Bringing System to Great Tang

Chapter 330: I'm not afraid of hardship and joblessness

The sound of      interrupted Bi Gou's thoughts, and the drillers cheered.

   The person who just changed to drink the soup is depressed. I knew I would work a little longer and I would be happy when I got out of the water.

   "How do you know that there is water?" Bi Gou didn't understand.

   "That's it, there is always soil underneath, and the weight on the top is pressed down. After rotating, use a round blade file to grind the soil or stone. If the underneath is suddenly empty..."

   Zhuang household tells it in one sentence.

   "The pressure on the top will suddenly fall off, and then get stuck by the support on the bottom." Bi Gou followed, understanding.

   There is either water or an empty place below, but there is a high possibility of water.

   Start to loosen the buckle over there. After loosening, lift the lower pole and round-blade file up, with the help of a hand gourd, if you can’t lift it, put on the small buckle and lift it while rotating.

   Lift up a section of the connecting rod, remove it, and continue to lift the lower connecting rod.

   The speed is not fast, but everyone has smiles on their faces.

   More than half an hour, because the depth is not very deep, the entire pole was taken away.

  Looking at the section below, it is confirmed that there is water from the degree of wetness.

   I fetched the prepared bamboo pipe, and it went smoothly one after another. The process was very slow.

   I have to clean up the collapsed place below.

   "Tomorrow morning, everyone will be able to drink cool water from the well. The well is not deep, a little more than 30 feet, and the soil is still soft. This place of the mountain gathers water."

   The Zhuanghu happily introduced that they have been ready to hit more than ten feet deep for ten to twenty days.

   As a result, the water came out in less than a day and caught up with Chang'an. The water layer was shallow.

   Bi Gou didn't think it was easy when he heard it. Wells more than three feet tall, you don't need to use this method to dig them, but you can't dig them out for half a month.

   "How do I drill when there is a stone below?" Bi envisioned a more difficult place to dig.

   "The used stone file must be heavier on it, the push bar on the shelf must be extended, and the number must be increased, and many people will push it together."

   Zhuanghu said with joy, good luck, save worry and money.

   With so many manpower, not to mention the wages, but also a lot of food.

  The deeper the deeper, the slower. When encountering the stone layer, it takes a long time and doubles the salary to be considered as less.

   Everyone laughed, laughed and laughed, and the people who came to dig the well stopped laughing.

   After the well is drilled and there is water, don’t you have this job?

   The householder saw it, watched his words, and suddenly shouted: "Don't you want to rest, hold a lantern for a while and dig a diversion channel for me, as well as a pond for storing water."

   Hearing that there is still work to be done, the smile returned to the employee's face.

   Bi Gou shook his head, turned and went back to sleep.

   When the scent of the box filled with garlic and eggs wafted in the forest, the sun also showed its head.

   Li Yi was still asleep, but the older Bi Gou got up, packed up and went to see the well.

   The pressure well was assembled in the middle of the night, and now someone is taking turns to press the water.

   The people who dig the canal dig with a pickaxe and a spade, joking with each other, or singing a small tune.

  According to the farmer, you can work for half a month, and when you finish this work, you can start harvesting wheat.

   "Give it a try to the old man." Bi Gou looked at other people's pressure and found it fun, so he took it and took it.

   Pressing down, the water is sucked up and gushes out through the pipe.

   "Sure enough, it's less laborious than a well with a bucket. Put the bucket in front and press a few times to make a bucket to avoid danger at the side of the well."

   Bi Gou quickly discovered the benefits of pressure wells, which are fast and safe.

   The people who came with him finally got the chance to get in front of him: "The proprietor, the small family used to be from Shu people. If the brine wells there are drilled down like this, then use this thing to press, but it will make a lot of money."

   "It's not our turn, the people who figured out the well don't know where to make money?" Bi Gou didn't even think about it.

   "How much can he use as a Zhuangzi? How many wealthy families are there, and there are households."

   Xiaosi tells the fact that Li Yi would be bullied under normal circumstances.

   "If he could not act, he would have been swallowed so that there were no bones left, but he is now protected by Yulin Feiqi." Bi Gou reminded.

   He discovered that Xiao Si was about the same age as Li Yi, so why was the difference so big?

   The same thing, I would never say it when I changed to Li Yi, because I had seen it clearly earlier.

   pressed a few more times, after the addiction, Bi Gou washed his hands, wiped on his body, and went back to call Li Yi.

   Li Yi is the age of a high school student, long body, long sleep time, and sleepy.

   was woken up by Bi Gou, went to the toilet, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and sucked his nose: "Okay, eat the box this morning."

   "What is it?" When Bi Go sat at the table, he saw a box of small roots of garlic and made it by frying.

   "Two sides, put filling in the middle, and then pinch the surrounding circle. The two separate sides are generally round, and the two connected ones are crescent-shaped."

   Li Yi’s “invented” box, let me explain.

   "Can't it be wrapped directly?" Bi Zhihua couldn't understand why it had to be wrapped in two sides, one was wrapped and then pressed to turn into a round cake.

   "Look at the folds around the box that are squeezed out. Does the round look like the sun? The crescent does not want the moon?" Li Yi didn't know, he made up.

   "The round one can also be the moon." Bi Gou was faulty.

   "Lao Bi, you are right. You can wrap it when the moon is full, and half the moon when it is half of the month. If you don't eat the box when there is no moon, it is homesickness."

   Li Yi Congshan is always good, what you say is what you say.

   In fact, he thinks it is idle, why do you want to pinch a box on both sides? The technical requirements are high, just like a bun with eighteen pleats.

  Why do clothes need to be embroidered, beautiful and ingenious.

Of course, it is the Chinese people's mind that made Chinese cuisine famous all over the Bi thought about it: "It makes sense. I didn't expect this small piece of garlic to taste like this, but it is not very spicy. "

  "The farmer told me that there were some children here yesterday afternoon, and only children over ten years old can come to pick mulberries.

   As soon as I look at dolls that are six or seven years old, especially female dolls, I have to say that I am ten years old.

  The farmer asked them to dig a small garlic with a small bladeless blunt knife, and gave them money and food. "

   Li Yi talked about the situation.

   "Didn't I tell you?" Bi Gou suddenly asked.

   "I said when I was just washing." Li Yi picked up a small raw garlic.

   This is cleaned and pickled in salt. It is eaten as a pickle, and it has the spicy flavor of small roots of garlic and a bit of earthy smell.

   Bi Gou shook his head: "It's not good for the dealer to be the master in private."

   "Lao Bi, do you send a document to Chang'anli before you do anything in Henan Prefecture? Wait until your majesty agrees to do it?"

   Li Yi asked a question.

   "How can it be the same, old man... old man... old man asks you, are there many locusts when harvesting the wheat?" Bi Gou looked serious.

   "Old Bi, you are a big shift in the world. The summer harvest is not a big loss, and the autumn harvest is cold. Normally, it is 30% to 40% less than in previous years.

   Then a lot of locust eggs have already been laid. By next year, there will not be a catty of wheat in the eastern part of the Taihang Mountains that can be supplied to Chang'an. "

   Li Yi explained the general situation he had learned.

   "Natural disaster." Bi Gou closed his eyes.

   "Don't be old, God is doing evil, especially against it. The most feared is man-made calamity, self-inflicted, no accident." Li Yicai did not admit any natural disasters.

  This year's disaster relief in Henan Province is not good, and you will be responsible for it.


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