Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2652: The injured look forward to the top

The latest website: The train that the child was riding received a dispatch order, and it stopped stopping halfway and went directly to Lijiazhuangzi.

Those who wanted to get off in the middle told them to take the opposite car for free after they got to Lijiazhuangzi and then go back to that stop.

The staff on the platform told the people waiting for the bus to wait for the next bus and send an extra train.

Compensation for a lunch box, the ticket is not cut, write the word "supplement", and then put a small seal.

The next time you take the train, tell the person on the platform that you can sit wherever you want, no matter how far you sit, you will get the same ticket.

The passengers waiting for the bus are happy, this ticket was only intended to take three stops, next time I go to Haizhou, no, go to Hangzhou, earn it, and then...

After thinking about it, someone reacted, one way is free, and it costs money to go back to Hangzhou.

On the contrary, the boxed lunch is more realistic, just reluctant to spend money on expensive meals to eat on the train.

The train turned into a special train, and when it was going to Zhuangzi, someone moved a fork, which happened to be where the carriage was facing Li Yi Station.

The nurses of Lijiazhuangzi in Bashui pushed the child down, and the little girl was numb, afraid that she would hurt.

Luoyang Zhuangzi nurse took over and moved to the hospital operating room.

"Don't worry." Li Yi said to Pei Yaoqing, who was full of anxiety, and turned to leave.

Pei Yaoqing opened his mouth: "Alas~! It's all my unfilial son."

As he glared at his son Pei Gao, the little boy had tears on his face, like a suspect awaiting trial.

"Huanzhi doesn't need to blame himself. It's not Xiaogao's fault. The child was wearing a full set of protective gear and fell with a comminuted fracture. The calcium deficiency is serious, porcelain doll."

Zhang Jiuling came over to wipe Pei Gao's face, and the maid next to him helped to apply the cream. When he was ready, Li Yi knew that the child would cry.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang, and Sister Cui Liu. I will give her calcium supplements in the future. What should I eat with calcium supplements? Ah! Your Majesty is here, Your Majesty is well!"

Pei Gao understood that it was the cute little girl who was deficient in calcium.

Suddenly seeing Li Longji behind the crowd, he knew it.

Pei Yaoqing followed and bowed, but his mood remained unchanged: "Yi... can Li Yi take back all the broken bones?"

He wants to call Brother Yi, worried about broken bones, how to pick it up? The big ones are okay, but the small ones are thrown away?

"I think it works!" Li Longji couldn't be sure.

"Yes, it is possible to use glue. First, use steel nails for internal fixation. The bone fragments are glued on, and the fragments are grown, and then the steel nails are taken out. Children grow fast and need to control calcium intake. It doesn't work either."

The little robot next to Li Longji gave the answer. The pieces are really not easy to fix, and they are easy to stick, like a puzzle.

"Will it leave scars?" the little boy asked with a bitter face.

"It depends on the proprietor's technique and the child's physical condition, but the child is young and can still grow. If there is a small scar, other methods will be used later."

The little robot turned its head around, it wasn't in a hurry, and it wasn't its participation.

"It's okay." Li Tan said, he had the most say, his face was hurt before, but now he can't see it.

"Yes." Pei Yaoqing looked at Li Tan's face, and there was indeed no trace.

Instead, he thought of calcium deficiency: "kelp, there must be more vegetables from the sea, and soup with bones."

"Xiaoyi said on the train to make calcium milk biscuits, grind the bones, or use..."

Lu Huaishen stopped and forgot.

"Calcium gluconate should actually be added to the kelp powder and seaweed. The child goes to school early, and it's good to have dinner in the school."

Zhang said he did not forget that the children in his family ate seaweed made of seaweed.

"The yield of seaweed was originally low, and Xiaoyi said that there is less seaweed for making seaweed. Fortunately, there are places such as Bohai Bay, and they are cultivated artificially.

The Xiongjin Governor's House has already planted it, including kelp, and kelp planted in Zhejiang this summer.

It can also be purchased from coastal countries and tribes outside, and brought back to the people to subsidize and collect a cost. "

Bi Gou thought about it, for the children of Datang and the people of Datang.

Waiting for other incomes a few years ago, Datang's money will be left over in addition to building roads, railways, and water conservancy projects.

What is lacking most in repairing projects is manpower. Everyone has to farm and do manual work, and the manpower time freed up every year is limited.

Steam engines, diesel engines, and gasoline engines are good. If they have, they should be used for transportation first, and ocean trade should be changed to steam-engine ships.

Less affected by wind and currents and faster than oar boats.

Pei Yaoqing looked at his son, then looked up at the sky: "Is there something new?"

"What happened to Xingdaofang?" Song Jing thought of the subsidence area, which he had never been to.

"The newly built building looks beautiful in appearance and has the same style as the surrounding buildings, unlike the buildings by the river in Lijiazhuangzi.

Everyone lives in a big place. Tao has a sewer. First, connect to the big pool below. Next year, you can connect the sewer to the outside.

The car that collects Yexiang comes every morning, and it's almost the same as before, and it's all digging and digging.

The difference is that there is heating, and there is a dedicated place to burn the boiler..."

Pei Yaoqing talked about Chang'an a lot, even if he was no longer the order of Chang'an.

He told everyone that living in a heated room was comfortable, and he was not afraid of soot poisoning.

The new house has glass windows. In winter, you can open the windows to see the outside. The windows are covered with a layer of window grilles.

The original shop is still open now, the area remains the same.

Originally, the bungalow in the residence had an area of ​​30 square meters, but now it is 90 square meters, which is huge!

People who used to rent houses in Xingdaofang still pay the same rent, but the area used has not changed much.

At the beginning, the 30-square-meter house was rented to live in. After 90-square-meter, the landlord changed the house to two, 45-square-meter and one.

Tenants take 50% more area, accept, and the heating fee is paid by the landlord, which is very cheap.

The rest of the houses above belonged to the imperial court, and the imperial court would rent them out and use the rent to subsidize heating materials and coal burning money, and the extra money would be credited.

The foundation is well laid and can be covered in the future, mainly due to the problems of heating and tap water pressurization.

Tap water costs money, ten dollars a month is enough for a family, there is no water meter, and it is calculated according to the head.

Otherwise, go upstairs to fetch water by yourself, the first and second floors are okay, but the ones above are tired.

In fact, you have to pay if you don't use Unless you don't go to the toilet, go outside.

People dig feces for nothing? There is also tap water to be pumped to a higher place.

He made a lot of money in the court of Xingdaofang. Xingdaofang was the former residence of Princess Taiping, and there was another Taoist Temple.

They were all washed away, and the Taoist temple became a small Taoist temple, and a doorway was given, which is not as big as the original place!

The place where Princess Taiping used to be destroyed and confiscated. It happened that the building was turned over, all of which belonged to the imperial court.

"Therefore, the people of other squares have already entered the people's watch, and they want to learn to Xingdaofang and change their houses. I want to come to your Majesty and all of you to know about this."

After Pei Yaoqing finished his explanation, he concluded that everyone wanted to relocate, demolish the house to live a good life, replace the small house with the big house, and have transparent and bright windows.

"Is the liquefied gas tank enough? There is still a flue."

Li Longji considered cooking tools, the liquefied petroleum gas sold in Zhuangzi.

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