Bringing System to Great Tang

Vol 2 Chapter 2813: The king invites a visit, life is difficult

Bring the system to the Datang Text Volume Chapter 2813 King Invitation to Visit Life is difficult "Push the cart, push it steadily, one side is unbalanced, you use your arms to adjust the center of gravity..."

In the afternoon, the little aristocrats practiced pushing a unicycle, and Yulin taught Feiqi.

A wheelbarrow, sitting on a person and empty on the other side, has to be pushed steadily forward on the muddy road.

After being captured, petty nobles pushed over wheelbarrows and transported things.

Now that the difficulty has increased, he must learn to push normally under special road conditions.

In the body of his wheelbarrow, there is a small robot and spare batteries and ammunition.

The little robot can guarantee his personal safety, and at least a few hundred people can't kill him unless he leaves the protection range of the little robot himself.

Now pushing the stone, the little robot can't go up. I'm afraid that after being dropped, the sheet metal has to be painted, waxed and polished, so it is not the original factory.

The little aristocrat was exhausted, so everyone gave him a massage, he screamed, it was cool!

As the sun rose, he said goodbye to his wife and children.

He didn't go there alone to find friends. When his situation was reported by Fei Lin Feiqi, the espionage war began.

There were other captives with him, pushing many wheelbarrows, loading them with goods, and restocking the general store of King Tolich.

A war combined with a heavy rainstorm, and a third of the area there suffered heavy losses.

Some of the revolting nobles and priests were caught and killed, while others fled and went to other places to seek life.

King Toliqi gathered his people again, sent people to chase and kill those who ran away, and carried out post-disaster reconstruction by the way.

The little aristocrat brought people to deliver the goods to him, and by the way, he contacted the people over there to see who was willing to come over.

The king won the war, took a bunch of prisoners, and just sold them here.

He couldn't afford to feed him, he didn't have so much food, and the heavy rain washed away a lot of things.


"I ate seafood, I ate it all, and it took a lot of oil to bring it here."

Li Yi grilled oysters and shouted happily.

After the heavy rain, there are fish in the fields and a lot of seafood on the beach.

The rain was brought about by the typhoon. Seaside camps were picking up seafood. Some of them seemed to be unable to hold on to it. They were boiled and dried, and some were still alive.

The people did not have the conditions to barbecue, so they boiled it in a large pot and dipped it in minced **** and three-helix oil to eat in large pieces.

Those who earn more work points will be given two taels of rice wine, but they can't be given more. They will be given a bowl of guaranteed drunk. They have never drunk before.

Eating seafood, the people are full of happiness, and they continue to work when they are full.

The children entered the school again to learn Tang dialect and simple characters and pinyin.

Li Yi eats and drinks slowly here, feeling the warmth and peace in the afternoon, which is actually hot.

Thirty degrees above zero, no rain.

The people working on the streets wore straw hats and shirtless, and the women wore multiple clothes, pushing carts and moving stones, and they were sweating constantly.

Even so, they still have smiles on their faces. This is the work for them, repairing dams and stone ditches.

I was really tired. After this trip, I immediately went to drink the soup. I drank the hot soup slowly, and took a bowl. After more than ten minutes passed, I thought it was time to rest and then I could go to work again.

Some people sweat a lot, always squinting their eyes when sitting there, change to cold mung bean water, put some salt and fruit powder, and then drink hot water, it is easy to suffer from heat stroke.

The old king looked at it with admiration, the people were still the same people, and with a new king, it became different.

Yao Chong glanced at the old king and said, "Running a family is the same as running a country. The family regards the parents as the sky, and the common people regard the superiors as the sky. The sky must be talented and strong."

"Drinking." Li Longji glanced at Yao Chong, I don't need your praise.

Yao Chong held the cup and quickly took a sip.


Five days later, the little robot that was pushed away by the minor nobles came back with news that the king of the city-state of Tomariti wanted to discuss matters here with a group of people.

"Eat dumplings at noon. If you don't eat them, the meat in the cold storage on board will not work."

Li Yi was found when he was making noodles, and he brought a lot of noodles.

In front of him a large apron with the sleeves rolled up.

Princess Yongmu brought people to help, kneading noodles, mixing stuffing...

At noon, I will have a meal here, and prepare to eat dumplings for the whole country and the people of the country, including Yulin Feiqi, etc. tonight.

Other dumplings are packed in a dumpling machine, and the inventory is emptied at one time.

"Brother Yi, the matter of inviting the people to eat dumplings is one night later, and I will invite King Tolici and the others when they come over."

Li Longji felt that he should take a break. He found the situation from the information sent by the little robot.

After the little aristocrat passed by, he frantically contacted other nobles and priests, saying how good life is here, and that they did not suffer any grievances after being caught.

How did you hide when there was a flood? How did your wife take care of her when she gave birth to a child?

The nobles and priests were tired of running, afraid of fighting, and almost dying from the flood.

They ran all the way with the Tang war before, and finally squeezed into one-third of the territory.

There is a conflict with the nobles and priests here. They need to eat other people's food and use other people's pyramids.

The king coordinated, and finally the conflict broke out, and a small fuse was enough.

The interior continued to fight, and a heavy rainstorm came.

Many things were washed away, and people were physically and mentally exhausted. They had never played games with Li Yi, otherwise they could persist for a long time. Yulin Feiqi was tenacious.

Now I heard that if you go to live there, you can enjoy the treatment. The original status of nobles and priests is only a little lower, and the material is rich.

They are tempted, the dry season is still so long, and they can't make it through, what if Datang fights again?

According to this analysis, they estimated that they would go to King Tolicchi to put pressure on them.

And Toliqi couldn't bear it either. If it was him, he would feel that he had a chance to attack again. There was no need for reasons and excuses. Your weakness was the biggest reason.

Waiting for others to knock on the door, it is better to talk early, once the war starts, look at the people around you...

Li Longji and the ministers analyzed in this way, and the ministers agreed.

"Let them come by airship? Or watch them all the way? After eating dumplings, take the airship to see our ship?"

Li Yi grabbed a handful of and pressed a button, the rolling pin rolled out at the same time, and rolled out more than a dozen dumpling wrappers.

Others who are responsible for rolling the skin are similar, and the techniques are skilled.

The person who made the bag brought over the dumpling wrapper and wrapped the crescent-shaped dumpling, and squeezed out several pleats like a steamed bun.

"Okay." Bi Gou stood by and watched, he was willing to watch Li Yi work, there was a sense of beauty, including roasting a bunch of skewers at a time.

The little girl stared with wide eyes, ran to wash her hands, came back and grabbed a dumpling, put the filling...

Xiaolan came over and taught the little girl how to make dumplings in various shapes.

"This kind of looks good." The second prince pointed to a Yuanbao dumpling: "It looks like the speed of wrapping is similar, why don't they all wrap like this?"

Princess Yongmu took the dumplings and placed them one by one. The shape of the crescent moon just fit, and placed them in a circle, and continued to place a small circle in the middle.

Li Longji introduced: "If you want to eat it steamed, try to fill the steamer as much as possible. All of them are ingots. The space left is large, and the shape of the dumplings doesn't matter."

"Oh~~~" The onlookers suddenly realized that eating dumplings is also learned!


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