Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2582: Been in a trance for years

Li Yi got off the plane and came over without him. Everything was going on according to normal procedures.

As soon as he entered the room, Li Longji next to him picked him up and started circling, but he didn't turn around for a long time.

"Third brother, third brother, let me down, I have grown up, don't change." Li Yiguai was embarrassed.

Li Longji turned around again to put Li Yi down, and Queen Wang came over to rub her head: "Uncle is really different!"

Li Yi: "..."

He felt that this was a continuous technique. First, Li Longji held and rotated, and then Queen Wang touched her head. During this process, because of the rotation, his movements were stiff, and the system judged it like this when fighting.

It feels like the skill of Yu Yu, Yuyou Baishou, and it can also be a one-shot kill in The King of Fighters.

Everyone understands what's going on, and it's clear when Li Yi's previous series of operations are coherent.

First get a bunch of farm tools, and then go to Shandong, which is east of Taihang Mountain, especially Luoyang to deal with the locust plague.

He turned his head to build a water network in Jingzhao Mansion, and provided logistical support for the soldiers ahead.

Reform tax policy and issue banknotes.

Intensify efforts to study new weapons, forcing the later Turks to move northward and seize the source area of ​​the Yellow River.

Accept the nine natures of Tiele and appease the Khitan and Xi people.

I went out to look for good seeds, and when I came back, I figured out the steam engine and the railway.

Now avoid the biggest disaster loss, the damned person is not allowed to die.

Without him, look at the wars and disasters, especially the floods this year.

That Xingdaofang was the place where Princess Taiping lived. So many people died at one time, from Chang'an to Luoyang Shangyang Palace.

Explain what? Li Longji De does not match!

In addition to the previous war, locust plague, and drought, it's only a few years! Li Longji has a problem when he is in power, and he is condemned by God!

"Xiaoyi, this old man toasts you." Yao Chong apologized after serving the wine.

He caused a lot of trouble for Li Yi at the beginning, and Li Yi solved it.

"Xiao Yi, this old man will work hard when he joins the group." Song Jing also held the cup.

"Xiaoyi, this old man won't give you any more money, but it's time to fix your teeth." Bi Gou also held the cup.

The other ministers raised their glasses one after another, and they did.

After connecting everything together, I found that Li Yi has been doing the right thing under pressure from all sides.

Without Li Yi, how many crises would Datang face in these years?

Even if he doesn't help himself, it's still a constraint. While Xiaoyi has to deal with wars, people's livelihood, and disasters, he has to deal with himself and others.

I am sorry for Datang, if I had supported Xiaoyi in the first place, Datang would be better, I am a sinner!

"I'll have a drink with you, but I'll say it first, you guys are sick in a state of hyperactivity, just like me, I'm also floating, I think I'm a fairy, but it's not.

In retrospect, you will find that you have given me a lot of support and help, like Lao Yao, when his son didn't speak well, he beat his son. "

Li Yi holds the cup and does it first as a respect. He actually likes the appearance of the ministers, and others don't know what the history is like.

Everyone drank together and did it.

Before the cup was put down, the picture of Xingdaofang appeared on the screen, and the whole screen was displayed.

The ground trembled slightly, and Xingdao Square began to collapse. Only the edge of the entire square where there were buildings was left, and the rest went down.

There are no buildings there at the moment, all you see is a pit on the ground.

"It's almost over. It should be clear tomorrow morning. We're going to go out to play. Let others rebuild here. No one died."

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the last one.

A group of people did not respond to Li Yi, but looked at the place where Xingdaofang collapsed.

There are lights around there and people watching.

The drone hovered in the air, and water poured out of the collapsed area.

"Brother Yi, do you want to be a national teacher?"

Li Longji was very happy, and it really collapsed, great.

"Can I open more salary? Is it enough for me to raise a farmer?" Li Yi asked.

"Guarantees are not enough, and that's the case, you still do!"

Li Longji said indignantly, he always raised money, and your family is not short of money. In your eyes, a Chinese teacher is equal to how much more money you get, right?

The people on the screen cheered when they saw the lights on, they were so happy.

Everyone understands that the people are not happy because of disasters, but only because of Dongzhu Li's success in going against the sky.

Xingdaofang collapsed, wow! Dongzhu Li is accurate. In the future, what Dongzhu Li says will be.

People who lived in Xingdaofang and went to Lijiazhuangzi also stared at it, why is it raining? How about midnight?

Is it sinking? Go back and fill it in, let's build a better house, and the original house has long been unpleasant.

"Let's eat shabu-shabu and go to bed after we're half full. I'll prepare the seasoning."

This time, Chapter 17B Si. The relaxed Li Yi is worried about the health of the ministers. You can't be excited! will fall at any time.

The key point is that I can't sleep because of your tossing. If you fall down, I will rescue me because I feel uncomfortable.

He went to make cold skewers, which added tranquilizers. After eating, he would fall asleep soon. He asked the nurses to watch, and if he couldn't, he would call himself up.

I have no problem with myself. After undergoing resident training, they are all like special forces, 24 hours a day.

The cold skewers are served, and after they are cooked, they are placed in the cold soup.

After eating a bite and chewing, and then sipping a sip of rice wine, everyone is very comfortable.

It was nothing more than a flood, several overflows, and one square fell into it.

No need to make a Treat it normally, there is a lot of silt in the river, and it is healthier to rush.

Li Yi ate a bunch of cockles. From Zhejiang, the contents in his stomach were spit out, and they were soaked in cold soup before they were cooked. He dared not eat them raw, for fear of parasites.

Others have hairy stomachs, potato flour, but no soy products. Li Yi worries that older people will feel uncomfortable at night after eating, and soy products will easily ferment in their stomachs.

After midnight, everyone went to sleep after eating what Li Yi gave.

Li Yi ran home to take a cold shower, and rushed to the bed with energy.

Princess Yongmu and Xiaolan got up and started to massage, Li Lang worked hard!

After half an hour, the two of them were also tired, and hugged Li Yi to sleep.

It was dawn and the rain stopped.

Li Yi got confused, found a good position, and slammed into the fish tank, and the solution was completed.

"I can't urinate in my dreams, I just spray it against the fish tank. I know it's a dream. When I wake up, I'm still facing the fish tank. Later, I found out that it was still a dream.

I understand, this is a long-term self-psychological suggestion. At this time, it is not possible to carry out reverse suggestion, otherwise, it will enter a state of being unable to sleep.

Well, I woke up suddenly, what fish tank? I have a toilet here, cool! Dreams can interfere with me, huh~~huh~~”

Li Yi muttered and fell asleep again.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. "Princess, can the fish in the fish tank die?"

Xiaolan understood, and Li Lang was confused.

"Flowing water, flowing water, you can't die, go to sleep! You can't do anything with Li Lang in the last few days!"

Princess Yongmu thought for a while and thought that the fish could survive.

"I can't do it in the last few days. What's going on? Listen to your princess, sleepy!"

Make a big tyrant. Xiaolan muttered and fell asleep.

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