Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2479: Unfamiliar scene with many resources

After a heavy rain in the middle of the night, the sky quickly cleared again, and the yacht passed through the rain zone.

The yacht arrived in Socotra in the morning and the drone took off.

Li Yi brought out the breakfast and greeted Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan: "Everyone has the same meal, porridge, steamed buns made by machine, plus small pickles, look at the screen, you have never seen such an island."

Li Yi came here when he traveled before, and he believes that the island now is more magical than he was then.

Shooting alien movies locally is easy to frame and looks different from anywhere else on Earth.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan each have three big buns, stuffed with eggs, garlic sprouts, dried beans, cabbage and pork, and beef and onions.

The side dishes are garlic eggplant, water-pressed salted cucumber strips mixed with shredded ginger, dried shredded tofu with scallion oil, and cold spinach. .

The porridge is a porridge made with lotus seeds, barley rice and millet, without fish and shrimp.

The other people eat the same thing, that is, Li Yi eats four buns and one extra beef and shallots.

There are good storage equipment and places on the yacht. Li Yi goes out to sea once and takes good care of everyone.

Move the screen over and watch together.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan were stunned when they saw the picture taken by the drone. What is this place?

"Li Lang, how do you feel... feel..."

"You don't feel surprised, do you? Zero three-three, go to Luoyang and tell me that the third brother will summon the ministers, and the little robot will be in charge of video communication and even the big screen."

Li Yi looked at the time. Datang had already finished breakfast. Since he could make a video, what telegram should he send?

In Luoyang, Tang Dynasty, Li Longji was holding a small court meeting. When the little robot asked for a video, he didn't understand, but he still allowed it.

Find more officials above the fifth rank here and look at the screen.

The screen lit up, and first there was the scene of Socotra Island. The ministers had similar thoughts to Princess Yongmu. Where is it?

The screen turned again, Li Yi's Lian appeared, and as the camera moved, Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan came in.

The people in Luoyang saw it, you just had breakfast, porridge and steamed buns.

Not to say how much seafood in the sea, why not eat big fish, prawns and crabs?

The picture is divided into two parts, the main picture of Daozi occupies 5/6 of the position, and the picture of Li Yi's people occupies 1/6, a small window.

"It's not like the same world, right? That's right, the one that looks like a big mushroom is the blood dragon tree, and the one that looks like a bottle is called the bottle tree.

The local drought is particularly severe, and there is water in the middle. In theory, cattle can be raised, but they are not raised at this time.

The land that can be cultivated is small, they fish for food, and the three small broken boats on the shore belong to Tianzhu.

The white-clothed food will also come and exchange things with them. The local indigenous people rely on these trade activities to survive.

There are a lot of medicinal materials on the island, plant and animal, such as civet cats.

The local civet is called the big civet, not the civet of the small civet.

It's just that other people came over and directly killed cats to get incense, just like killing musk deer.

The fur of the big civet is also good and beautiful, and it is good for making clothes..."

Li Yi said the same thing, like a family.

"Mmmm!" Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan nodded together, and they both looked at the half-split Datang people on the screen. Is this called video communication?

The group of people on Li Longji's side were stunned, and the scenery that they had not seen was actually not important.

They are smart and shrewd, Li Yi is in such a distant place, talking face to face?

"Brother Yi, but you're not good at fishing? Eat so shabby?"

When Li Longji saw the breakfast, his eyes were red, and it was too hard outside.

"Ah? Shabby? Adjust the picture to give the small broken boats of the Tianzhu people, as well as the Tianzhu people on the shore."

Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then laughed. The breakfast I had was shabby?

Do I have to cook more than 40 dishes, more than 60 kinds of pickles, more than 10 kinds of porridge soup, and more than 10 kinds of staple foods like Zhuangzi?

Do I have that time? You think I can't do it?

Do not eat any seafood at sea, is the most awesome existence, do you believe that I will go to the Sahara desert and let you watch me eat iced watermelon?

The screen was adjusted, and the drone shot Tianzhu people who came to exchange things.

The boat with oars gives the impression that it should not have any connection with the sea, only inland rivers, not the Yangtze River, because the current of the Yangtze River is too fast.

Tianzhu people eat something like fried noodles with their hands, and occasionally drink water from a wooden bowl, showing a comfortable and happy expression.

"The distance I came here was more than 2.4 times the distance they had to find the nearest place, and it took half a day to arrive.

They are now facing the southwest monsoon, pierced by the wind, a sea route of more than 700 miles, and five days.

I row hard every day, take turns sleeping, and I row about six miles in an hour.

Once something goes wrong, the boat crashes and people die. Seeing what they eat, there is no seafood, and they don't have time to catch them.

I got tired of eating seafood at sea, so I made food for you on land.

When we get to noon, we will make a seafood meal for you to see. "

Li Yi took the desperate Tianzhu people as an example and told others that we live well.

They have 340 to 50 kilometers, and they have to row for five days in a row. We have 900 kilometers. We leave in the evening and arrive in the morning.

Princess Yongmu followed up and said, "We finally have something to eat without the smell of the sea, dried bean curd and dried tofu were made yesterday.

In the sea, eating green vegetables and soy products is only possible for us in the Tang Dynasty, not for others.

Their fresh water turned rancid afterwards, but I could always bathe in cool, clean fresh water.

The swimming pool on the cruiser is also fresh water, which is cleaner than the water others drink. "

After she finished speaking, she continued to eat, UU read www. steamed buns.

Li Longji compared the diets of the two sides, Tianzhu and the yacht, and found that there was no problem.

"Brother Yi, how can I still see people?" He asked the most critical situation.

"The little robot left in Zhuangzi belongs to the same database, cloud system, as the little robot here.

I also only thought last night that the conversion can be performed with data.

As long as there are small robots, and the small robots have electricity, they are just like the eyes of each other. "

Li Yi didn't explain it in too much detail, it's a long story.

What he is most afraid of is to explain the transmission path of the system. Without satellites and base stations, how would the data go? Is it using the Earth's ionosphere?

"Okay!" Li Longji was happy: "It doesn't matter what happened in the past, it's too convenient to look at the present and the future."

"Yeah!" What else can Li Yi say, what we enjoy now is the highest technology I had at that time.

Looking at the picture quality of the picture, you can tell by the degree of clarity that 4G cannot reach it. At least since 5G, there is no delay in the communication between the two parties, and the image resolution is high. You can zoom in and zoom in again at any time.

"Brother Yi, are the people there easy to get along with? Be sure to keep yourself safe. I always feel scared when I look at the local plants."

Li Longji was unfamiliar with Socotra and had never seen the same scenery.

"No problem, I collect data and I can communicate with them. The local aloe vera is better, and I bring it back to plant it.

Aloe vera is like a cactus, but the variety of aloe vera can be eaten raw, a little bitter, and in places like the juice of green onions.

I plan to stay for three days to promote the culture of our Tang Dynasty. In the future, it will be an important port with Sinhala. "

Li Yi responded and reported.

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