Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2457: The golden road is around

The equipment is automated and can be set.

Li Yi put on white coats for Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan and went for a walk in the medical area.

Katuoji over there went to see the 'king' with a gift. The king knew the situation long ago, and a lot of big ships came from the Tang Dynasty, thinking that he was going to attack his own country.

As a result, people wanted to change things, and they gave a large box of matches after another.

This match is so powerful that it catches fire with a single stroke.

Datang's team was not willing to go further on the land, so they exchanged it themselves, and then brought it with them to change things, and made a profit.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party had a lot of people, the ship was big, and they performed very well, they would have wanted to grab it.

Just thinking about it, I heard that it was robbed before, and then Datang ran away two people, they went to find someone to borrow troops, and turned around and wiped out a kingdom.

Now that it can be exchanged, it has already taken advantage of it, so why take the risk of destroying the country?

Look, someone more powerful has come and said that the boat is very beautiful, like flying on the sea.

This thing called a clock can tell the time, my God!

The makeup box with the mirror can also be used by itself, take a picture, what? A complementary color?

The king of Sinhala, Gebdo Degbo, kept his vanity case for himself. Who says men don't wear makeup?

What should he do when he summons the 'ministers' to discuss? There is a princess in the family, and it is obviously inconvenient to find them.

I've been in the past... let alone.

Someone gave a gift, what do you get in return?

The person who came before the other party likes gems and gold, so choose good gems and more gold?

King Gebdo Degbo needs to think carefully, and it is normal to return a gift.

To put it bluntly, it is an exchange. Li Yi went to the island for the first time to give things to the local indigenous people, and the indigenous people also knew how to take things out to Li Yi.

It may not be Pi Xiu, but also officials.

Those who dare to swallow anything are not necessarily gluttonous, but also officials.

Everyone expresses their opinions. Some people say that the gift of beautiful women was rejected by Katuoji. There are so many beautiful women, including princesses.

Everyone's aesthetics are similar to some extent. Ancient China also paid attention to one white covering all ugliness, and Africans even more wanted to make themselves white.

India, Sri Lanka, the more white the higher the identity.

Russian and Ukrainian beauties are not only good-looking when they are young, but also have beautiful facial features, and the key is white.

Since there is no shortage of beautiful women, they cannot be sent.

You can only send things, gems and gold, and nothing else.

They still don't know that the person they want to return the gift has privately made the credential and seal, and the style of writing the credential and the brush strokes imitate Li Longji.

Li Longji's clerical writing is beautiful, and Li Yi specializes in practicing the same style of writing as Li Longji.

Is this thing a good imitation? Ask if the movements of the scalpel are easy to learn? Is it difficult to operate during interventional surgery?

Zhong Shaojing's small letters are well written. He uses his heart to write, and he is upright and peaceful. Therefore, Li Longji is not happy. Let you be Saisuke, and you will be a good man for me?

Li Longji prefers to look at the thin gold body written by Li Yi, which is arrogant, and at the same time shows a hint of backhandedness.

Many people don't understand, can you see this by reading the words?

Look at the smile of real calligraphy, when you look at it, you feel like a person is laughing, and when you write it, it looks like you are crying.

Hieroglyphs, when writing walking, some people take big steps or go, and some people take small steps, but they still go.

The so-called lack of God is actually not the same as the meaning of the word.

The simplest: I don't know what the song is about when I first hear it, but when I listen to it again, it's the person in the song.

Those who don't understand, congratulations, I hope you will never be the person in the song.

The former laughs while crying, and the latter laughs and laughs.

"This word is missing a few things. It seems that I am really not suitable to be an emperor and eat."

Li Yi finished the braised pork and stewed radish, not the braised pork with radish, and still struggled with the font on the national book.

The problem with stews is that the former has more braised meat and the latter has more radishes.

"That's not it, my father... Let me repeat, the words that His Majesty wrote in the past were filled with sorrow and entanglement.

The characters written when Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen are very relaxed, even if they are both official scripts.

In the past, I didn't dare to make mistakes in every word. When Taishan Fengchan wrote it, it was elegant and correct.

Sometimes he was a little naughty when he sketched, such a big person. "

Princess Yongmu commented on her father's calligraphy, which she studied since she was a child.

And the 'Master' who taught her always chose some specific scenes when she was worried about words.

Children also have worries. For example, Li Longji, the father, doesn't want to play with him anymore. At this time, "Master" teaches to write the word for sorrow.

For example, if the flower I raised died, the master continued to teach how to write the word for sorrow.

And Li Longji said that when he was looking for Princess Yongmu to play, Master taught Huan.

Learning to write is like this, learning music is to use the huqin to slow down when you are sad, and when you are happy, when you are exercising, you immediately switch to horse racing.

When painting, pay attention to shadows, reflect light with shadows, and then drive emotions.

The same scene, when the sun is shining, the light is adjusted, and the child is happy running in the field.

Change the shadow, the child is still a child, the field remains unchanged, and it feels like the child is running to death.

Princess Yongmu was taught painting with Li Yi, music and other aspects.

She felt that her father was happy, and that something as serious as Taishan Fengchan was as naughty as a child when writing.

"Then what about this one I wrote?" Li Yi was confused.

"Li Lang wrote absent-mindedly, UU reading credential should think about state affairs, you didn't take the other party seriously at all.

You just have to deal with it, anyway, no one else can say anything about you when you look back, and you can't pick out the wrong words.

The seal carved by the radish...which radish is it? I have tasted the taste has changed? "

Princess Yongmu said happily, looking down at the radish with a serious look, trying to find the one that used to engrave.

When she woke up the next morning, she filled the radish and tofu soup with crabs, and stared dumbfounded at the stone in front of her.

The white sapphire that was heated yesterday turned a lot bluer today.

"Li Lang, is it yesterday? Will the heating change?"

She and Xiaolan looked at each other and came to the same conclusion, it was yesterday.

"Well! Technology is the key." Li Yi admitted.

"This kind of local stone is not valuable. You ship it back in a boat? Then..."

Princess Yongmu's eyes lit up, she finally understood that it was not for road construction at all, what kind of friendship road? This is the golden avenue wow!

"This time is not enough, we have to continue, generally heating for half a month, the bad will become better, and the colorless will have color.

Many other stones I can change in the same way or another way.

In fact, I can also make diamonds. There are many good raw materials here, which are cheaper than such stones. Just pick them up. "

Li Yi refers to graphite, and the graphite in Sri Lanka is very good.

Princess Yongmu looked at Xiaolan again, Xiaolan clenched her fists and nodded vigorously: "A touch of stone turns into gold, our family, don't say it!"

"Hmm!" Princess Yongmu looked around vigilantly and put her hands on her waist.

"You don't have a gun in this dress, do you want to keep your mouth shut?" Li Yi understood.

"For something as precious as sapphire, just heat the white stone. There are many locals." Princess Yongmu nodded.

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