Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2811: Post-disaster reconstruction for non-slaves

"Catch the fish, catch the fish..."

The sun has not yet come out, and in the morning the people rode their horses and boats to find things in the fields.

A disaster completely established the recognition of the Tang Dynasty by the people here.

What Li Yi has promoted is that the people go in and catch things, and the things belong to the people themselves, so the people have a sense of happiness.

"Fish, fish!" The little girl was taken out to play by Li Yi, riding on a hovercraft, guarded by Yulin Feiqi.

The old king and the second prince were also on the boat, looking out through the window.

There are many creatures left by the flood in the ground, some can be eaten, some... can be eaten as medicine.

The people just got involved in this way, obviously suffering from the disaster, and they should be sad to see the loss of the fields after the disaster.

As a result, as soon as Li Yi led the way, the people became happy, caught something, and had something delicious.


"To be honest, I don't really like eating loach. The smell is too earthy. No matter how I spit mud and rub salt, I still have that smell in the end."

While everyone was rebuilding after the disaster, Li Yi was not busy, he cooked loach in sauce.

He said he didn't like to eat, he ate no less than others, and even explained more cooking methods of loach.

The people followed and ate whatever they caught, and the fish belonged to them.

Some people are smarter. They exchange a lot of fish and are willing to give it to the court, in fact, to the 'kitchen'.

Exchange five fish for one prepared fish, and others will learn after they know it.

It is not delicious for them to make their own fish. They go to the fields and take the fish back. It is very heavy. Making dried fish with salt is laborious and easy to break.

It's better to change to a delicious meal, you can't make that taste yourself.

When the water recedes in the high places, start plowing tomorrow, continue to plant, find the crops that did not drown and run away, and mark them separately, and save the seeds when they are mature.

After the logistics staff collect the fish, they will make it into a dish for everyone to eat, then marinate and fry it in the lake.

To make the fish meat into pot-packed meat, the semi-finished product should be produced first, so that it can be stored for a few more hours.

Shrimp is also operated in the same way, small shrimp are directly fried in the lake, and prawns are fried with shrimp.

While others are eating, the logistics staff still handle the food, which looks very hard.

Li Yi glanced at it, no matter what, they tasted it as they made it, and they were full after tasting it.

The next day, the industrious people put ploughs on themselves to plough the water-receding land, and the other people continued to clean up the sanitation.

They re-dig toilets, clean the streets, and spread lime. The water in the low-lying areas did not recede, but they were pushed away with water in wooden buckets and poured into the canals.

The drainage system of the ditch outside the pyramid is also being repaired. If there is drainage inside the pyramid, the outside will be ignored, and the water will be treated according to the terrain.

It turned out that the drainage channel that Li Yi asked to repair together was either collapsed or blocked.

The city-state of Tomaridi was captured by the two-thirds of the site occupied by the Tang Dynasty, and the reconstruction of production and life after the disaster was carried out simultaneously with the other side.

The prisoners found that the situation was different from what they thought. The prisoners should become slaves, always beaten, not given enough food, and do the heaviest work.

As a result, these days, I have gained weight, and I have not missed meals when it rains, so the old and young women let the old and young women go into the pyramid to hide from the rain.

When the rain stopped, hurry up to work. If you don't know where the fish came from, catch your own people and take a look. You can cook what you can eat in a cauldron.

At noon, there is a wotou for dinner, and a basket made of bamboo can be placed on top of the big pot.

The bowl of the woman who nurses the child is full of fish, and there are other flours in the wotou, which taste fine and sweet.

A former small nobleman did not run away, and his family could not run away, so he simply stayed and surrendered.

His wife gave him a child in the heavy rain, and it was Yulin Feiqi who was next to him who helped deliver the child. He remembered it and was grateful.

He thought that the other party was so powerful that he had to boil hot water to give birth to a child, it was very hot, and then put the towel in the water.

This Fei Lin Feiqi is not afraid of being scalded, so he twisted it, and when his son was born, he took scissors and scalded them in water, and smeared them with alcohol.

Now the blanket under the place where my wife is staying is cleaned, washed and changed every day, and dried on fire when it is not dry.

There is a cloth under the child, and every time it gets dirty, wipe it off immediately and replace it with a new one.

The minor nobles could see that Fei Lin Feiqi was to protect mothers and babies.

"Hey! Don't you see us as slaves?"

The little noble asked Yulin Feiqi, and at the same time looked at the fermented bean curd in the hole behind Yulin Feiqi's nest.

Make a hole in the wotou, steam it quickly, and you can put pickles.

Yulin Feiqi has a lot of meat in the bowl, and he eats fermented fermented bean curd.

"Be your prisoner well, and the more words you speak, the faster you die."

Yulin Feiqi glared at the other party, and used the kuaizi to divide half a piece of fermented bean curd and put it on the other party's head.

After thinking about it for a while, he put down his kuaizi again, reached into his pocket, and took out a large handful of sliced ​​dried jujube: "Soak in boiling water, soak a dozen pieces at a time, and eat it after drinking the water."

The little aristocrat put the wotou in the soup bowl and soaked it. Kuaizi placed it on the rim of the bowl and stretched out his hands to receive it: "I'll be back in a while."

Abandoning this sentence, he turned around and ran to give it to his wife.

The Feather Lin Feiqi shook his head and continued to eat.

In fact, it was the first time he delivered a baby, and the other party knelt down and begged, all kinds of guarantees and promises, saying that they knew what gemstone mines were.

He just made a move, men are unwilling to do this work, bad luck! To put it bluntly, there is a difference between men and women, so that others will misunderstand.

He wasn't interested in the other's wife, which was not aesthetically pleasing, thinking that he took out his pocket again, took out a clip, opened it, and there were two photos inside.

One is a picture of his wife Hui and the other is a picture of her wife smiling while holding a baby.

Looking at it, he smiled: "Wait for my mission... Ah bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Mother! It's too scary, I blame him."

Yulin Feiqi immediately sweated on his forehead, and quickly put the clip away.

At the same time, they said: "If something with commemorative significance falls, it is not allowed to pick it up. Before going into the water to save people, you must take off your clothes, and you can cut it with a knife.

Be sure to check the rope when you need to rappel, and do not deliberately show off your skills when climbing.

The unknown is, even a plain grass may be separated by yin and yang..."

"Old Guang, what's wrong? Have you recited the flag-killing mantra of the upper proprietor?" A Yulin Flying Horse came over and was surprised when he heard the movement.

"It's alright, keep your back, keep safe, and eat." This Fei Lin Feiqi lifted his sleeves to wipe off the sweat.

"Cheng, you are in charge of logistics for the past two days." The other party nodded and continued to walk forward.

"Okay, thank you!" The man agreed, not showing his ability.

Because there is a sentence in the proprietor's curse of destroying the flag: you can't be successful when you change positions, and you won't draw lots to perform tasks.

The little aristocrat holding the dried dates did not know how much confusion he had brought to others. He found his wife, who was feeding the baby.

The baby closes his eyes to drink milk. For the baby, drinking milk is a physical task.

Filling the bottle with water and sucking on the pacifier for adults is as tired as adults.

"Have you eaten yet?" the couple asked together.

The little aristocrat answered first: "Eat, they gave me these things, soaked in water to drink, once soaked..."

"I'm almost full, I'll eat when I'm full." His wife smiled.

After a few minutes, the baby is really full, or maybe he is tired of eating and wants to sleep, and then eat when he wakes up.

The wife burped the milk, and put it aside after taking the burp, and someone watching brought the meal.

The little aristocrat saw the appearance of Wotou and knew that it was much better than what he had eaten. (To be continued)

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