Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 327: I've heard the name for a long time

     Bi Gou looked at Li Yi's innocent eyes vigorously, turned around, flipped through the book, and didn't want to talk to Li Yi anymore.

   "Okay, set it up, ready to drill." The drilling platform over there is assembled.

   ‘Boom’, ‘Boom’, ‘Boom’, ‘Boom, Boom’, and the sound of firecrackers mixed with the movement of fireworks.

  ‘Puff! Bi Gou was frightened, and the three books in his hand fell to the ground.

   He felt his ears buzzing.

   After a while, the voice disappeared, and he took Li Yi to help him pick up the book: "What is this?"

   "Normally, digging a well requires a sacrifice first. If the time is too long, some firecrackers will be set off. There is a sense of ritual." Li Yi just covered his ears.

   "This is the fireworks on the 30th and 15th day of the first lunar month in Chang'an?" Bi envisioned what had come from Chang'an.

   said that there are new firecrackers, but they are powerful and beautiful, but they can be used in the military, so someone else needs to watch them when they buy them.

   "Yes." Li Yi gave an affirmative answer.

   "Not to mention that after you bought it, someone had to take care of it. At first, it was Lijiazhuangzi on the east coast of Chang'an City, and later by Yamen...Your name is Li Yi? Your zhuangzi is..."

   "Bashuibian, it's me. My Zhuangzi watched others release it. Do I need to tell other people if I release it myself?" Li Yili was confident.

   "Are you Li Dongzhu?" Bi Gou moved his head forward.

   "Didn't you say, I'm Li Yi from Bashui Village, Chang'an, Lao Bi, you didn't inquire about it when you came?" Li Yi took a step back.

   "The old man understands, look at the situation, the locust plague is very serious, otherwise why would you be asked to go out in person. Do you still need manpower protection here?"

   Bijo’s attitude has changed and he must take the initiative to provide protective measures.

   "No, no one told me to do anything. I came here privately, but I can't use the hands of Henan Mansion."

   Li Yi refused, don't worry about the talents around me, and the guards from outside, I also want to be wary of you.

   "Come on, go back and say, the old man is out for a trip, and I will return tomorrow night." Bi Gou told his people that he would not leave and live today.

   It’s not time for dinner yet, I will go back tomorrow night, and I will stay for twelve hours.

   "Lao Bi, if you want to live, I'm going to copy the book, you can watch and wander around." Li Yi didn't accompany him, and couldn't stop copying the medical book.

   Li Yi left, Bi Gou stood blankly.

   There is a long way from Luoyang to Chang'an, but people from there can always hear the Li proprietor of Bashui Lijiazhuangzi.

   The same good farming tools, methods of filling fertilizer, and finding some kind of stone can be used as fertilizer.

   What other soap, toilet water, watermelon in winter, cucumber...

   But the description of Li Dongzhu is different, what is the height of two feet, the tiger’s eyes are like a lamp, the feet are like auspicious clouds...

   "They must have taken advantage." Bi Gou murmured, referring to the master book and the people from the county government.

   Those people should be able to guess something, but not to mention, the benefits of taking it, and the price of the rented land...

   So I only reported it, and it is estimated that I hope the above will not take it seriously.

   But why didn't they pay attention to it, tens of thousands of chickens, ducks and thousands of pigs suddenly appeared, and 30 boats were hired to protect them.

   "So that's the case, this is the bottom line of the Bashui Li Family Zhuangzi, and the owners have arranged things clearly.

   just settled down in the camp, scout riding all around, and the meals were suddenly different.

   It is rumored that Lijiazhuangzi's logistics ability is superb, and his daily life is like marching.

   This kid, take a bite of an "old bi" with me. He sounds very comfortable, able to do things, and behaves very well.

   Your Majesty, how heavy is the plague of locusts? Makes you send him out, this kid, ha ha! "

   Bi Gou muttered and couldn't help laughing.

  At the same time, he began to pay attention to the locust plague. In his opinion, young people like Li Yi should not be released. It is dangerous.

   knows why he sent out Yulin Feiqi to protect him. The other forbidden troops will consider the consequences when facing local officials.

   Yulin Feiqi didn't have to think about anything, as long as someone harmed Li Yi, he killed him directly.

   "What he said before is correct, the old man can't do anything to him, and he doesn't care about the old man's affairs."

   Bi Gou worked hard to analyze, and his brain made up a lot of things and made everything smooth.

   lowered his head and read three more books, and found that he did not have a feeling when reading it.

   Li Yi on the other side finds a quiet place to sit down and copy the medical books. More people can learn to save more people.

   His perception of Bi Gou is pretty good, mainly because he has special respect for Bi Gou's son, Bi Kang.

   During the Anshi Rebellion, Bi Kang defended the city, also fighting to the last moment, and also took the initiative to attack again and again when others were besieging the city.

   In the end, there were no reinforcements, the city was broken, the whole family was killed, and only two very young sons became slaves.

   Li Yi took the three books he wrote in thin gold and gave them to Bi Kang.

   He believes that he is there and will not give An Lushan and Shi Siming any chance.

   Other people also have no chance, whoever moves will be killed.

  The well was drilled, and Bi Gou looked around. A group of people pushed the horizontal shelf under the direction of the dealer.

   After watching for a moment, Bi Gou shook his head: "Don't you know that the water is easy to get from the foot of the mountain? Even if you are afraid that the two small rivers will dry up, you should choose a place nearby.

   Fan Fan took a few Yulin Fei rides over to watch the excitement. They knew about drilling, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

   Hearing what Bi Gou said, he was not polite, and said directly: "If the mountain is besieged and the enemy has no water, what should I do?"

   "Huh?" Bi Gou was stunned. After a few breaths, he said, "You really are fighting as a marching army?"

   "Otherwise? Li Dongzhu said, as long as you have the conditions, you must not neglect ~ to develop a habit so that you will not suffer a loss in future wars." Fan Fan has completed his education.

   Bi Gou ignored Fan Fan. If you are willing to dig a well on the mountain, you can drill on the mountain, depending on how deep you want to go.

   The people who were hired to do the hard work, one by one, worked hard.

   The dealer next to it was talking.

   "There will be more wells to be drilled soon. You have learned it now, and we will teach you the skills.

  Wait for others to hire someone to drill. The price you want is higher than others, because you understand.

   Now what you are giving is a lot of effort, and what you will reap in the future will be technical benefits.

   What you shed today is sweat, and tomorrow you will get a lot of salary. "

   Bi Gou nodded as soon as he listened. The more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

  The people who work think that it makes sense. Yes, I am studying today, and I still have wages. Why not work hard?

   Bi Gou couldn't understand for a while, shook his head, and went to the forest.

  The older children in the forest are picking mulberries and digging wild vegetables.

   A place where chickens and ducks are kept in captivity, where chickens and ducks drink water and eat grasshoppers.

   The pigs also eat grasshoppers, but they are grasshoppers cooked in a large pot and put some wild vegetables. The pigs eat happily.

   Bi Gou discovered that only three days after Li Yi arrived here, the 800 acres of land connected with mountains and forests gave people a prosperous look.

   Everyone can find what they should do without the slightest panic.

   Those who work, do not see a sad expression on their faces, but are full of expectations for the future.

   Bi Gou admitted that Li Yi's skills are indeed great, the number of employees has exceeded 1,000, and he is still orderly.

   "Therefore, the plague of locusts must be suppressed. Your Majesty must be very longing in the palace." Bi Gou said to himself again.


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