning how to settle accounts, get the money back.

Then Li Feng used their money to lend money to businessmen. The interest was very low. The interest was calculated on a daily basis, with no compounding interest. It was limited to half a year.

The interest is 30 cents, the loan is 10,000 cents, and the daily interest is 3 cents. After 180 days, the interest of 540 cents is a little more than 10% per annum.

For businessmen, it is really rare. In the past, there was no such good treatment. The public money must be doubled, and at the same time, the interest will be paid first and then monthly.

The overall calculation is a lot worse. If you buy a batch of goods, you have to take out the borrowed money to repay the principal and interest.

The actual money that can be used, calculated according to the turnover period, is less than two-thirds.

Li Feng doesn't give the money directly to the people, let alone spend it himself. He uses it for the people to build houses.

The key point is that there is no provision for bad debts, and the merchants who borrowed money gave them a hundred courage and they did not dare not to pay back the money.

They trade with foreign merchants and need to turn around.

Sometimes the loan is repaid in full for one month, and the interest is calculated on a daily basis. The businessman feels that he can pay less interest. Li Feng quickly withdraws the funds and continues to release them to earn more.

Yi merchants want to borrow money to go back and buy goods, but it is impossible! If you don't pay back the money, where can I find you? Can I get help from the proprietor for this little money?

However, if the Yi merchants had any goods they sold, they borrowed money for their own accommodation and enjoyment. They used some of the goods as collateral and Li Feng borrowed them.

When the Yishang borrowed, the interest was 1 cent per day, and it was settled every day, at least ten days. The interest was compounded every other day, and the interest was deducted first.

Borrow 10,000 money for at least ten days at a time, with interest calculated every day, repayment in advance, and no interest reduction.

The interest is 10.4622 percent, and the 10,000 yuan will give you 1,046 yuan and 22 cents.

But the money given out is not 10,000 yuan, and this must be deducted first, that is, 8,953 yuan and seventy-eight cents.

Black! It belongs to pure usury, and it is blacker than nine out of thirteen.

When the monthly interest rate is 10,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan is borrowed, 9,000 yuan is given, and 13,000 yuan is paid back in three months.

Li Feng didn't want to cut his head and interest. The only thing he did was to collect the interest first. His interest was high.

According to him, the three-month interest is nearly 2.5 times, and the early deduction is not enough.

The barbarian merchants are willing to borrow, as long as the goods come over, and then the goods are exchanged and returned, they will earn many times.

As for not going back, do you still care how much money you have?

They find women, and then go to the casino to gamble. The casino provides gambling items, such as poker and mahjong.

The casino does not sit on the banker, but only draws water. One set draws 5%, and the barbarians gamble on their own.

Datang provides waiters, poker dealers, or dice shakers.

People from the Tang Dynasty are not allowed to enter the casino, nor are they allowed to be outside. If they are caught, they will be sent to mine.

The barbarian merchants knew that this amount of money was a lot, but it didn't matter. If they didn't have the spirit of adventure, it would be impossible for them to run out to buy and sell goods.

Moreover, the casino environment is good, there are beautiful women and fine wine, and if you find a woman to spend extra money, you need to check your body first, and the wine is free.

Baiguo wine made by Lijiazhuangzi or pure wine and rice wine, drink it! There are also seasonal fruits, including expensive dried fruits like pine nuts.

The casino is run by Lijiazhuangzi, and when dividends are distributed, the four companies share the accounts, one for Lijiazhuangzi, one for the imperial court, one for Li Longji, and one for the Tang Dynasty Fund.

All the money earned by Zhuangzi of the Li family was thrown into the local area for infrastructure construction, including Luzhou and other prefectures, and repaired to the surrounding areas.

The money from the Chaotianxia Fund was given to the locals to support the elderly and help the children. Li Longji took out part of it, plus part of the imperial court, and threw it into the sad field.

So far, no one has dared to ban it.

Because of the extra money, the infrastructure construction spread out with the Guangzhou Governor's Office as the center all day long.

When the young ladies made money, they took the initiative to donate 10% to the Tang army, and handed it over to Li Feng, who was in charge of it.

They used to manage Beitianfang, but now they don't.

They are not controlled by smugglers, and how much they earn belongs to them. The biggest underground force is Zhuangzi of the Li family. Who else would dare to take this position?

They saved a lot of money, and the snake head was definitely not The only thing that made them unhappy was that the farmers, students, and Yulin Feiqi of Li’s Zhuangzi, even if they didn’t want money, they wouldn’t enjoy their services.

I don’t gamble when I open a casino, I don’t prostitute myself when I open a brothel, and there are no drug addicts.

"How much can I get into this month?" Jian Qing came over in a robe and hat.

"Anything?" Li Feng asked, looking at the other party's hurried appearance.

"Huang An said that more deep-water wharfs should be built. After the cultivation is completed, the paddy fields will not need to be taken care of too much, and everyone will have free time."

Jian Qing nodded. Huang An found him last night and talked about what happened to the common people.

Huang An doesn't 'want' to make money, but the family actually made a lot of money because of his 'information channel'.

For example, when building a wharf, he arranged a location for the family to build a wooden restaurant, and his family earned income from the operation.

Li Feng wants to give this face, but if a big family doesn't make trouble, it's not enough to make some money?

The Yan family was cleaned up not because the Yan family made money, but because they fought against the imperial court.

A family has many officials here, listen to the imperial court, help the people live a good life, and live a good life themselves, okay?

Just like where Li Yi was at that time, the local casino was the economic center, followed by tourism and finance.

I've given you a chance, how many times have you been good, you insisted on provocation, what was the result? The license plate is a trivial matter, and someone will arrest you.

The Yan family wanted to die, and the Huang family took the initiative to seek life. Now they want to develop, and they think they can get money for their family.

"Looking back, I told him, 0.5% of the ratio, let's see if they want it?"

Li Feng narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then responded.

He was willing to give five percent of the benefits, no more.

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