Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2531: 2 naturalizations have Rome

The senior leaders of the two tribes watched and were moved. There are so many benefits to going to Datang. The key people in Datang are really powerful.

They just watch, watch everyone eat breakfast, then lunch, three meals a day!

During lunch, more maids adjusted their work and rest time and physical condition, and several people shared a smoked chicken to eat.

Some people like to eat braised pig's trotters, grab one and spit out the bones and chew it, so fragrant!

A maid broke a piece of corn into two pieces and ate it with chopsticks.

A group of children enter the picture, they wear the same clothes, step on the same pace with their little feet, and sit in their positions.

The staff in the cafeteria began to put plates for them. There was very little rice, and some people who wanted to eat dumplings raised their hands.

When the children were eating happily, the senior leaders of the two tribes fell in love.

I also have children in my own family, how is it different from others?

Look at other people's children, they are clean and refreshing, and their own children are still running big noses!

There is no harm without comparison, and no happiness without prominence.

The children of Lijiazhuangzi are cute even when they eat, and the smiles on their faces have never changed.

"Ask, let's go, can the child do this?"

The mother's father yearned for it, and Datang was promoting it, saying that life there would provide benefits and assistance.

I didn't believe it before, but now I see with my own eyes, so many children!

If you want to cheat, you can't do it. The children choose their own meals. There are three meat and three vegetarian dishes, and there are ten kinds of soup.

On the whole, the canteen provides more than 100 dishes for lunch, and the children are picky, just sit there and eat whatever you give me.

"Yes, I will arrange to live next to it. It is impossible to have more than 100 dishes. You can cook whatever you want. The food here is very cheap."

The maid continued, more than one maid said.

They also have choice disorder syndrome, how can there be so many dishes at noon? What do I eat? I turned twice and didn't dare to start.

On the other hand, people from Zhuangzi of the Li family will soon choose their own dishes. Some people even come over to serve them directly and eat them after they are served, so they will not waste time on choosing dishes.

"Rough and soft, this is what you mean by human nature, no one can avoid it?"

Zhang Jiuling was also eating, and he saw the reaction of the people over there.

"It's inevitable, why didn't I go outside to be the emperor? There will always be people who love their nation no matter where they are."

Li Yi said as if he loved Datang, in fact, in this era of Datang, how could there be a better place than Datang?

The two tribes over there add up to more than 10,000 people, half-nomadic and half-farming. Otherwise, where would you find so many sled dogs.

They negotiated to see if this was suitable?

Talk to Li Yi if it suits you. You can do without the house. What about horses and sheep?

In the afternoon, the two tribes decided to go to Datang. It is too cold here in winter, and people freeze to death every year.

They negotiated with Li Yi through the small robot, and finally reached an agreement that their food, horses and sheep would be given to the Protectorate of the Tang Dynasty, and the hounds could bring them over.

As much as the livestock and food are taken out, they go to Luoyang to make up for them.

Sheep are not good. Luoyang in Datang has no sheep, so they can be exchanged for pigs, or converted into money.

They have ready-made houses where they go to find jobs for them. First, they go to the hospital to check their health, and the children are sent to the school.

Everyone gave twenty pots and pans and tools for work, including babies.

The two tribes were satisfied and were not afraid of being deceived, and began to clean up that night.

After eating a good meal the next morning, some people drove their horses and sheep to the Duhufu. They had to walk for half a month. Most of the food was brought to them, and the horses and sheep were also eaten, so they did not save money.

Others waited for Datang's airship to pick it up. Datang only has nine airships at the moment, and by the end of the year there will be forty.

When the airship flies to the place it is dark, the old, the young, the sick and the women come first.

When it was dawn, everyone checked their bodies first, and the airship added oil and flew out.

In seven days, except for those who sent horses and sheep, all the two tribes arrived.

Their houses and things were not burnt, but they wrote and painted. If others pass by, they will know that they are in the Tang Dynasty after seeing it, and those who go after the things can use them casually.

"There are seven more days until Xiaoxue's solar term."

Seeing that the personnel were properly placed and the population of Datang continued to increase, Li Longji ate horned melon, that is, a pie filled with zucchini to see the sky outside.

"It doesn't matter if it snows or not."

Li Yi is not worried about the drought, Jingzhao Mansion will not be dry, neither will Henan Mansion.

The big deal is to continue drilling wells, using gasoline or diesel engines to drill, which will cost more bearings.

At that time, he needed P6 bearings for drilling wells. The old national standard was called D-class bearings, which were not available in Zhuangzi, only ordinary ones.

This thing can only make do, not industrial technology.

Even if the worst bearing produced by Lijiazhuangzi is thrown out, others will be dumbfounded and cannot make it.

"It's better to go down. Hedong Road needs it. Is the post-Turkic still safe?"

Li Longji took a sip of Hu spicy soup, thinking of the post-Turkic, another winter coming.

"The people who took the rotation said that there was no major change. They didn't go to war, recuperate, and store food."

Li Yi learned about the situation of the Turks in the future. He had not fought a war for a year, and he was madly accumulating dried vegetables, dried meat, and dried fish.

It is estimated that after this winter, they will expand northward and try to stay away from the Tang Dynasty.

History has changed because of his arrival, and he no longer needs to rely on the situation of the various tribes in history to prepare in advance. UU Reading

No matter which empire it is, what Umayyad and Byzantine empires, they...

Li Yi thought in a daze. The Umayyad Dynasty and the Eastern Rome fought last year. They never fought before, and they were burned with Greek fire.

Greek fire this is naphtha, with their technology, they must have a large amount of light crude oil mined in the open pit.

"Oh! Everyone will use it. Let's go and exchange it with them. Can they exchange it? It's better to continue buying in another place."

Li Yi shook his head helplessly, saying that the East Rome would know distillation technology.

There is naphtha, and the Eastern Romans used asphalt as a binder when building ships, and natural asphalt does not need to be produced by yourself.

The by-product of the distillation of petroleum is asphalt, and the Eastern Roman technology is amazing! will be distilled.

"Don't go to East Rome, look for oil in the Persian Gulf! They have it, just as light."

Li Yi muttered, he doesn't plan to trouble East Rome at the moment, the oil can't be replaced, it belongs to the secret formula of the other party, can I give you the raw materials?

"Brother Yi, you..." Li Longji wondered, where?

"There is a place called the Byzantine Empire now, and it is also called Eastern Rome. There was a Western Rome before, which is similar to the Southern and Northern Dynasties and Eastern and Western Han Dynasty."

Li Yi began to tell Li Longji the story of East Rome, and the others came over and listened together.

How could they know the situation there, they like to be popularized by Li Yi.

"Oil is the raw material for making Roman fire. Rome is powerful? Is the Eastern Roman Empire strong?"

Li Dan understood, the Umayyad Dynasty went to beat others in East Rome, but they were not beaten, and they were burned by fire.

"Let's see who we are fighting, we are fighting against the current Tang Dynasty, we can't kill them." Li Yi was not modest at all.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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