Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2455: Privately carved Diyin Friendship Road

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan looked at Li Yi in surprise at the same time, wondering.

Li Yi didn't like gems before, but if it wasn't for the people of the Tang Dynasty who thought jade was expensive, he wouldn't want it at all.

However, I have a good impression of diamond, because it can be used to cut glass.

Gold, silver, copper, blood coral, and gloomy wood are things that Li Yi is willing to collect as collateral to issue currency.

Gems and jade are never used as collateral.

"Li Lang, what do you want gems for?" Princess Yongmu took Li Yi in and stopped feeding the seagulls.

"People outside the Tang Dynasty like it, I want it, and then I sell it to them for what I need.

The popularity of such luxury goods within Datang will cause capital to flow out, and we earn less from it, which is not worthwhile.

The key point is that you can't eat this thing. It's not as good as pearls. At least pearls can be used medicinally. "

Li Yi said that he went into his bathroom, and he also had bird droppings on his head.

When the sky once lit up, I saw the land in the distance.

The drone shot, zoomed in and found a large number of ships parked next to it.

"I saw someone, our people, send a report to ask." Li Yi smiled.

This Sinhalese country has contacts with the Tang Dynasty, mainly in terms of belief, monks.

It takes a long time to walk overland, over mountains and mountains.

"Master Li, I'm Li Gen. I'll stay in Sinhala, and the others will lead the team and continue to move forward, exchanging things with them, all the way without downsizing."

Call back over there. To put it simply, we are all alive.

Li Yi ignored it, and the yacht accelerated.

Twenty minutes after meeting with the fleet, the soldiers hurriedly saluted and the yacht docked.

The people of the Sinhala Kingdom were waiting on the shore, looking very enthusiastic.

"How did you communicate?" Li Yi asked Li Gen.

"Sanskrit!" Li Gen answered naturally.

"Oh! It's easy to handle, I can do this." Li Yi suddenly realized that he didn't speak Sinhala.

Fortunately, with the spread of Buddhism, everyone can speak Sanskrit, which is a lingua franca. Ordinary people can't, and there is no problem with upper-level people.

The translation is: The other party said that he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and was entertained by the people from the Tang Dynasty under the order of King Gebdo Degbo. His name was Katuoji.

Li Yi understood that the way of naming this name was different from that after the Tamils ​​came over.

The two sides are fighting, but not in Sri Lanka. It will take hundreds of years for the Tamils ​​to get here.

Li Yi introduced himself and said he was: Zhongshuling, Shangshu Zuopushe, Tongzhongshumenxia Pingzhangshi.

This official is big, and any one you take out is Zaifu, Zhongshu Province, Shangshu Province, and Menxia Province.

The people in the Tang team who knew Sanskrit nodded and admitted that what you say is nothing wrong. As long as you don't say that you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, there will be no conflict.

After the other party understood what he meant, he recognized Li Yi's identity, amazing! Such a big official still ran out.

Princess Yongmu also came over and said that she was the princess of the Tang Dynasty.

The other party was shocked again, such a big official of the Tang Dynasty ran away with the princess?

He looked at the other Tang soldiers: You won't arrest him? He abducted your princess.

Everyone just pays respects to Princess Yongmu, as if they didn't look at Katuoji.

Where are Dongzhu Li and Princess Yongmu going? Li Jiazhuangzi is in the Tang Dynasty!

Li Yi took out a clock, which was indeed a grandfather clock. He taught the other party how to tell the time and how to wind it without twisting it too much.

On behalf of the Tang emperor to give the other king, Princess Yongmu gave the other a vanity box, on behalf of the king the queen gave the other queen.

In fact, there are many women on the other side, she doesn't care, just one.

After Kadoki figured out how the clock tells the time, he knew the value of gifts, something like a god!

He also took a look at the vanity box, but he couldn't use it, but the small mirror illuminated it very clearly.

He left Li Yi and the others, ran away with the things, and went back to the king.

"Do I have to write a letter of credentials and get another set of seals?" Li Yi asked Princess Yongmu.

"Credit? What seal?" Princess Yongmu felt that neither of these two things was ordinary.

"Your Majesty wrote a letter of nationality for the king of the other party, but it is actually the letter of the prime minister. Your majesty has put down a seal, I am the prime minister, and I have the seal of three provinces.

What does His Majesty's seal look like? I'll carve one out of a radish, I'll use it soon, it's not easy to go back and get it.

Yes, the king and queen also want. From now on, our two countries will be friendly neighbors. "

Li Yi decided to run back to the yacht to write his credentials and seal.

"Neighbors?" Princess Yongmu found the key words.

As for Li Yi's private engraving of the emperor's and empress' seals, she didn't care.

After the radish is carved, use it once, cut off the carved place, and it can still be eaten! Braised pork with radish?

Half an hour later, Li Yi got off the boat with his credentials in his hand.

"Where's Yin? Where's the radish?" Princess Yongmu opened it to see that Yin was right.

"I don't need the place where the carving is finished. I'll cook braised pork for you at noon." Li Yi rolled up his credentials again.

"Mmmm!" Princess Yongmu smiled.

Turning his head, Li Yi asked the stunned Li Gen: "Have you exchanged things with the locals?"

Li Gen returned to his soul: "The matches are exchanged for gems, and there are gold nuggets. Let's put them in our Datang cruiser for a while!"

"Gold? Yes, there is a gold mine in the area, okay, I'll take it back and keep it on your heads.

I bring you eighty automatic rifles, just like the assault rifles, made in Zhuangzi, and the bullets and water are compatible..."

Li Yi began to explain weapons, and now that he saw the Tang team, he did not go to Tianzhu, but went directly to Africa.

A total of 100 automatic rifles were brought, one was given to Jia Tong, and 80 to Li Gen, and Li Gen was sent to the front team to Tianzhu.

I brought the remaining nineteen with In case the Umayyad Dynasty really lacked heart and wanted to beat me, I had to have a weapon to use.

The bullets will not be given to Li Gen. The boat is equipped with a lot of bullets.

The sergeants of the Tang Dynasty ran to the boats carrying the things and moved them down, and scattered them, fearing that in the event of an accident, they would all sink into the sea with one boat.

"Lord Li Dongzhu, look, more than 400 catties of gold, the purity is not very good, I used 50,000 boxes of matches to get it, the matches sent from thousands of miles away."

Li Gen said to Li Yi as if he had suffered a big loss.

"To lose so much money and deduct your salary for one month." Li Yi's face sank.

"Thank you for not killing Zaifu." Li Gen cooperated.

Princess Yongmu covered her mouth and laughed, and 50,000 boxes of matches were exchanged for more than 400 catties of gold. How much gold did the Tang people burn every day?

Next came a large pile of gems of various colors, some of which were still gray, and some were polished with animal skins.

A large box of various sizes.

"These are 50,000 boxes of matches, and colored gemstones are also very precious here, and they will take the matches and exchange things with others.

However, there are many stones similar to glass. When they were digging for gems, they would throw them on the side of the road. They were useless and worthless. "

Li Gen introduced the value of these gems. Everyone likes good-looking things.

"A colorless one is worthless? Oh yes, it is indeed worthless. They can return gold and gems as gifts.

And still have matches, right? Give them a thousand boxes and let them give me the colorless stones.

I took it back and built the road to witness the friendship between the two countries. Whenever I walk on that road, I will miss the people here. "

When Li Yi heard Li Gen's words, his eyes rolled, wanting to change.

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