Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2541: Entering the airship at the beginning of the twelfth lunar month

When everyone went to eat, they stopped playing in the afternoon, leaving the afternoon to people outside the village.

People outside Zhuangzi can play in Lijiazhuangzi's artificial ice rink, including ice carts, when it is dark in the afternoon.

There are few places where ice can freeze in Luoyang, skiing is okay, and some mountains are good, but they have not been cleaned up, and the danger is too great, and it is easy to hit the rocks.

Lijiazhuangzi has the best ski resorts and ice skating rinks, which are open for free. You are required to bring a pair of washed socks before you give sleds, snowboards and skates.

The protective gear is also provided free of charge. It is not enough without wearing protective gear. Li Yi does not want to use this to practice bone setting and first aid.


"Twenty-six days, another new year!"

Bi Gou ate shabu-shabu and said with emotion that this year his time was not wasted.

Even if the leader is Li Yi, he is still cooperating. This year's fiscal revenue is estimated to be more than 226 million yuan.

Thirty times as long as when Li Yi arrived at Li's Zhuangzi, the growth rate is the same as that of Fei.

One state government after another exempted the rent and changed it into a commercial tax, and the people who farmed the land suddenly improved their lives.

The application of new agricultural tools shortens the man-hours required for planting, and the extra time is used for breeding, and meat and eggs are eaten.

"Next year will be better, not as stable after the flood, let's join the group!"

Song Jing was tired and wanted to rest, so he pulled Bi Gou to join the group.

Su Ting and Zhang Jiuling are still young, so they don't need to enter. Zhang said that they will be prime ministers and add a few more prime ministers.

Song Jing is only nostalgic for work, and has no idea about the location.

The prime minister is one person under ten thousand people, and he is the prime minister. Li Yi said that he is only responsible for work.

The most irritating thing is that Li Yi himself is not the prime minister and the emperor, so he makes suggestions all day long.

Oh, once, the three provincial chiefs of the Ministry of Shu, Shangshu, and Menxia were once, and only once, engraved their own seals, and even engraved the seal of His Majesty.

It is not an exaggeration to punish the nine clan for this crime, but unfortunately there is no one in the Li Yi clan, and he is the only one, so what can he do with him?

The radishes that have been engraved and stamped are stewed and eaten, and there is no evidence! Princess Yongmu eats the most.

"If you eat hot pot, more cows die, which proves that there are more new born. In the future, there will be more cows and sheep to eat, and there is no need for Lijiazhuangzi to buy and raise them in their old age."

Seeing that the situation was not right, Li Yi quickly spoke up.

When you are happy, why does it look like a farewell ceremony? If you don't talk, everyone should cry.

Everyone hurried to eat meat to supplement nutrition. Recently, there has been a lot of beef, and they have even made braised beef and sent it to the border gates.

The airship traveled at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour and was sent from Luoyang to the outside, and it felt that the distance was not far.

Before the end of the year, Li Jiazhuangzi had already built fifty yachts, which was previously said to be forty.

The craftsmen are getting more and more skilled and working overtime, Li Yi can't do it if he doesn't agree, he's just so stubborn.

Later, Li Yi had to ask for eight hours of sleep and two hours of eating and walking, otherwise he would definitely be punished.

The craftsmen were satisfied with four more hours and arranged the time.

When it comes to fine work, do four hours by yourself, then go to other light work for two hours, eat, come back to do fine work for four hours, eat, come back and do light work for two hours, eat and sleep.

No overtime pay, voluntary.

Li Yi did not advocate it, but Zhuangzi's craftsmen actually worked for the entire Tang Dynasty, not for himself to make money.

Every airship is built by Zhuangzi. The more you build, the more Zhuangzi pays.

If it is private work, it is different, why let us work overtime for free? owe you?

What? Let me go to the government and sue you? I'll give you a knife, go and sue me!

You are so rich and you are not afraid of death. I am too poor to live happily. I am afraid? Die together!

However, the current government of the Tang Dynasty is very effective. If you owe others wages, we promise to take care of you.

You know the magistrate is useless, how do you know that the magistrate and the county magistrate don't report the magistrate? There are so many teams of Datang inspection teams, can they escape?

"Eight more airships were allocated, and I always felt that it was not enough."

Su Ting counted the number of airships. Fifty airships would be given to Zhang Xiaosong, two for Tianbingjun, two for Andong Duhufu, and two for Guangzhou Dudufu.

The other two were given to the ruler with Zhudan. He only has the right to use it, and he can send things back and take things here at any time through the airship.

His cadets were studying and training hard, and he didn't want to go back.

What's the use of going back? Can it compete with the Tang Dynasty? Just kidding!

The airship doesn't need anything else, just install a hundred shooters, and hit the ground with water beads at a height of 300 meters in the sky. The hit rate doesn't matter.

Fifty on one side, the airship slowly rotates, the bullets may be deflected, and the deflected bullets can't hit people?

Fire the crossbow with the ground up, three hundred meters...

Therefore, Chidai Zhudan decided to continue to live in Datang, not to worry that there will be a betrayal there. Would you try to betray one?

I only have two airships, do you think I can destroy your tribe?

Forty airships began to regularly transport troops and materials to the northeast. I don't know if they can go to war. Anyway, they must prepare in advance.

In the past, it was the Sixteen Guards, the Fei Lin Feiqi, the recruits, and the returnees from the southwest. They usually practiced a lot.

The automatic rifle does not need to be practiced, Shui Lianzhu knows how to fight, and the automatic rifle will get used to it after two hits.

A full 50,000 people were transported there, as well as sky-piercing monkeys and explosive packs.

If you can, you won't fight. If you want to fight, we can't say temporary transfer in the Tang Dynasty.

No one else has satellites either, and the speed of message delivery in the icy world is very slow.

At this moment, Datang said that whoever strikes will strike at The other party has no time to organize.

During the Tang Dynasty, did any country conduct individual combat and individual joint combat training in emergencies?

Each individual soldier can make strategic and tactical arrangements, and cooperate with colleagues to complete tactical goals and cooperate with the strategic process.

Only the Yulin Feiqi, the Sixteen Guards, the recruiting soldiers, the Southwest Man, and the Tiele nine surnames of Lijiazhuangzi of the Tang Dynasty were the only ones.

In fact, the latter two have just entered, and the first three are the strongest, especially Yulin Feiqi.

Thirty thousand Feather Forest Flying Riders, the number is fixed, and there are countless backups being cultivated.

Everyone on the job is a strategic and tactical commander, and they have been taught that way for several years.

Otherwise, why did Li Yi let college students serve as soldiers? Just like an inch of mountains and rivers and an inch of blood, a hundred thousand youths and a hundred thousand troops, that young man is not a casual person, he must be a student.

Give him a map, a compass, and a telescope, and he can measure it. Give him a strategic goal, and he knows what it is.

"The next goal of winning Silla is Bohai, and I will see it in my lifetime."

Chu Wuliang was also there. He was Li Longji's assistant when he was the prince, and he was actually Li Longji's teacher.

When Li Longji was studying, he followed him. Li Longji didn't understand something, and he immediately gave an answer.

That's why he can be the prince of the country. He knows all the literary knowledge of Li Longji, so how much does Li Longji know?

Seeing the three little guys taking the boys' exam, the ministers were so overwhelmed that they didn't dare to speak. Li Longji helped him to answer a question and he understood.

Look at the official script written by Li Longji himself when Mount Tai was enshrined in Zen, and you will understand it better.

And Li Longji asked Jiang Jiao to take the initiative to release his power and wrote "Let Jiang Jiao return to the field", so you can know how high Li Longji's literary quality is.

I like to bring the system to Datang, please collect it: () Bring the system to Datang to update the fastest.

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