Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2469: habit formation goal

At nine o'clock in the morning, the newly awakened Gebudo D'Gob and the others were still in a state of confusion.

Yesterday, their important people rested on the yacht and received the banquet in the hall. By the way, they watched the video of Li Yi lecturing on the scriptures on the big screen in the hall, as well as the video of Li Yi lecturing on the seaside.

While watching, Katoji talked about what happened next in the seaside image, which indirectly proved the authenticity of the image.

Until everyone was sleepy, Li Yi arranged to enter the guest room to rest, and the modern equipment inside shocked a group of people again.

Under the effect of the special soothing incense, they slept very peacefully.

Because I slept soundly, I got up late, and once again learned to use the toiletries on the yacht.

Everyone felt refreshed. They washed their hair yesterday after taking a shower, and they washed it again today. They felt comfortable and left a scent on their bodies. .

Toss until ten o'clock and start eating...the first meal.

Li Yi didn't eat breakfast either, he cooked for the other party.

I ate meat skewers last night, and today I'm going to cook during the day. The other party doesn't know how to use chopsticks and knives and forks, so they grab it with their hands.

The prepared meals should be easy to grasp. I feel that boiled meat slices are not suitable, and sweet potatoes are not suitable.

In addition, according to the eating habits of local people in later history, they should like to eat spicy, chili noodles and other things, that is, spicy curry.

There are also trees in the area, and the leaves are used to make curry.

There is no chili, which Li Yi thinks is good. He intends to give the other party more chili and eat it slowly, so that he can sell chili noodles in the future.

I took a large amount of gold that others estimated to have accumulated, and I must strengthen trade exchanges, and I can't take it for nothing.

A lot of dishes are laid out, the noodles that Li Yi sent in advance, the steamed picture rolls, it is more delicious to use this to dip the soup in the plate, otherwise it will be mixed with the rice and the juice.

The local rice is not delicious, and it is not as good as the indica rice, a new variety of Datang.

Li Gen's fleet contributed some food materials, they brought dried chicken, ham, Songhua eggs, various beans...

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan ate along, and they would eat with their hands, which was quite standard.

Katoji, who had eaten chili noodles for the first time, opened and narrowed his eyes, moved his lips, swallowed continuously, and finally couldn't help opening his mouth and sticking out his tongue.

"Drink coconut water." Li Yi pointed to the cup next to him, which was filled with coconut water, local coconut.

Katoji picked it up and gulped two mouthfuls, feeling a little better, and after thinking about it carefully, he reached out and grabbed it again.

The same is true for other people. The first time I ate it, it was spicy, and then I found that it tasted good. I liked this kind of spicy food and enjoyed it.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan didn't eat it. They didn't eat spicy dishes, let alone chili noodles.

Li Yi accompanies him to eat two bites, and he doesn't want to eat so many spicy things at noon.

It's almost 30 degrees outside the yacht right now, and it's guaranteed to exceed it in a while.

King Gebdo Degbo didn't care, eating, such a good thing, it is estimated that only Buddha has it, it is very precious.

After eating, Li Yi stopped him. He didn't dare to let the other party eat more. It was the first time to eat, and he had no experience. After eating, he hung up. Who should he talk to in the future?

He told the other party that there is still this, and he will give it to the other party when he leaves, and eat less when he goes back.

The king and a group of ministers were happy, and reluctantly ate something else, instead of mixing the chili noodles.

At the end of the first meal, Li Yi began to make tea, and the Sinhalese people do not drink tea at the moment.

According to the records, it started after the colonial rule of other countries.

In that country, drinking tea was passed down to the dynasties after the Tang Dynasty.

The source of the tea culture in the whole world is in China. Before, the tea was bought only by the nobles, and later they were grown by themselves.

In history, the tea of ​​Sinhala was grown by others, and they also learned it, and they also produced a world-famous tea, black tea.

In Li Yi's country, there is no shortage of tea in Li Yi's country, and they have to drink from others.

Now Li Yi plans to teach the other party how to drink tea. In the future, when selling tea leaves, he will drink green tea first. Zhuangzi will know how to make green tea and make money by himself.

Merchants can buy from Lijiazhuangzi and sell them elsewhere.

Of course, merchants also sell other teas. Drinking tea at sea can prevent some diseases.

And where meat is eaten, fermented tea is actually better than green tea.

The tea is very strong, bitter and astringent, and others will recognize it when they drink it. Anyway, whatever tea Li Yi gives them, they will feel good.

"It's too bitter." Princess Yongmu took a sip and stopped drinking.

"Bitterness is good. If you're bitter, you will spend tea leaves. You think, how much can you drink in a day like we do? This time, I brewed all of it for a day."

Li Yi explained the benefits of teaching others to drink strong tea from another aspect. The more you drink, the more money Datang makes.

And when the local people learn to drink tea, it is strong tea, so strong that they eat sugar while drinking tea.

"When our country is here, the ships are too large and it is inconvenient to berth. We want to find a place to build a wharf, so that large ships can dock and no longer use small boats to carry them."

Drinking tea, Li Yi said He wanted the site to see the pier, and wanted a large area where the army could be stationed.

Without saying a word, King Gebdo D'Gob agreed directly: "You can give it to you as much as you want, as much as you need."

"In addition, we want these worthless stones to go back to pave the way. Whenever my Majesty the Tang Dynasty walks on this road, I will think of the friendship between the two countries."

Li Yi mentioned the stones again, and this time he asked for a lot. In the future, as long as the sapphire was dug up and found that the color was not correct, he would take it all away.

When the king heard that he wanted this broken thing, he continued to agree: "Our people usually throw them on the side of the road. I will let them collect them, and the ships of the Tang Dynasty will come and transport them away."

"It can't be for nothing, we exchange things for things, and we also pay labor when digging, and labor should be rewarded.

Stones of different sizes and colors have different prices, and the larger ones will be paid more, and I will tell you the specifics.

Five grains like this size should be replaced by a box of matches. "

Li Yi let the other party look at the fingernail of his little finger, and he prepared five such big pieces for a box of matches.

The king looked at Li Yi differently, a good man, no, a good Buddha! This is clearly to send money to their own people.

However, when he thought about the clothes of the Tang people in the video he saw yesterday, he thought that the Tang Dynasty was rich and could afford it, and he was not afraid of being deceived. Can Buddha deceive people?

"Now we want to keep some people and help the local people who still need guidance. We will leave 200 people. I hope the king can make it easier."

Li Yi wants to garrison the army, and at the same time let the army collect information here and have a good relationship with the local people.

Gebdo De Geb heard that there were 200 people, but he was not worried that the other party would attack his palace, and he understood that the people of the Tang Dynasty knew a lot about things.

He happily agreed again: "You can keep more people. If you have anything to do, tell me, and I will leave people here to help."

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