Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2711: Can be built far away

The three of Li Yi were chatting here, and the four over there were sleepy after finishing the drip.

The maid and **** sent them to a large suite, which had three bedrooms, each with its own bathroom.

A larger hall, and a bedroom with its own small hall.

Start by gesturing to teach them how to use things, including hot and cold water.

When the refrigerator is opened, there are beverages in it. The air conditioner is naturally the central air conditioner, and the rooms are adjusted to the same church.

There is a TV, no signal, and only recorded song and dance programs can be played, and cross talk sketches are not suitable for them, and they cannot understand them.

It took them half an hour to learn and understand that the palace maid and **** quit and was not responsible for specific room arrangements.

The woman of high status naturally entered the room with the small hall, the other woman lived in the room next to her, and only one of the two men was left, and went in.

They first take a bath, brush their teeth, wash their hair, and blow dry.

Then put on comfortable pajamas, roll onto the bed, open your eyes to look at the ceiling, and fall asleep one after another in a short time.

"It is estimated that they will not be able to get up tomorrow, and they will be sore all over." Li Yi learned about the situation and continued to eat and drink.

This afternoon, until dinner time, go to rest.

Mainly because I am in a good mood and want to drink, I can eat a meat skewer in an average of half an hour.

Digestion while eating, eating and drinking like this, can eat from noon to the next morning.

The older children in the team were reading, the younger children were sleeping soundly, and when they were growing up, they were always sleepy.

"Compared to the Tang Dynasty, how are the products here?" Li Longji grabbed seven or eight watermelon seeds to eat.

"This large piece of land? There is more than that, especially gold, silver and copper. There is a lot of gold. Let's take it up and dig it.

Dig out the good ones first, keep them, and dig the bad ones slowly, so that the Datang currency can be stabilized.

For a long time to come, Datang's currency must be issued with collateral. "

Li Yi is greedy, the entire Americas have more resources, and now they are collectively called the Indians.

Take advantage of other people's poor sailing skills, and quickly take advantage.

In the future, the administration and the military were separated, and the generals of the army changed back and forth.

The manufacture of weapons must not be placed outside the Tang Dynasty. Other armies want to be independent and have no follow-up consumption supplements.

It belongs to the problem of system limitation, which is easy to solve, properly managed, and no one rebels.

Whenever there is a rebellion, it is definitely because the country's economic development is not good enough, and the country's publicity is not in place.

The people have to be brainwashed, like myself, I know that I have been brainwashed, so willing! Part of it is baptized by the state, and part of it is baptized by Chinese culture.

Li Longji smiled, and when Yi brother was there, he was relieved. The trivial matters were handed over to the ministers, and Zaifu had to work.

The big Yi brother controls, I... see Yi brother control, it's easy.

Li Chengqi picked up a bunch of barbecued meat, looked at it, put it down again, and took a drink. He was afraid that he would be sleepy when he was full.

Dropped the wine glass: "How many days will it arrive?"

"No accident, nearly ten days, and then we'll stay for a while before going elsewhere.

Be prepared, maybe you will spend the new year outside, let's come once, there is oil and coal here.

I made a small, simple oil distillation unit, just kerosene, gasoline, and diesel, and the rest can be thrown away.

In fact, when our team came here, it is a social basic framework, and we can do anything, such as..."

Li Yi decided to solve a big problem at one time, and he will talk about when he will come again next time.

Europe did not go, the Arctic did not go, at least the Mediterranean Sea had to turn around.

Life is alive, Datang is stable, and it is a pity that we don't go around much.

The team needs craftsmen and craftsmen, soldiers and warriors, and medical personnel and medical personnel.

I take time every few days to give lectures to the medical staff in Datang through the big screen, and to teach theoretical knowledge to Zhuangzi's craftsmen.

The structure of the flat team can be directly established outside the country, and there is no shortage of administrative personnel.

"Xiaoyi Xiaoyi, what are you talking about? Have you asked about the situation of the four people?"

When Li Yi was thinking about building a country, a group of people from Bi Gou came over. They were in charge of specific matters and wanted to know the situation from the rescued population.

"I told the third brother and the eldest brother that we want to build a country here, and the third brother will be the emperor. You should resign from the Tang Dynasty, Lao Bi, and I will let the third brother make you Zaifu."

Li Yishun said it out of his mouth, look, you have reached the sky in one step! When Saisuke.

"It does, how about you?" Bi Gou was stunned for a moment, then agreed with a smile.

"I'll open Li's Zhuangzi, and my family's Wentian has a Wentian Lanxiang Pavilion." Li Yi replied.

Yao Chong: "If there is another Zuixianju, add heaven and earth? Then I won't be working in the political affairs hall of the imperial city, and I will go to work in your Lijiazhuangzi?"

"Okay, I'll see it." Li Longji pressed his hand down, signaling everyone to take their seats.

Everyone sat down, and someone brought tea and dried fruit.

"I heard that there is a place called Datang, with good economic development and strong military strength. I will work hard and attack it when it develops."

Song Jing joked along and found that it is indeed possible to build a country locally.

Zhang Jiuling: "There is no need to fight, we have good morals, and when we go to the place, we can defeat the enemy without fighting, and call the people of the Tang Dynasty to greet them, shouting that His Majesty is back, and Dongzhu Li is back."

Li Longji laughed, and the others laughed together.

Laughing and proud, Datang is indeed strong! It is so strong that the whole world will destroy whoever it says will be destroyed.

Laughing and laughing, Li Yi suddenly stopped his voice: "We really should build a Tang Dynasty here and communicate with them in the name of the country, otherwise what is our identity? Outsiders?"

The others were stunned, then nodded, approving Li Yi's approach.

Yes, get the Tang Dynasty locally, and His Majesty is only a tourist when he comes out? Who ruled that a large piece of land belonged to someone else?

"Find a good place, where the mineral resources are rich, buy slaves to work, and assist the army. Can Brother Yi keep up with medical care?"

Li Chengqi began to ponder the specific steps, and he was worried that the herbs would not be enough.

"I have a map of herbs here, and if I am missing, let the aircraft carrier and cruiser go back to get it, and get the medicine and seeds.

An aircraft carrier sends a cruiser halfway, and the cruiser's extra load is all used to load fuel.

After returning to Datang, the steam engine ship over there will come back with the cruiser, and the last distance is as long as the cruiser meets the aircraft carrier.

After that, the steam engine ship slowly drove on, bringing some crops and seeds that were not available here. "

Li Yi also calculated the specific operation process. Only by sitting in the local area can the annexation be completed at a faster The current administrative capabilities of the Mayan civilization cannot be compared with that of the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty is particularly stable. You and the Japanese are learning! And the Bohai Sea.

Bi Gou got serious: "If you plan well, will their city be easy to build?"

"It's not easy to build, I managed to get some food, but it was all wasted on building the pyramids. What would be the consequences of building the Great Wall every day?"

Li Yi gave an example. The tribes of the Mayan civilization like to repair and repair, and repair the pyramids.

The pyramid itself is a city that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the same time, it is high, which is convenient for observing the stars. The location is fixed, and the laws of the stars are recorded.

Ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient India and other civilizations love to build buildings, including Chinese civilization, this has no ancient characters.


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