Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2589: From winter to summer to Sulu

The southeast monsoon has always affected the sailing speed of the fleet. From Datang Haizhou to Australia, no matter how you go, it is a headwind.

It is best to go to Australia in winter in Datang. The journey is smooth, and it is just in time for summer after arriving there.

Waiting for the winter in Australia, after collecting things and returning to Datang, it will still be a smooth journey.

This year's situation is special, and I dare not go out until the flood is over.

In the early morning, the local people left without waiting for the local people to finish their meals, in order to grab the time, the time to arrive in the Philippines.

I leave today and arrive at noon tomorrow. There are ships from the Tang Dynasty, and they send telegrams every day to determine the location.

After dinner, everyone takes a walk. The area on the cruise ship is large enough, there are many layers, let's go!

"There are all tribes now, there is no unified kingdom, and there are many races, one of which we call the Sulu people, the Sulu name of the Tuqi Shi Sulu.

The local climate is good and suitable for planting crops, just like our Zhenzhou.

At present, Datang has established a stronghold there, recruiting tribes into Datang's native place, and teaching them to speak Datang dialect and learn Datang characters.

There is dipterocarp there, and the gold mines are also good. The locals will collect them, and even take the initiative to use charcoal fire..."

Li Yi accompanied Li Longji and others for a walk, and by the way explained the local customs, animals, plants, and minerals of the places to go tomorrow.

Part of the situation has been fed back by the Datang Navy, which went to the previous visit, and the data has been gradually supplemented.

It is reorganized and compiled once a year, and many copies are printed. For the future, it will be easy to check the data again.

The most terrifying thing is not the war, but that someone deliberately burns books and deceives Confucian scholars, and burns the family tree of people.

Barbaric! Where is the Chinese civilization? The things that do such things must be sinners through the ages.

If a nation does not have the inheritance of civilization, it will be completely forced!

"The old man looked at the map and found that this is the most suitable place for supply by sea."

Despite his age, Bi Gou's memory was still amazing, and the map that Li Yi drew appeared in his mind.

"Further east, all islands are safe havens."

Li Yi pointed to the east, where there are many islands. The islands represent fresh water and plants, and people can live on them in a natural state.

Reefs are not, there is no fresh water.

He continued to talk about the relationship and role of islands and reefs. It is useless to look at reefs. Some coral reefs are still under the sea, in groups.

Of course! For marine life, it is very important. If the coral reefs are destroyed, the marine biological system will be destroyed.

"Go in winter, Datang's winter will send a fleet to the place where there are potatoes again."

Song Jing suggested that he would stop bothering Li Yi, there was nothing to find, and he insisted on everyone being disgusted.


At eleven o'clock the next day, the fleet followed the Z-shaped route and finally arrived in the Philippines.

The Tang army is working with the locals to repair the wharf, wood, smashing stakes and so on.

Li Yixian was bored and set off early, letting the yacht run behind him, and he flew the helicopter.

The sound of the helicopter was loud, and before the local people could see the small black dots on the sea, they first heard the booming movement.

The locals who were working knelt directly on the ground, stretched out their hands, and nodded their foreheads.

Someone was lying directly on the unrepaired pier, and the navy looked up, depressed!

"Get up, get up and work for me, and have a good meal at noon, don't worry about the things in the sky."

The navy people shouted, hurry up, this pier will be done right away, just in time for dinner.

They have never seen a helicopter flying in the sky, but they understand that it must be Dongzhu Li who can fly.

They used to tug and kick, and the locals had to get up and work while being vigilant.

The locals follow the orders of the leader, and they work in exchange for curry powder, which is delicious, especially after cooking rice, or after cooking fish, put a little, grab and eat.

The more you work, the more curry powder, and the more the boss allocates to himself.

The helicopter flew over, and Li Yiyi shouted into the microphone: "Do you need help?"

"I want him to get away, okay?"

A Yulin Feiqi asked in a low voice, the sound of the plane obscuring his movement.

The person across from him gave him a mouth shape: "Crazy? Do you think Li Dongzhu can't hear?"

"I said let him go over and embrace the wood a little bit." This Fei Lin Feiqi sweat instantly burst out from his forehead.

"Semaphore." The person on the opposite side stood to the side and gestured with their arms without a flag.

"Good! I'll go and help you pull the wood, help me open it, I'll run the rope down the middle and hang it."

Li Yi responded that the following people didn't know who he was talking to.

After he finished speaking, he left the driving position to get the rope. He couldn't go down the rope from the side door. The helicopter was fixed in the air and hovered.

After the rope was handled, Li Yi returned to the driver's seat: "Okay, I'll come."

The plane flies to the shore where there are logs waiting to be transported.

After passing by, throw a few ropes first, and the navy hurries to tie up the wood.

After tying up and gesturing, the helicopter descended slowly. When the rope fell into the hands of the navy, the navy immediately connected the sailor knot and made a gesture.

The helicopter hoisted a pile of logs and flew to the pier, where it was also directed.

The locals were stunned again. They looked at the gestures made by others and followed them.

Li Yi didn't look at them at all. According to your gestures, I plunged my head into the sea.

A bundle of wood was put down, the rope was pulled out, and Li Yi took it to the shore again.

After three consecutive shipments, the yacht arrived first, the dragon flag fluttered, and the navy on the pier and ashore stood at attention at the same time.

The people who got on and off the yacht helped to repair the pier together. It was already repaired, and there were only four big logs needed, smash it!

After the stakes were smashed, the planks were laid and fixed, and a large group of ships arrived.

In the same way, everyone from this tribe was invited to board the boat for dinner, take a bath and check their bodies first.

Sixteen people were asked to stay on board, seven pregnant women, too young, were all for the first time, and the other nine had other illnesses.

Those nine will die if they are not taken away. Pregnant women may not, they may die, or one of them may be fine.

The one who was to be taken away was the leader, who was bitten by a poisonous snake two hours ago. He could still communicate when he was brought over.

Chewed the wound with local plants, and it was swollen!

Fortunately, the poisonous snake was caught and died, and the blood of the poisonous snake was mixed with plants to smear the wound.

It was the same as when Li Yi was bitten by a dog for a while and burned a little of the dog's hair on the wound.

Some even killed the dog. Half of the dog's brain was eaten and half of the wound was wiped.

The snake head kept Li Yi expressed his admiration, he actually stood up for two hours, how was this handled? Philippine Cobra!

Neurotoxin, easy to handle, come on!

The leader is still conscious, it seems that the local herbs are awesome! It was the leg that was still tied with the rope, and when it was lifted, someone squeezed blood.

Li Yi cut it open and asked the little robot to translate: "Why didn't you come out when I came by the plane? Do you know that it was delayed for an hour?

What does it mean to know an hour? You will be in pain for several days, wait for it to come back! Are you afraid that someone in your clan will take your position? "

"Don't be afraid, I will contact you, and you will protect my position."

The leader is not ordinary. He hurts, but he is strong.

At present, he is transfusion and bloodletting. The blood transfused is the blood contributed by the clansmen. Li Yi exchanged blood for him, neurotoxin!

For fear of affecting other organs, the blood will be taken away and diluted in exchange.

Drug support treatment has to keep up, as the other party said, can't let it die.

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