Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2723: Aristocratic hypocritical reality mockery

"It's time to eat, it's time to eat." The working prisoner heard a beautiful voice.

They have lunch, not two meals a day. Two meals are not enough to support their body's consumption and affect their life expectancy.

The cornmeal pancakes and the stewed sardines made in the morning are still eaten with a spoon, with chopsticks on the side, and they learn it voluntarily.

If you don't learn it, it's fine, and you're guaranteed to have something you can eat with your hands or spoons.

When they eat Li Yi, they will not be able to eat the sour soup of Northeast cornmeal noodles. There is no problem with the steamed wotou, and they are good at eating it.

In fact, food such as pancakes and buns are actually grasped with hands. It is just that some people later felt unsanitary and had to use chopsticks to eat steamed buns.

Of course it's unsanitary. How many people wash their hands when eating?

Especially in the small shop, most people eat it directly. Li Yi promises to ask where to wash his hands, and the small kitchen will provide him.

If he can't provide it, he has to buy a bottle of water and wash it with water. He's used to it!

He even had alcohol gel or a small bottle of alcohol disinfectant in his pocket at all times to rub his hands.

When there was no epidemic, he did this. When others saw it, they thought that this person could act so well? Also wear a mask.

oops! Can you poison you if you don't wash your hands? If you don't wear a mask, the air you breathe is bad?

The captives eat big pancakes, wash their hands, wash with soap, you just finished playing with fish, internal organs, parasites, bacteria...

Each one is a good labor! Once you get sick, you need to be treated.

Just like a bicycle, if it is broken, it needs to be repaired, but it can still be used.

Some people are smarter, and it is not difficult to learn to use chopsticks.

When two chopsticks are placed together, you can also eat stewed fish with fish jelly. When eating, try to control the chopsticks with your fingers, and when you clip one, someone next to you clips it.

After taking a bite of frozen fish into their mouths, the captives were satisfied. It was delicious, even better than the fish cooked by themselves.

There are seasonings, and the salt is not the bitter salt they eat.

Bitter salt comes out of the salt lake in Shanxi, Datang, and people buy it too. Well salt is not so bitter, and salt wells are hard to beat.

Either boiled salt by the sea and filtered with yellow mud, the price is too high.

It is said that bitter salt contains a lot of substances that are harmful to the body.

A normal person is an intelligent individual with rich emotions.

When the captives ate such food, they judged by their own understanding that they would not die.

If you were going to die, why would others give you such good food?

How is this fish made? It tastes so delicious, and the big pancake doesn't grind its mouth. How is the noodles made?

There are also green onions soaked in soy sauce, but they are delicious. I don't know how the soy sauce is made.

The original nobles and priests were also stupid. They judged each other's civilization level by their food, which was higher than their own.

Priestess Randosai is also eating. Her food is different from that of prisoners. She is skilled with chopsticks.

"Three cubes of radish skin, pig skin jelly, and diced cucumber.

Otherwise, carrots are used instead of pork skin jelly, and fried peanuts are used instead of radish skin.

Li Lang said that after drinking, he was most afraid of eating fried peanuts and diced carrots.

The radish skin has a taste, so you can skip it. The cucumbers are refreshing. The cucumbers are all peeled.

Next to it are soy sauce, mature vinegar, and chili oil. You can eat it yourself, put whatever you want, and put it on your plate. "

Princess Yongmu introduced to the priestess that they are all small plates. If you can't eat them, don't eat them. If you don't like to eat, take a bite and put them aside.

What she was talking about was that Li Yi was young at that time and could not drink, so he always felt like drinking and eating vegetables.

In fact, if the purpose is to drink, try not to eat vegetables. After drinking, eat the staple food at the end, and sleep.

When I eat and drink, my stomach can't keep up with the digestion speed. Even if I drink beer, I have to vomit in the end.

You can't vomit even if you spit out a bar, so drink water first, and then vomit.

Anyone who eats for the purpose of drinking, throws away the food at the end, or someone vomits after drinking too much.

Mixed Sanding is a famous northeastern dish, cold dishes, carrots, fried peanuts, cucumbers.

At the end of the meal, you will find that no one eats carrots, and no one eats fried peanuts.

People who drink a lot like to eat cucumbers and green onions soaked in soy sauce.

When Li Yi treats guests, he won't put those things in the three diced mixes, people can eat them.

The key point is that he didn't eat vegetables, he only drank and drank water. He drank a bottle of water to vomit when his stomach was swollen.

He is in his own house, which is another way of eating. He just drinks a little bit of wine, not even at all.

Princess Yongmu now drinks wine, three or two per person, slowly sipping it. It is very sweet, not dry red.

The priestess is trying to learn: "Is the food like this?"

"No, I shouldn't drink alcohol, I'll give you sorghum rice with water at night, then mix eggplant with mashed potatoes, put a lot of chopped green onion and coriander, and the best is egg sauce.

Some people don't eat it because they think it's made into mud, which is disgusting, just like thick meat porridge, so they don't drink it.

To put it bluntly, I am not hungry. I am only given water for three days when I am hungry, and I can eat anything. "

Princess Yongmu talks about food and people's hypocrisy.

Some people don't like green onion, **** and garlic, and some people don't like soy sauce.

For example, a person with braised pork named after his surname liked to eat braised pork at the very beginning.

It's just that when I discovered the brewing process of soy sauce later, I was disgusted and didn't eat it.

So the fried sugar-colored braised pork came out, because of him.

To put it bluntly, he has a high status and is not hungry.

Before he could eat, he thought it was delicious.

I've been hungry for a few days, it's braised pork with soy sauce, do you want to eat it?

"Brother Yi, have you put too much seasoning? The taste is too strong."

Li Longji ate the same food and felt that the cinnamon and star anise in the fish jelly had a stronger taste.

"Third brother, you have to try it yourself, I have cooked other dishes for you here, and you told me that other dishes don't taste right.

It's really heavy, because the people here used to eat chili peppers, and they like heavy flavors.

Including Tianzhu, the people of Guangzhou Prefecture are less able to accept it.

There are some key ingredients that they don't have locally, we can plant them, and then..."

Li Yi wants to explain why I put so many seasonings when I make fish stew so that others can get used to it.

I don't want to kill more people, but I want to suppress people, all for the sake of the Tang Dynasty.

"Yeah!" Li Longji understood, Brother Yi was acting steadily, and all the circumstances were taken into consideration.

He looked up at the big screen. There were more than 5,000 people on the big screen, 5,330 people to be precise.

Eat here, fight there, without delaying each other.

The things and weapons they brought were confiscated, and the automatic rifles swooped several times.

Class is the foundation of social stability, and class is also the source of social unrest.

Those who want to resist will definitely not be slaves and civilians, but only the superstructure personnel of the other party.

When the automatic rifle fires several times, the people at the top will be the first to compromise. They are on the front line, and they regret why they didn't hide behind.

When the people around them see, you will die as soon as you charge. The enemy has such a big man-eating beast, and people sit on it.

You let me rush? You shout, you are dead after you shout, do I listen to you?

Originally thought that you were relying on you, but today I learned that your roar can only be exchanged for being ruthlessly thrown down by the enemy, **** it!


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