Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2705: Jade processing ideas come out

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The surrounding ministers listened, including Bi Gou, who had just kept mumbling that the broiled rice had become hard and hard to chew.

Everyone thinks that it is a good strategy. Whether a thing is valuable or not depends on the positioning given to it by others.

Pepper used to be valuable and everyone liked to eat it, but Datang himself didn't have it.

Now pepper and peppercorns are not much different, and ordinary people can afford them.

At the beginning of the Kaiyuan period, the price of silk was high, and now...the price is even higher.

Especially textured, satin, brocade, and embroidery, because labor costs increase.

The same thing, an embroidery mother embroiders, and earns an average of twenty or thirty dollars a day, which is not bad.

Now let people earn so much money, they will go to other jobs, not play, whoever wants to embroider.

The price of greenhouse vegetables in the northern winter is as low as one-fifth of the initial price. As the number of airships increases and more people grow greenhouses, it will continue to drop.

It has been reduced to a situation where Xiaoyi thinks that it can no longer be lowered, and Zhuangzi of the Li family is going to take action.

"If the jade is not recognized, where will the He's jade come from? We don't accept the jade from the southwest, and we won't be able to sell it for a price."

Bi Gou gave Li Guizang his roasted corn, and Li Guizang asked for it.

"Grandpa Bi is right." Li Guizang was happy, he liked harder corn.

He never chews boiled corn when it's tender, but when it's old, he likes to rub it and eat it. A corn cobs can be eaten for more than half an hour. It's like eating melon seeds as a snack.

"You worship the old man as a teacher?" Bi Gou took the opportunity to hide a problem for Li Gui.

"If you want to teach me three-way action, I must have a teacher... oops! Grandpa Bi beat someone..." Li Guizang said, turning around and running.

"Return the corn to the old man, not to you anymore." Bi Gou waved his fist vigorously.

"Jadeite is not liked, it is mainly jadeite, which is inconvenient to process. After the main mine, I will occupy it. Once it is processed, it is very beautiful.

There are so many sides of diamond that I have processed, it looks good when made into jewelry, and jade is also produced in other places, such as Japanese.

There are also places we want to go. The water species is not good. In fact, the technology has developed to a certain extent, and all gems can be synthesized artificially. "

Li Yi glanced at his second disciple regretfully. He also wanted to eat Bigou's corn. The grains were neatly arranged and suitable for practicing hands.

The second disciple took it away, and it was gratifying to see that he was now taking tweezers and practicing there.

"I have a piece of Lantian jade here, Xiaoyi, can you look at it and carve it?"

Bi Gou took out a deerskin pocket from his sleeve pocket, and took out a piece of Lantian jade the size of a palm.

"Lao Bi, don't you think it's too heavy? You can't carve this piece of jade. You've made it into a pulp. Without a pattern, it's more valuable than a pattern."

Li Yi put the nearly two-pound Lantian jade in his hand and felt it, it was a good thing.

When it came to him, for such jade, I believe that there are countless master carvers willing to give money to carve it.

"You Yong... Wen Tian's blood phoenix bracelet is valuable?"

Bi Gou looked at Princess Yongmu, who was wearing her bracelet.

The leftover material for making the bracelet is worn around Xiaolan's neck and must be worn all the time. It is called Yangyu.

Only take it off when you need to work or take a shower, for fear of breaking it.

"You can't wear her bracelet, she can't wear your jade, don't compare the price."

Li Yi put the jade away and returned it to Bi Gou, keep it.

"The old man sent you." Bi Gou said very naturally, like a joke.

However, Li Yi knew that the other party could send it, and shook his head: "I don't like it, the items around me are convenient to use, just wear comfortable and eat deliciously.

To put it bluntly, I only care about food, clothing, housing, and transportation. What I am most happy about is that the people can live a good life. "

He told the truth, he didn't like jewelry or anything, he had too much money and knew the location of many jewelry mines.

"Can you help others process it?" Bi Gou put away his jade and suddenly got inspiration.

Li Yi: "…"

He had already figured out what Bigou was going to do, collect taxes.

The final price of a piece of Lantian jade with mixed colors and poor quality depends on the inspiration and skills of the engraver.

The stone of jadeite cabbage, which is normally a waste material, turned out to be carved into cabbage. Its shape, color transition, gradient, and the implication of wealth are invaluable.

It is easy to carve any kind of thing with your own equipment, and you will receive an 80% tax when you carve it out...

"Tell a rich man, I will give him 10,000 yuan to cut an appendix, and 8,000 yuan for you." Li Yi said to Bi Gou.

"Isn't it free for you to do this kind of surgery without surgery?"

Bi Gou raised his brows, Li Jiazhuangzi only charged some money for diseases that could be cured by other people's means without treatment.

Li Jiazhuangzi never received money for diseases that would lead to death without treatment.

For example, for a normal cold, go to Lijiazhuangzi to see a doctor, pay money, usually dozens of dollars, and prescribe prescriptions and medicines.

This disease can be cured by a hospital outside the hospital, unless the real poor who can't afford a few dozen dollars, Zhuangzi donates medicine.

"I want to contribute to Datang and generate income for the Ministry of Households." Li Yi said confidently.

"You want to kill the old man, hum! The old man also wants to give you jade."

Bi Gou realized that if you charge money like this, others will think I want money.

"Actually, yes, but I can't immediately carve anyone who finds me, and if they find me, leave jade or other stones.

After the quantity reaches a certain level, I engrave together to save time.

There are three modes. One is that the other party says that it will be carved into something, and the shape, text, and pattern are given to me. It is called customization, and the price is high.

One is to design and carve it by myself, and the price is relatively low.

In the last one, I will provide a set of design drawings, and the other party will look at them one by one, allowing them to ask me about a certain design drawing, this price…”

Li Yi popped out three fingers in a row, and he didn't say how much for the third one.

"It is estimated that no one can afford the last one." Yao Chong said from the side.

The others nodded in agreement.

Because this is for Li Yi to answer and revise alone, it is just the same for His Majesty's questions.

How much consultation fee should I pay for delaying Li Yi for more than ten hours?

Did you see it just now? A quarter of an hour determines Datang's foreign policy for the next few years, including how to provoke wars among others.

You take a broken stone and let Xiaoyi explain it to you patiently, and then you make additional requirements, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Xiaoyi will change the design for you and explain it later.

"By extension, if someone wants to do business, ask me for advice. I don't want a specific amount, I want to share it."

Li Yi provides new ideas, asks for money directly, the other party can't afford it, let's share dividends!

He is not afraid that others will kick him away if they have a good idea, and everyone signed the Wen contract.

Not to worry about the other party making false accounts to hide, transfer, and reduce profits.

"It is estimated that there will be many businessmen in Datang who are willing to look for you." Su Ting found Li Yi's approach attractive.

"It's okay to find me outside, including how to develop the tribe and the country. I can give an idea, and the Tang Dynasty will be responsible for the guarantee. In this way, I can rest assured. I believe that my ability is worth 50% of the equity."

Li Yi continued to extend that not only in the Tang Dynasty, but also in the outside world.


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