Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2525: Sugar-first maternity hospital

"Is sugar more expensive or bananas more expensive?" Li Rizhi pulled out a sliced ​​banana with cold water and stared at it.

"From our new territory, I brought back new sugarcane. The sugarcane we eat is called fruit sugarcane, which is not suitable for pressing sugar. Sugarcane has poor taste and high sugar yield...

Calculated according to the yield per mu, affected by the pressing technology, the sugar yield is about 8%.

No matter how low the yield of sugar cane is, it can produce 16,000 to 7,000 jin per mu.

Multiplying the sugar rate, the sugar is about 1,300 catties.

As for bananas, the yield per mu can range from 2,300 to 2,600 catties, and good varieties will be cultivated gradually in the future, as will sugar cane. "

Li Yi gave a sugar yield per mu and banana yield per mu. Whether bananas are expensive or sugar is expensive, he could not measure for a while.

"Candy is good, it's good to eat sugar, oh, it's also good to eat bananas, sugar can be preserved, and you can put a little flavor when cooking."

Song Jing gave his opinion. He didn't like bananas very much, and he was tired of eating them when he was in Guangzhou.

Including Zhang Jiuling, I have eaten a lot of good fruits. In Guangzhou, bananas are cheap and there are many varieties of fruits. Why do you have to eat bananas?

"It is true that sugar is good. Put a little sugar in pickled vegetables, which tastes better and is easy to store."

After thinking about it, Yao Chong supported a variety of sugar canes and squeezed out sugar to make rock candy.

"In addition, after sugar cane is squeezed, the remaining stalks can be fermented to make fertilizer. In fact, it can be used to make wine. After sugar is squeezed, it can also be brewed. The lees of wine can be fed to pigs or used as fertilizer."

Li Chengqi added that Datang's rock candy is squeezed from fruit sugar cane and beet, and the rest is processed further after squeezing.

"Grow sugarcane." Li Longji decided not to order so many bananas. Sugarcane is more useful.

The people in Zhuangzi ate bananas with a happy look on their faces. Zhuangzi is stronger and no longer afraid of foreign wars.

Needless to say, the official's family members have been able to eat fresh bananas because their welfare has increased.

The next day, the airship set off again, loaded a batch of medicines and flew to Guangzhou, and then went to Hangzhou to deliver bananas, which were brought back by train.

The airship needs to fly continuously in order to test its performance, and the first one is an experimental product.

Record all kinds of data during the flight. The person above is carrying a parachute. Once the situation is found to be wrong, parachuting, the airship is not needed, and people are more precious.

There is also a small robot placed on it, which is able to relay the situation back at any time.

Zhuangzi's workshop continued to make airships in concert, and it was built according to this.

The material is not a problem, there are a lot of rubber, Li Yi never thought of using it to make rubber bands and then making them into slingshots to hit other people's glass.

On the first day of September, the grand meeting was held, and there was a lot of content. Li Yi didn't participate. He was busy in the hospital, and Shi Wa'er's third uncle was still in the hospital.

Occasionally, people and pregnant women who can't afford medicine go to Zhuangzi to see a doctor, a large group of pregnant women.

Pregnant women from wealthy families came from far away and were admitted to the hospital in Zhuangzi, including those from the Zheng family in Xingyang, who came by train.

The pregnant woman who was only six months old did not leave, and the four pregnant women came to take care of a large group of people.

Fortunately, without waiting for Li Yi to speak out, they gave money directly, one to tens of thousands of Jin.

Including Fan Yang Lu's, also took great pains to send two pregnant women to the place, one of them almost had a problem when he arrived, and the road was bumpy.

They had a conflict with Li Yi in the previous room, that is, they were looking for something to fly a kite.

Even so, they still sent people, they believed that Li Yi would not be so careful, and his medical ethics were noble.

So far, 100 percent of pregnant women who give birth at Lijiazhuangzi Hospital have survived.

Zhuangzi Hospital has two entire ward buildings, all of them are pregnant women, and the gynecological skills of the nurses have improved dramatically.

Just like the large factories in Li Yi’s time, with tens of thousands of people, the surgical operations in the nearby hospitals are of a high level.

Li Yi was busy because of this. Someone needed to have a caesarean section, and he had to be responsible.

As for whether a man can touch a pregnant woman or not, no one cares, no one treats him as a human being, that is God.

In fact, there are male nurses involved. There are more male nurses than female nurses, and their skills are better.

Others know it as if they don't know, life is more important, just watch it! Could it be that the male nurse can still go after the family and say something?

"Master, here it is." Qingdai came over and handed Li Yi a red envelope, a red paper bag.

"What?" Li Yi was surprised.

"The double member of Wen Tian Lanxiang Pavilion and Zuixianju is surnamed Zhou. It is estimated that he is going to give birth to a child. The amniotic fluid has broken. The one her family gave me, Qianjin, is a twin, a dragon and a phoenix."

The little girl Qingdai explained the situation, and she started using the red envelopes given by others.

The other party's family is rich, including kerosene lamps, glass mirrors, glass windows, thermos, bicycles, and Qiangong's bed. The kerosene lamp and thermos are not the same.

"You're worth the price." Li Yi smiled, the other party demanded that all three adults and children must live.

Throwing out one million dollars was equivalent to two or three million he had at that time.

It's not expensive, the little girl is the "Zhuang Yuan" of three subjects, walking in the Queen's Palace, and treating the Queen, the Queen Mother and others, how much is she worth?

"Do you want this money?" Qingdai was embarrassed.

"Yes, put it in your Datang Qingdai Medical Fund, tell your wife later, and give the two little babies clothes from birth to one year old, pure cotton."

Li Yi nodded and agreed, and exchanged things from Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion.

The same thing, produced by Wen Tian Lanxiang Pavilion, the price of UU reading is not low.

Now that the money is returned, the other party will have to kneel and die there. After the mother and baby are safe, have you ever seen a customer who will reward one and twenty taels of gold?

So after two minutes, that is, at 2:30 in the afternoon, accompanied by crying, the little girl Qingdai got another thousand red envelopes.

Difficult to give birth, she took medicine and acupuncture, and almost called Li Yi to personally cut it.

For six hours, she didn't drink a sip of water.

The mother-in-law of the pregnant woman who was also in the delivery room burst into tears. She watched the whole process without daring to speak.

There was a sound of instruments around, and the female nurses were busy.

In fact, Li Yi watched through the screen after the problem occurred, ready to take action at any time, and all the plasma was ready.

The two little babies drank breast milk, Qingdai eats, eats cold noodles, and wants to drink cold noodle soup.

People from the mother-in-law's family and her family's family put incense tables and ancestral tablets at the entrance of the hospital, kowtow to the incense, and tell the ancestral daughter-in-law and daughter that they have given birth to a twin.

After entering the gate of **** several times, the genius doctor Qingdai borrowed the power of master to close the gate of **** again. He heard the screams of black and white impermanence when he was beaten. Old and cruel.

Li Yi wanted to say that it was not allowed, but considering that he was a double VIP, and he also took out two thousand red envelopes, forget it.

The family is so happy, and the in-laws are enthusiastic about the maiden family! My mother called out one by one.

Harmonious two families, for a woman to give birth to children, both attach importance.

The parents' family considers the status of the daughter, while the in-law's family thinks of inheriting the lineage and having both children.

"Master, today's cold noodle soup is delicious." Qingdai found something good.

"Because there are pineapples and green peppers, we will have more pineapples to eat in the future."

Li Yi knows the reason. After the cold noodle soup is prepared, he has to put something to soak it in, such as cucumbers, green peppers, pears, apples, pineapples...

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