Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2637: progress of the times

'what! There are snakes. ’

'The lion is chasing me, and I'm going to die. ’

'Help, I fell into a group of crocodiles in the water, ah! I am dead. ’

'The natives caught me and wanted to roast me, and they were drilling wood to make fire! ’

'Don't be afraid! I saw you, I was by my side, it just rained and I couldn't get out of the fire. ’

'I have a match in my pocket. ’

'It's okay, they won't use it, anyone? save us! ’

'Water, water, where is there water, I'm dying of thirst. ’

"I can crawl out. I have learned from the newspaper. If you don't move, get your legs out first." ’

The shouts came one after another, Zhang Ruibo and his clansmen experienced in immersive virtual reality and couldn't extricate themselves for a while.

African rainforests, grasslands, swamps, deserts, and some were captured by indigenous people.

The first time they played this kind of game, they actually took it seriously and danced one by one with straps on their bodies.

After an hour passed, the game stopped. As soon as someone got out of trouble, they immediately looked for water to drink. The desert was too thirsty.

Others were slumped on the ground with a treadmill under their feet, and they ran and ran when they were chased just now.

Li Yi looked at it and always felt that this device seemed wrong. Why is the body outside so much free?

Another group of Zhang Ruibo's clansmen came up and felt the joy of the game.

When Li Longji's team left the next day, Zhang Ruibo and the others said goodbye, their expressions became serious, the place was too dangerous.

They played all night. They didn't eat breakfast and couldn't eat it. They only drank a mixture of glucose and saline during the game.

When playing, one step at a time is dangerous, all kinds of stinging insects, biting snakes, and others are washed away by the flood and roll over, and suddenly fall off the cliff...

They met lions and hyenas. They started to run, and then they tried their best.

At this moment, the equipment was moved to the cruise ship, and a group of children entered, with smiles on their faces, obviously different from what Zhang Ruibo and the others encountered.

Li Longji experienced it. The scene was an amusement park, riding a merry-go-round with the children, taking a plane and other scenes.

"It's real and fantasy!" Li Longji sighed after getting down.

"It is the most convenient to use for learning and saves teachers. Only watching mobile phones in online teaching has a great impact on children's eyesight. Using this technology...the cost is high, and ordinary families cannot afford it."

Li Yi thought about the situation in another time and space. Looking at the mobile phone hurts the eyes a lot, and the children saw that they were short-sighted one by one.

Technological updates are also needed, and it is believed that soon children will be able to use a healthy virtual reality system to teach at home.

Li Longji glanced at Li Yi, but didn't understand, he ignored it: "Brother Yi, can younger children experience the joy of flying on this device?"

"No." Li Yi felt very straightforward: "The child can't tell the difference between virtual and reality. Today you let the child jump off the cliff of the device and fly, and tomorrow the child will run to the real cliff and jump down."

"Then... Are we living in a dream or in reality?" Li Longji's thinking sublimated.

"Life is a dream, don't blame life for a dream. Cherish the moment, even in a dream, we must live a wonderful life."

Li Yixin said you asked me? I don't know.

You are already involved in the philosophical category. I am enjoying the present day, enough!

"Yeah! That's right. At this speed, let's go back directly..." Li Longji agreed.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say." The local chief who was bitten by a poisonous snake was anxious.

"Chen? You are..." Li Longji was surprised, you are the chief.

"I remembered, the dream entrusted by the ancestors, saying that the ministers and the tribe of the ministers are the remnants of the Tang Dynasty! Speaking of which, the current His Majesty will have a vassal as a Jiedu envoy... uh... prefect? ​​Oh! County magistrate.

The minister's place is a county in the Tang Dynasty. The people who live there are remnants of the Tang Dynasty, and the minister is the county magistrate. I want to take the remnants home to see.

For so many years, the ancestors cried when they dreamed of their dreams, and the minister felt sad in his heart, so he went back, he wanted to go back. "

The tribal leader said with tears streaming down his face, the kind that was sincere.

Li Yi next to him: "..."

He can guarantee that he is not dreaming now. You are a leader who rules so many people, and you are willing to give up your rights?

"I have an impression, I also dreamed about it. It really happened. The sea was bumpy and I almost forgot."

Li Longji followed the words, giving you a county magistrate, the prefect is no problem.

"That's great. When we go back, will we go to our county in Datang to bring the people from the county?"

The leader wants to go to the Tang Dynasty just like everyone else.

He figured out that his position was too important for Tang.

Take the initiative to be a survivor. You still have some rights. If you don't take the initiative, when someone needs it, you will be killed directly.

Comparing your heart to your heart, if you had this ability, you would have done it a long time ago.

Look at how people clean up the crocodile? Hundreds of crocodiles, far, far away, were directly bombed to death.

"Bring it, bring it all." Li Yi agreed, just as you left our people and came over to continue the construction, the distance is close.

The fleet arrived in the Philippines, and the locals boarded the ship at the request of the leader.

They saw surviving leaders and pregnant women, as well as other sick people.

Li Yi passed through Zhenzhou, Sanya on Hainan Island, giving money to local workers and taking away the things that were grown.

Head southeast, through the Taiwan Strait.

When I went back to the Penghu Islands, there were people there, most of whom were immigrants.

Of course, Wuzhou has always been under the actual jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty, that is, Kinmen.

Li Yishi's Kinmen Island has Liuqiu garrisoned troops, saying that it is a military base, what this gun, that missile force, is actually useless. UU reading

Most of the living items on the island are provided by the side, including the most important fresh water.

If you want to build a bridge or an undersea tunnel, the people on the island have no objections, and even look forward to it. Hurry up to repair it, and you don't have to take a boat to go there after the repair, which is too troublesome.

Mainly because I bought a house there. It is inconvenient to have no land route, right?

Right now, there is a lighthouse there, there are very few people living there, it is inconvenient to do anything, and the wind and waves are big, and it is impossible to go back by boat.

The place where Penghu is located has become a county, and it is arranged for the local to nominate an individual to be the county magistrate.

The imperial court allocated funds for local construction, and currently there is no tax.

The fleet sent some things from Zhenzhou in the past, such as pepper, dried fruit, seasonal fruit, grain, salt, washed coal...

As soon as the fleet arrives, first call the people here to come and check their health. The fleet will stay for a day and the liver function will be done.

When the people were not Li Yi, other factors had to be considered, such as politics. In the Tang Dynasty, they were all their own people, and they had a strong sense of identity.

Many locals came here to escape the war and rent, and they couldn't support it any longer.

The army of the Tang Dynasty and the policy said that the descendants of the people who came from the Sui Dynasty recognized themselves as people of the Tang Dynasty.

Now that I see the big cruise ship, I wonder if it is a ship? Why is it so tall and so big!

After I got up, I jumped on the deck, but I didn't find anything to do with the ship. I was down-to-earth.

"What about the line, if you have to line up correctly, go take a shower after the inspection, don't eat dinner at night, there will be another inspection tomorrow morning, eh!"

The little robot came to arrange it. How did the pile get arranged? Straight bend.

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