Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2440: grazing horses in awe

"Send it to the northwest, the north will also send it, and the north will send less, because the war in the northwest has not ended, and our generals do not want to fight."

It was late for lunch, and we didn't eat until one o'clock in the afternoon. Li Yi looked at Li Longji who came over and said.

It doesn't matter to him if dinner is late. How could Zhuangzili not be able to provide meals in time? Zhuangzi is available 24 hours a day.

It's because everyone is busy. The northwest side is busy.

Zhang Xiaosong and others discussed it properly and began to carry out harassment tactics.

They fired a few times with good weapons, and then stopped firing.

They had hot air balloons and binoculars, and when they found the enemy grazing team, they harassed them, and they didn't kill or pursue them.

Just kill some sheep, horses are not the target.

The weapon used is a water bead, not an automatic rifle.

The action over there means that the time has come, and the news comes back only after the fight begins.

This is a telegraph system. If you don't have it, just wait. If the information can be sent within 20 days, the weather is good, and the reporting personnel are working hard.

Now a telegram is resolved, but it is still later than the attack. It is estimated that someone did it on purpose, and the game will be affected.

For someone else, seeing this situation will make them angry, but sometimes it has to be suppressed for the sake of the overall situation.

Li Yi got the battle report, he doesn't care, you make the first move, and then create the established facts for me.

Okay, that's not a problem, but if you have a problem, it's a problem.

Now, let's say that sending more pepper over there for everyone to eat, pepper grains, and pepper noodles will not work, as it is easy to leak.

When they go to the place, they grind it by themselves.

"The business in Tubo started. According to the telegram, the local people in Tianzhu also formed a caravan, and they continued to sell the things they got from Tubo to other places."

Song Jing, the Saisuke, is not a decoration, he is just powerless when facing Li Yi.

He gradually adjusted, just like Yao Chong, when you find that you can't beat the opponent with your tricks, and your playing skills are even farther away, only Shengen is left.

The key saint's grace is useless. The position of the saint is only secured by the support of Li Yi. Li Yi doesn't want that chair.

It's a joke to fight for the grace of someone who can be the emperor at any time but doesn't want to be.


'Tudu tug~ tug tug~~' "Children, fight with me~!"

Wang Junkui, holding an automatic rifle, stood on the ground and hit a target, and shouted after passion.

His personal soldiers cooperated: "Kill~~kill~~"

In fact, no one moved, just watched the target get hit.

"Let's fight less, pick up so many automatic rifles with us, with the same bullets, shells and warheads as the musketeer."

Zhang Xiaosong, who is always unexpected in sending troops, is distressed. You Wang Junkui made a fart and shot more than 20 bullets in one fell swoop.

The automatic rifle is very useful. As long as the magazine is supplied, the range and rate of fire can scare the opponent.

Is this a war? This is not a massacre, but after making an appearance, let the other party kneel and beg for mercy.

"I remember someone talking about leading the team to fight back?" Guo Zhiyun looked at Zhang Zhongliang.

"I didn't say, what are you looking at me for?" Zhang Zhongliang stared, you want to kill me?

Everyone at this position understands that if your Majesty asked Li Yi to release a weapon, it means that it is useless for you to hold this weapon.

Do you think automatic rifles are powerful? If you have enough bullets and enough bullets, it seems that you can go back and fight Li Jiazhuangzi?

Would you like to try it? Believe it or not, Li Yi knew about the situation in advance, and then...

Thinking about it from another angle, before everyone used the gun, Lijiazhuangzi had a heavy machine gun.

When you have an automatic rifle, what does Lijiazhuangzi have?

"Let's go, let's go! The front is the place where the cavalry is used for grazing, what should we do? Kill the horse or kill?"

Guo Zhiyun didn't want to think too much, he was a general.

"When killing wolves, killing eagles, and grazing, there must be wolves around, but wolves are not always looking for opportunities and dare not go forward.

There are also eagles and eagles in the sky, as well as crows and so on, waiting for which one has a problem to eat.

Let's go to look for the wolf, the eagle won't fall down, it won't hit, no automatic rifle is needed, the water drops off the horse to snipe the wolf, that's enough. "

Zhang Xiaosong is no longer joking. He doesn't care about collecting bullet casings and bullet heads. Someone is responsible.

The team has reached the 'front line', and there is no specific marker.

The two sides may engage in battle at any time. The difference is that there are hot air balloons floating in the sky, and the watchers raise their binoculars to look for the enemy's traces.

"There's a pack of wolves, sixty-nine? Why such a big pack?"

Everyone marched forward. In the evening, the hot air balloons semaphore.

There are fifteen cavalry, cavalry, who are tending sheep. They belong to guarding while tending sheep.

Before they could see the strength of Datang, they were surrounded by wolves first.

They put more than 200 sheep, the ratio itself is not right.

It is normal for a person to herd 200 sheep, as well as dogs.

In the end, there were no dogs in this team, they were scouts.

It was the critical night, they couldn't leave, the sheep were here, and the horses had been walking with them all day, and now they couldn't run.

The other party didn't know that there were soldiers from the Tang Dynasty approaching, but they found that the number of wolves was not much, there were too many.

Usually there are less than ten, and rarely more than thirty. How many are there now?

They looked at the horses and quickly went to feed the horses and took out all the food they brought.

Just like when a person drives a car, the first thought when they find a pack of wolves is how much gas do I have? Is there enough water in the tank? Can the phone get through?

Remember buying instant noodles and boxes of pure water before? Yes, I have? Okay, let's open the window a little bit, and it's fine if we can breathe.

She turned her head again and said to the female passenger: "Don't worry, beauty, we promise to stick to it until the end."

Woman: Routine, am I? Even if I die in the mouth of a wolf, I can't despise you.

Driver man: I mean we have enough water and food, as long as the rescue is timely.

Woman: What do you mean? Are you going to drop me? threaten me? I can die, I will go down, and I will fulfill you.

Man: No, you can't go down. I don't care how much money you ask for, as long as you survive.

Woman: What are your routines for me? Do you know what force is behind me?

Man: Five hundred, I'll give you five hundred. Let's not fight each other, shall we?

Woman: You are poor, do you know that in this situation, you belong to Bao Ye, five hundred?

The man realized instantly: Two thousand, I will transfer it to you now, don't open the door!

Woman: Brother, I can't breathe right now. Why can't the zipper on my chest be opened. Please help me, and the bottom is too tight.

The man was shocked: I can't open the door, absolutely can't open the door, I'll pay you more.

It's a joke, but in the current situation, everyone can't laugh, especially the people who are Tuqishi.

The horse's stamina and sprinting state are not good. Now it is evening again. Going out is a result. I am very good at archery, and I can't kill so many wolves at night.


Still today!

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