Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2518: 1 litter of young children entering the cave

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Hearing Guo Ziyi's words, other people are worried, there are other tigers behind, what should I do?

"Ziyi, hold its head again, move it to the side, and I'll go in with a small tube."

Something suddenly appeared in Li Yi's hand, like an oxygen cylinder, with a hard tube in front of it.

"Okay!" Guo Ziyi agreed, and once again grabbed the tiger's head as he struggled, pushing hard to the side.

Li Yi inserted the tube through the gap between his neck and the 'wall' as deep as he could, then opened the valve and held his breath.

Guo Ziyi held his breath, and he could guess that this was anesthesia gas for surgery.

For half a minute, Li Yi pulled out the tube and stepped back, gasping for breath.

Guo Ziyi let go of the tiger and jumped back more than a meter.

'Ow~! ' The tiger continued to roar.

"Back up, what are you roaring?" With a shout, the pipe was aimed at the tiger's mouth, puff~~~

After five seconds of spraying, he continued to step back.

"Wait! It will take some time for the anesthesia, prepare for the net."

Li Yi told the crowd that he did not expect a tiger in the cave.

While speaking, a pile of nets appeared at his feet, and the exchanged ones were strong enough.

Yulin Feiqi put the heavy machine gun on the mount, and once he couldn't capture it alive, he had to kill it. .

The five little robots came forward, ready to give electric shocks at any time, and Qingdai's was there to catch wild boars.

Others put their nets in their pockets and press down on the surroundings. No matter how strong the tiger is, how many tons of things can be easily dislodged?

Fifteen minutes passed, and the tiger's eyes that came out of his head slowly closed.

Guo Ziyi made a color to another Yulin Feiqi, and Yulin Feiqi took out the rope.

Guo Ziyi rushed over holding the tiger's head, and Yulin Feiqi took a slow step into position, wrapping a rope around the tiger's mouth.

Next, the villagers could not be allowed to plan. Yulin flew and rode, and the tiger's head stuck there, and it suffocated for a long time.

Everyone was very nervous, not knowing whether the tiger in the back had fallen.

The light on the head of the small robot flickers, the liquid jet is opened, and the liquid is used as a conductor during electric shock. It is not pure water, and the conductivity of pure water is too poor.

When the voltage is low to a certain level, it does not conduct electricity. The higher the conductivity, the stronger the conductivity, but it is still useless.

The current of the electric shock should be small and the voltage should be high, otherwise it would be better to kill directly, why use electricity.

After a meal of digging, the first tiger could come out, but it never woke up, indicating that the anti-anesthesia function is not enough.

As for the anti-anesthesia of the animals in Li Yi Zoo, it is because of the use of anesthesia all the time, and there is something in mind.

The amount of anesthesia and the recovery time of a tigress with cubs and those without cubs are different, and those with children are very tenacious.

Like some lactating beasts, their feet are caught in clips, they will try to bite or twist their feet on their own, and run back to feed the baby.

Therefore, there is a law in the Tang Dynasty, which requires that hunting and fishing in Jingzhao Prefecture and Henan Prefecture are not allowed during a certain period.

Animals in heat are not allowed to be killed, those who are pregnant are not allowed to be killed, and those who are breastfeeding are not allowed to kill.

If you are accidentally killed during lactation, you must try to find the other's cub and find a way to raise it.

Therefore, there are many animal trainers in the Tang Dynasty, not deliberately catching the cubs of animals to tame them, but buying them.

If the hunter makes a mistake, he will bring back the cubs and give them to the trainer. It is definitely not intentional to kill their parents in order to obtain the cubs.

The tiger was pulled out, the little robots stepped forward, and the lights were turned on.

Three other tigers were lying on their stomachs inside, and the little robot stopped a few centimeters away, intending to discharge at any time.

The big net was sent in, and the two little robots were busy covering the three tigers. It was enough to cover them. The net was big enough, and when the tiger moved, the net became tighter.

Yulin Feiqi held his breath and tied the tiger's mouth with a rope from the mesh. They didn't want to be numb.

After tying up the mouth, back out first, then hold the breath and go in to tie the body, tie up a little... retreat.

This is the difficulty of catching a tiger alive, ten times harder than killing a tiger.

It's not wrong to say a hundred times as much for a heavy machine gun.

"I think these are the four cubs of the two big tigers killed by the hunter and the mountain dog before, and they sneaked in through other small holes to escape.

In the picture given by the little robot, there is a faint light in the hole, fluorite, and there is occasional sunlight shining through the entrance of the hole.

They eat... salamanders, don't eat them all from last winter, I have to transport them from other places. "

Li Yi analyzed and said, worried, how many salamanders do you four tigers eat?

No matter how bad the water quality of the South China tiger is, it can swim a long distance.

There is no problem in crossing a small strait, and the water is better than ordinary people.

Li Yi, who is good at water, knows that Gu Xuan is the kind.

What does it feel like to be slapped by the waves on the shore of the Qiantang River? There are people who get the tide in the water.

Li Yi felt that even if it was a tsunami, the tide-riders could survive.

The artisans in the team began to make cages, wooden ones, and four tigers were tied up, and the nurses checked the heartbeat and so on according to the way of saving people.

"Continue to dig, expand the hole, and ventilate."

Li Yi glanced at the four tigers and was very satisfied, they were all tigresses.

Take it back to Zhuangzi, and find a good male tiger to breed when it is fertile.

Early on, you have to raise it, at least two years, but three years is better.

There are all South China tigers here, but Siberian tigers can’t come, it’s too hot, in fact, it’s as hot as summer in Northeast China.

In Northeast China, minus 40 degrees is normal in winter, and 30 degrees above zero in summer is no problem.

What Northeasterners fear most is not temperature changes, but humidity.

When spring begins, many people from Northeast China get sick and die. Because of the tide, the spring breeze is penetrating.

In winter, people in Northeast China look forward to snow, hurry up and it will be cold, otherwise it will still be tide, many viruses and germs are active, and many colds are common.

In summer, I am not afraid of the heat, but I am afraid that the rain will continue, and I will feel pain in the bones all over my body.

That is, people in the northeastern region can withstand dry cold and dry heat, but don't get wet, that's terrible!

The cage is not ready yet, the tigers woke up and closed their eyes Apparently they also knew that the light outside was too strong.

They were screaming, and everyone heard the fear.

The villagers understood it thoroughly. Li Dong was mainly captured alive, which was relatively troublesome, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

And the sound is good, see if there are any beasts? Are you scared? Dare to come to the village? Can't scare you to death.

"Master Li, can you give me some tiger urine and feces?" Village Zheng Li Xue had another idea.

"Is there no livestock and poultry in the village?"

Li Yi asked back, something can be given, are you sure that ordinary animals can bear it?

Could it be that you want to eat dog meat, and you want to strangle all the dogs in the village?

Tiger feces and urine are prepared for hunters, to cultivate mountain dogs, and after dilution, let good hunting dogs touch.

Gradually increase the concentration until the hound is able to adapt.

Followed by listening to the tiger's roar, the first small, slowly amplified.

Then there are wood carvings of little tigers, the same size, with the smell and roar, making the hounds touch step by step.

Even the offspring of good mountain guard dogs are fed to the mother guard dog just like the little milk tiger.

In the process of growing up, the descendants of the mountain dog are not afraid of tigers.

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