Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2749: Entering the room and watching a simple meal

It was rumored that the second prince Duschaza's favorite daughter was bitten by a poisonous snake, and everyone was watching.

It was found that the second prince went to the rented pyramid, and his daughter was carried by him, but he did not come out.

Then his woman went over, and so did the person who took care of his daughter.

Then in the evening, the other pyramids of the second prince lit torches, and everyone happily ate and drank to celebrate.

According to the stupid method, if Lulin Luoluo died, the people of the second prince would never dare to be so happy.

When I sent someone to inquire, Lulin Luoluo was alive, but her hands and forearms were swollen, and her upper arm was a little swollen.

Oh, it's amazing! I knew all kinds of injuries and illnesses, and when they were sent to the pyramid, no one died and was thrown down.

But he never imagined that he could still live after being bitten by such a snake.

Almost every day someone is bitten by such a snake, and hundreds of people die every year because of this snake.

Occasionally, after biting a hand or foot, there is an obsidian knife in the hand, and the hand and foot, calf, forearm, etc. are directly cut off.

It will be hot for many days, rub it with grass chewing, or burn the red wood.

One thousand people were bitten, twenty people had the knife and the courage to cut down, and one survived, and it was fatal.

He cut off the hand of the second prince's favorite daughter and survived. Obviously, those in the second prince's pyramid would not celebrate like that.

So some people are watching, and some people can get in touch with the second prince and come to visit.

The second prince has brothers and sisters, and his father is not only a woman.

In the power struggle, some people ran out and some stayed.

Those who stayed and those who ran out and were beaten back by Li Yi came to see them on the pretext of condolences and visits.

The second prince greeted him with a gloomy face, including the 'important ministers' sent by the king, namely the first priest and the high priest.

He simply opened the door and asked others to take a bath first, then wear a mask, and were not allowed to speak before allowing him to come in to see his daughter.

He knew very well what other people wanted to see, how he survived being bitten by that kind of poisonous snake.

He also looked at it himself. His daughter's swollen arms and hands were subsiding, and two female nurses next to her were guarding her, continuing to hang up the drip.

The constant temperature in the room is twenty-five degrees, and the breeze surrounds it, simulating nature.

The little girl slept comfortably, the humidity was no problem, the bed was neither soft nor hard, and the pillow was adjusted as soon as the head turned.

The pink room was filled with a faint smell of ambergris. If Qingdai came to smell it, you would find that there were borneol, cloves, frankincense, angelica, and agarwood in it...

Say this scent is strong, sniff hard, and find that it's gone, say no, it still exists inadvertently.

It belongs to slow-release volatilization, if there is or not, the shade changes.

There was a small robot next to him, humming softly: Nanfeng kissed his face gently, and the fragrance of flowers floated over...

People from all sides approached one by one, keep quiet, fortunately no one wiped away their tears, otherwise they would follow...

The little girl's arms and hands were exposed, and the snake medicine was applied externally for a long time, which was prone to allergic reactions, just like putting rheumatism ointment or red ointment.

The small arms and hands were swollen, and the color was slightly black and purple, a bit like local necrosis, but there was no problem with the blood flow.

The person who came in first looked at the little girl's facial expressions, she slept soundly, and her mouth moved occasionally.

Next, look at the place where the snake was bitten. According to the situation of people who have been bitten by poisonous snakes before, they should have swollen thickly for so long, that is, the view of giants.

The small hand and small arm in front of him are only a circle thick.

The second prince had more smiles on his face next to him. He wanted to kiss his daughter, but he was afraid that he would wake him up.

After watching the little girl, the viewers looked at the room, the pink princess room, there were a lot of dolls, the little ones had big fists, and the big ones were bigger than the little girl.

Two of them look the most interesting, a giant panda and a koala.

The second prince's maid signaled with a gesture, and when she was almost done, hurry up and leave, don't crowd into the room, the genius doctor said that it would affect the air quality.

A group of people came in and walked around to the outside, looking at each other, some people rushed back immediately, they belonged to the sent.

Some people were waiting to find the second prince. They were brothers and gave gifts to the little girl.

The king's people arranged for someone to go back to report the situation. He has other things.

He stayed there for more than three hours. The little girl woke up before and stared at the screen of the little robot watching cartoons.

Holding a giant panda in his non-drip hand, he giggled from time to time.

Li Yi brought food over, he controlled what he could eat.

The goat milk that the little girl drank in the morning has no discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, let alone allergies.

Toasted bread and six hard-boiled quail eggs dipped in jam, plus canned peaches.

At noon, it is braised beef stewed with potatoes, with local beans in it, a stalk of green rice, shrimp and greens, stuffed with cucumbers, chicken thighs with honey sauce, sliced ​​egg cakes, radish and tofu soup, and local mummy fruit. And canned pineapple, a handful of dried fruit.

Four dishes, one soup, one staple food, fruit, and dried fruit. Eat these for lunch, a little bit the same.

First, put a cartoon napkin around the little girl, and put things in small squares on the same cartoon plate.

She sat there waiting for the pretty nurse to feed her, her calves dangling.

The king's men brought in presents again, in order to see.

The second prince gave him a dissatisfied look, but he didn't drive him away. He swallowed, hungry, and smelled the fragrance.

The female nurse put on pink clothes, which were worn by normal nurses at Li Yi's time.

The little girl's hair was combed back, shawl, and stuck with a hairpin with a big bow.

The little robot plays piano music: Adelina by the water.

A part of the roof of the house was automatically removed, exposing the glass, and a few rays of sunlight slanted on the front space and the ground.

A stereo projector projected the underwater world on the next wall, with azure blue inlaid in the pink.

This is the atmosphere of the little girl's lunch. The second prince was dumbfounded, and the people sent by the king were straight-eyed.

Li Yi accompanies him to eat. It is impossible for him to cook only a little of each dish, and one serving of the same dish, which adds up to enough for ten people to eat.

He actually doesn't like to eat shrimp, greens, and honey-sauce chicken thighs. It doesn't mean that he likes it when he cooks it deliciously, but he has to eat it with a fragrant look.

He was wearing a wig, curled, wearing a tuxedo, and a bow tie. Now the bow tie is lowered, and a napkin is on his leg. He looks like he is eating Western food, but the cutlery he is holding is chopsticks.

His clothes just matched the little girl's princess dress, looking harmonious.

The little girl saw that Li Yi was eating deliciously, and she would take a bite as soon as the nurse fed her, chewing hard, not picky eaters.

The second prince did not dare to speak out when his daughter was having dinner with Li Yi, for fear of ruining the atmosphere.

He was envious. Finally, he knew the gap between his own country and the other country. He had such high requirements for a meal?

The king's men frowned and wrote sadness on their faces.

The little girl had a lot of vegetables and a small amount. She ate all the food in half an hour, and smiled as Li Yi speeded up her food.

Li Yi didn't have any fruit or dried fruit. After taking the last sip of soup, he wiped his mouth with a napkin: "Beautiful and lovely princess, which dish is the best?"

"Huh?" Now it was the little girl's turn to worry.

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